
Starbound Intimacies

Young student Joss has no libido, he never has had one. That all changes when he meets an out of this world girl called Xyrae whose erotic advances on him cause a sudden change in his reaction towards members of the opposite sex.

ProdDiscombobl · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

(Chapter 4) Unseen Threats

Knowing of Joss' nature to be a nerd should also enable you to realise that like most nerds, the subject of Physical Education was deeply disliked by him. It wasn't the idea of exercise that peeved him, in fact Joss enjoyed a good stroll in the park on the weekend, it was more the nature of 'sports' that he disliked. It was often said by Joss that sports was "forcing yourself into immense physical agony, for a prolonged period of time, to reach the goal of a healthy body faster…" Something which he believed could be just as easily attained through the diligence of slow steady constitutionals and a healthy diet. 

The teacher who taught P.E. (Mr. Tunde) was foul. He was a perverse hulking imbecile, whose greatest hobby (beyond tormenting the students during his lessons) was sneaking into the girls changing room while they were showering ,after lesson, and stealing their panties. Then again sneaking would not be the best way to describe what he did. If it wasn't for the showers drowning out his lumbering and fumbling, he would have been found out, and fired long ago. He often wore the same grey sweat stained t-shirt for days at a time, saying that it's "a waste of water to wash something that's just gonna get dirty again tomorrow". Other than his clothing, he was a quite well groomed man, he was clean shaven, his skin was relatively clear and his hair was perfectly cut into a flat top. 

"Move it you wrinkly rotworms!" Mr. Tunde yelled at his male students, narrowly avoiding swearing as he watched them run round the track "I've watched a brick run faster than you lot, and it don't even have any legs!" he chuckled a cruel laugh "as for you lovely ladies you're doing just fine…" he said as he watched them perform the stretches he had them doing. "Mr. Tunde This does not seem fair to our male compatriots" Xyrae said

"And who might you be darlin to question my teaching" the teacher was not pleased that she had stopped stretching right before moving onto bending over

"I am Xyrae. We have been stretching for a very long time, I would like to join the males now"

"Would you now?" He got close to her "you can stop stretching when I say, understood…"

"The males did not have to stretch for as long as us"

"That's because the 'males' are weak little string beans" he pointed to Joss who was red in the face and sweating profusely "look at that reedy thing, he couldn't even withstand a strong wind" 

Xyrae tried to maintain her composure "I happen to be very fond of 'that reedy thing'. He is very intelligent and has enough strength of mind to beat us all, if given the time" 

Mr. Tunde Spat on the ground "you fancy him dontcha. Think he could please you? Look at him hes nothing…" his face changed immediately after saying this and he clutched his crotch and screamed with tears in his eyes. No one really knew what happened, because no one could have seen Xyrae kick him in the balls at such high velocity. "I dislike you. Do not insult my boyfriend again or I will eradicate you" she proceeded to run off at high speed to meet Joss on the running track. 

After catching up to Joss, she had him stop and rest under a nearby tree, even going as far as to insist that he lie down in her lap. "I-I can't lie in your lap…" 

"Why not?" 

"Because it'll look like we are dating… N-not to say that we aren't dating… it's just that…" Xyrae proceeded to push his head down onto her thighs 

"You are a silly human, you need rest and the ground is uncomfortable" the moment he landed on her every muscle in his body relaxed, he was so tired. He could smell her. She smelled like fresh blackberries and morning dew on freshly cut grass, like a peaceful autumn morning. It was so relaxing he could almost fall asleep. His eyes began to droop and just before he dropped off he thought he spotted someone behind the equipment shed. A woman with a strange gun aimed at him, but when he blinked she was gone. A sudden jolt went through his body pulling him out of his relaxed state for a moment. For some reason 'little Joss' had decided to have a mind of his own, though he did not notice until Xyrae mentioned it. "Joss are you aroused by me at the moment ?" She asked him 

"U-um why do you ask?" 

"You're penis is saying that you wish to reproduce with me"

"No it isn't I would have…" he looked down and realised that she was correct "IM SO SORRY!" He exclaimed "I swear that this sort of random things doesn't happen normally"

"Do not be sorry, it pleases me to know that you enjoy me" she smiled

"Yeah but this isn't normal, I don't know how to deal with this" 

"You need not worry, Madam Lirixa has taught me the method by which she pleasured you. I will use it to deal with this issue"

"NO… no that's not necessary, it should subside in a few minutes" Xyraes face dropped and her eyes welled up "but you allowed Madam Lirixa to pleasure you, why can't I" 

"What Madam Lirixa did was not up to me…" he looked at her face, she was doing the alien equivalent of puppy dog eyes. He tried to hold out for as long as he could but she looked so cute and sad and… "fine…" 

"Yay" her face changed immediately and she dragged him by his hand across the field, while he tried to hide his erection as best he could. "Where do you two think you are going?" A voice called to them from behind. It was Mr. Mathis. After Xyrae had kicked Mr. Tunde in his testicles he had been unable to walk properly and was sent to the nurses office (god only knows what Madam Lirixa was going to do to him while he was there) and Mr. Mathis had taken over the lesson. "Joss has injured himself" Joss smiled dryly at his teacher "he fell on his private appendage. I am taking him to see Mad- I mean Nurse Lirixa" Mr. Mathis walked up to Joss, put his hand on his shoulder and looked him straight in his eyes "I'm so sorry, you feel the pain that only us men know…" then he wandered back to the other students.

They didn't go to the nurses office to begin with of course. Instead they went to the shower room for a modicum of privacy. "Perhaps we shouldn't do this actually…" Joss was nervous again 

"It is fine" she gently nudged his bulge which sent him straight to the floor writhing in a mixture of pleasure and for some reason immense pain. "AHH" he screamed clutching his crotch causing even more unbearable discomfort. "What is wrong?" Xyrae asked 

"I don't know, it hurts! It hurts really bad!" He screamed again and winced. Her touching his dick had caused a chain reaction that caused him to be in excessive distress. "Take me to the nurses office… NOW!"

Xyrae carried Joss from the shower to the nurse's office, passing a terrified, ruffled looking Mr. Tunde on the way. When they got there Lirixa started on one of her filthy quips before noting Joss' condition. "Sit him down here" she gestured to the bed " I need to examine him" she pulled out a strange device that looked similar to an otoscope except with a large screen on the back. "Strip him down to his underwear…" Lirixa ordered Xyrae

"Madam now is not the time for your sexual advances on my boyfriend" Xyrae scolded. Joss screamed in agony and Lirixa looked at Xyrae in a way that said she was not playing. Joss was quickly and carefully stripped down to his pants. Lirixa turned the device on and it shot a ray of purple light that showed off Joss' internals as it scanned up and down the length of him sedating him at the same time. Lirixa's face was grim "He has been exposed to a neuron inhibitor ray"

"What is that?" Xyrae asked 

"It is a weapon that is designed to stop certain behaviours in intelligent beings, namely the battle instinct in Lapatuskis. The weapons were deemed as unethical as they would often leave the enemy in a state of depression, causing them to be quickly and easily dispatched without any fight. This particular ray was modified to affect humans specifically the part of the brain that causes arousal. Whoever modified the weapon didn't account for the energy that is fired by the ray to be dangerous to humans and the fact that its original targets are hermaphrodites. The weapon obviously didn't work due to this same incompatibility and caused a massive mutation in his blood cells. This is very painful and could result in him losing his life." Xyrae was distraught. She looked down at Joss who was now quietly resting. 

"Can nothing be done?" 

"I do not know. I may be able to kill the mutated cells before they spread but I must act quickly"

"Do what you must" 

"It is not entirely legal under law of the Empress" 

"What do you mean?" 

Lirixa pulled out a vial of liquid which was chained by its cap around her neck. The vial was small and almost crystalline in nature marked with an unusual symbol etched into it. Xyraes face went pale "where did you get that?!"

"Your majesty you forget that I was stationed on the front lines as a surgeon during the war"

"But that's…"

"Yes, it is Inadrius spawn fluid, it will kill the mutation in him but it will also…" Xyrae didn't need to hear the last bit. She knew of the Inadrius…

"Do it, the mission requires it" 

Some of the fluid was tipped from the vial into Joss' mouth and as it slithered down his throat, his sleep turned to dreams of stars and planets far beyond the furthest reaches of known space.