the difference between the two is combat types, due to the destructive power, a weaver might be frailer than a forger but with more adequate protection of spells or a wall of an outpost or a city, their destructive means of power far exceeded that of their forger counterparts
Kuro's and Yuka's father was a level two frogger almost level three, but an ambush happened with their hunting party, he sacrifice himself to save them, and how did they repay us by leaving us to die and fend for ourselves
giving their mother a hard time raising their two children in the wild, really symptoms of heroism, and hypocrisy, and Yuka's only 4 months old at that time, with great anger washing over them, he(Kuro) forced himself to erase most of his memories of his father, by sheer force of will
The next morning, Kuro woke up to the sound of his sister sniffling and crying softly
"Yuka?" he whispered "Are you okay, what is it?"
he then hugged the little girl and she hugged him back as she continued to sniffle "I'm hungry"
he felt those words cut him through, true they were used to hunger, true they can go a full day without any food, but this is just too much, too much for a four-year-old girl to experience when she should be inside a warm house rather than a cold cave for shelter, a warm meal instead of being starved
he hugged her tighter, and he then picked her up, with determination in knowing what to do as down on the bottom left of his vision
'[00:00:00] construction complete' as I then felt a connection inside of me from the structure to me, that I can't explain
"let's go" he whispered to her as she leaned over to his chest on his arms
while carrying her on his right arm, he held the revolver in his left
they both left the cavern and went to the place where he installed the Command Center
a 5 stories tall turtle shell-like structure greeted them, with its four legs on the ground, and futuristic outlook similar build to that of the StarCraftII command center
as he approached the structure, it suddenly hiss making him stop at his spot and Yuka flinched, confused until a clanking sound of an airlock opened as its metal hanger bay door then descended to meet them with yellow lights swirling
Chapter 5 Part 2 End
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