
The Banana incident!

It had been a long and hot summer. They say it's ninety nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. All he could do was perspire due this heat but no work to attribute to it. Everyone came to this city with dreams to accomplish but not everyone could find that one percent inspiration. For a supposed lyricist and composer, Logan had been able to find that one percent inspiration at times. He had a bunch of songs and advertisements to his credit. None of his songs were brought to light while some of his advertisements were bit known nothing special yet no one knew him. His boss took all the credit to his work and gave him a meagre salary.

Recently he had been having a bit of a dry spell. It had been 3 months since he had last done something creative. His deadline was approaching. He worked at a small entertainment company who treated him like a speck of waste. He had no contacts, no money, no looks.. He had been an orphan since he remembered who grew up in a orphanage who dreamt of making it big with his talent just like in the stories. But reality was cruel.

You need all three to be successful even if you were talented in the entertainment world. Money. Contacts. Looks. He often wondered who his father was to have been born so ugly. Not that he blamed him. He just craved familial love. He always wanted to be a singer, an actor, a star. But his looks and vocals had crushed him.

All he could do now was compose and write which was not going well ever since he found out his girlfriend had been having an affair with his bestfriend. All three had been together since their time at the orphanage. He still hadn't confronted them about this. Though he knew that what he saw from the window of his lousy house was true he just couldn't accept it. He was in denial. Thus he hadn't been able to write due to being distracted all the time.

It was 5 in the evening. He was walking home when he saw it. An old lady crossing the road whose hearing aid had fallen from her ears was going to hit by a van whose driver was speaking on his mobile phone. Logan moved fast and pushed the lady out of the harms way by tackling her. The driver stopped a few meters away, came out from his car and started apologising profusely.

Logan said, " It's fine. Just don't speak on the phone and drive next time". And as he was starting to move his foot fell on a banana peel, he slipped and fell on the curb of the sidewalk and everything went black..

Logan could hear the ambulance siren and the paramedical working on him.

" 27 year old male, unconscious with a fall on the back of his head with profuse bleeding. Minimal reaction in both the pupils".


" We are losing him. Charge to 120. Clear... Charge to 240. Clear."

So this is how I die. Even my death is pathetic. To be killed by banana peel Logan thought. May be this is for the best. No responsibilities anymore, no commitments, no crappy relationships..

All he could see was darkness.. After an unknown amount of time which felt like eternity to Logan he started to hear a beeping sound. The sound was rhythmic. He quickly understood he was in a hospital and the beeping sounds came from the hospital monitors.

Did I survive?? Where the hell am I?? What the hell? Am I in a coma? Who the hell is gonna pay the bills?