
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Ciudad
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36 Chs

New Talents(2)

Ronan obtained the three talents, which are all passive. His sense of smell and hearing improved, and he could hear and smell everything within a hundred meters.

In a hundred meters, he can see everything. Ronan detected a variety of scents and sounds. He can easily discover and observe them.

By absorbing the wolf, he gained a tiny amount of strength. He returned to the original location and devoured the remaining wolves.

He then strolled over to the second group of wolves on the other side. But, to his surprise, the pack bolted as soon as they saw him. But Ronan wouldn't let them leave and pursued and killed them.

He knew why wolves fled when they spotted him after devouring the wolves. Ronan's lips curved up when he saw the ability.

[Congratulations on acquiring the talent of danger perception.]

[Danger perception(D): You can detect danger within 100 meters.]

They fled as soon as they noticed Ronan because the leader wolf had this ability.

"With this gift, the level of safety was raised by one level."

After that, Ronan hunted several wolves but received no talent. He also gained fewer attributes over time. Ronan left the dungeon and returned home in the evening.


"How was your hunt, young master?"

"Not bad."

"Master, the Li family engaged in the University canteen deal."

"Gave it to them; after all, it is my father-in-law's family."

"All right, master."

"How was the progress of the university?"

"30% of the work has been completed, and the remaining work will be completed in two months."

"Have you completed all of the contracts related to the university"

"Yes, master."

"I gave the contract to Mu Family for medical and pill materials, while Twilight Pavilion took on the responsibility for beast resources. The Li Family will take over the canteen contract."

"I have already dispatched some of our shadow guards to gain martial techniques, and over the years I have accumulated techniques that will increase the library."

"For teachers, I have some military members and some buddies."


"Have you received exam details from the government, Ethan?"

"Yes, master."

"This time, they divided the exam into three sections."

"First, there will be one theory exam."

"The second beast is hunting in the secret realms."

"The third is a combat between cadets."

"It's not like the previous exam."

Until now, the exam was administered in two modes: theoretical and talent testing. But this time was completely different. Students who pass the second part are considered potential students.

Ethan thoroughly explained all of the exam details, and there was also a big prize for first place.

Ronan had never been intrigued in the first place. Getting first place is a piece of cake with his strength.

"Oh, Ethan, I'm heading to Sky Mist Forest tomorrow."

"Young master, Forest is a dangerous place. I'll accompany you."

"What are you worried about, Ethan?"

"You have already given me jade as protection."

Ethan was not convinced and attempted to persuade him.

"It appears you don't believe unless I demonstrate true strength."

"How about we spar?"

"All right, young master."

They entered the training arena, which was closer to his residence. Ethan built this arena for Ronan's battles a long time ago.

"Seal your strength to five-star disciple, Ethan."

"Are you sure, master?"

Ronan nodded.

Ethan secured his strength as a five-star disciple.

"I'm coming."

Ronan rushed up to Ethan's side and punched him out. Ethan also accepted it with his hands, but his face changed afterward.

'What a powerful force."

Ethan evaded the blow as Ronan raised his leg and kicked Ethan's abdomen. Ronan rapidly used the fire techniques.

"Fire fist."

The temperature in the room rose several degrees. Ethan was taken aback by Ronan's punch, but quickly recovered and evaded it.

"Master, how did you use star force?"

"Didn't tell you, I'd show you true strength."

"Come on."

Ronan began striking Ethan swiftly, and Ethan always avoided Ronan's attacks. Ronan's attacks also landed on Ethan multiple times, but he always avoided them.

"fuck...I used all of my star force in my body."

"Do you trust me, Ethan, that I have the strength to go forest?"


"Haa...I'm completely exhausted."

"Young master, how do you use star force?"

"Oh, have I not awoken the fire-type body?"

"As a result, I can use the star force."

Ethan nodded, took a piece of brown paper, and handed it to him.

"Master, this was a map made after exploration by the mist forest's shadow guards."

Ronan took the map and looked it over briefly. It didn't have everything, but it did mark risky areas.

"Thank you, Ethan."

"If you require anything, just inform me, master, and I will prepare it."


Ronan walked into the forest the next day after leaving the city. There was already a variety of weaponry in the storage area. More significantly, Ethan presented him with a high-tech watch that stored information on the beasts that humans have known all along. If necessary, it can send Ethan real-time whereabouts.

This world grew similarly to Ronan's previous planet, however, it was in the period of cold weapons. Even though modern technology was produced, it was not advanced.

"Where should I go now?"

The forest's outskirts are a haven for creatures of intermediate rank. If you walk deeper into the forest, you may encounter a 1-star-level beast. Ronan was not interested in these animals; instead, he intended to put his strength to the test with 1-star animals.

"This is the perfect spot to put my strength to the test."

The area Ronan walked through is Rhino territory. In this world, rhinoceros might grow to be 2 to 2.5 meters tall. They are mostly gifted in earth elements. These animals are territorial, and when confronted with an enemy, they will act in groups.

Ronan immediately traveled to the Rhino region, where he encountered some animals, although they were poor in strength. He smashed them and stored them in his backup. He eventually came to a herd of rhinos.

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