
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Ciudad
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36 Chs

New Talents(1)

[Absorbing special energy....]

[Generating...talent that matches it....]

[A talent is generated...An attribute checker is generated...]

[Attribute checker: By touching, you can verify the details of others.]

[Note: This talent can be evolved by absorbing orbs.]

"Attribute checker."

Ronan mumbled as he scanned the details.

"So, to learn more about other's attributes, I must touch them."

"It can level up by absorbing orbs."

"Excellent talent."

"It looks like I must direct Ethan to acquire more orbs."

Ronan is aware that there are several skills related to the Eyes, but there was no talent that could check other details until today.

More importantly, he can improve this skill by swallowing orbs. But the difficulty was that orbs were rare and difficult to obtain.

Ronan focused his attention on the fire techniques he possessed. He had a lot of fire techniques in his system library, and he was going to learn some of them.

Although he may completely demonstrate his fire skill, it will quickly drain the star force in his body. Therefore, he won't be learning advanced ones.

He learned fireball, blazing fist, fire breath, and other techniques in two days. He can impersonate a Star disciple using these skills.

"Master, I obtained ten orbs."

"Thank you, Ethan."

"Master, why do you require this item?"

"These items are useful to me."

He took the box, and his fingertips lightly touched Ethan's hands. Ronan was standing in that spot in a daze.

"Young Master, are you all right?"

Ethan inquired of Ranan.

"Fine, Ethan."

"All right, Young Master."

He took a deep breath as he carried the package to his room. He saw Ethan's information when he touched Ethan's hands, which is why he waited so long to react. He remembered Ethan's information.

[Name: Elvin (fake name: Ethan).

cultivation: unknown

Talent: wind and frost.

Loyalty: 100]

Ronan was taken aback by Ethan's name. He initially felt he wasn't Ethan, but after seeing his loyalty, he realized he was.

He is unaware of Ethan's true name and has no idea as to why Ethan wants to conceal it. Ronan does not ask these questions, because he believes Ethan is trustworthy and loves him.

"System, what is the limitation of Attribute checker."

[This talent can only see details up to master level and is useless above that.]

[You must improve your talent.]

Ronan nodded, took all of the orbs from the box, and began swallowing them. After a while, everything becomes a heap of debris. His talent has also improved, and he can now learn details up to the grand master simply by touching them.

"I'm going to start exploring dungeons tomorrow. But first, I need to persuade Li Yan not to accompany me."

"Young Master, Are you sure you want to go alone?"

"Yes, Ethan. You are also aware of my strength. There is no danger in this dungeon for me."

"I'm more concerned about humans than monsters."

"You have no understanding of human nature."

"Anyway, take this jade with you; it can shield against general-level strikes."

"If you are attacked, I will know through this jade."

"All right, give it to me."

Ronan did not refuse Ethan and accepted it.

"Take care, young master."


It took him a day to persuade Li Yan of his dungeon-hunting plans. She advised him on several safeguards.

"Finally, after a long time, here I am."

He just hunted rabbits and slimes the last time. He obtained several abilities by devouring them.

He stared at a herd of wild boars. There are approximately seven. Wild boars are abundant in dungeons, and the majority of them have low to mid-level strength.


The wild boars were eating when they heard a human voice and saw a flame. Before they could respond, they were engulfed in flames and burned to death.

"What a delicious aroma."

The wonderful fragrance of the burnt wild boar was detected by Ronan. He strolled over to them, one by one, activating his talent.





[Congratulations on acquiring the talent Rage]

[Rage(F): This talent increases your strength by 5%]

Ronan was taken aback by this talent. Although it was only an F-level talent, activating it increased his strength by 5% and caused certain changes in his strength.

Ronan walked away from the area and looked for wild boars. He eventually tracked them down and killed them. This went on for three hours, and he caught seventy boars.

Even though he did not have the opportunity to improve his talent, he did receive a boost in his attributes.

He was surrounded by wolves in a pack after leaving that place. There was a wolf around 3 meters tall in that group who appeared to be the leader.

The leader appears to be at an advanced level, while the rest appear to be at a low to mid-level.


All of the wolves turned to face Ronan with ominous eyes and began attacking him. The first wolf went for his neck, which was a critical area for humans.

Most animals will first attack the enemy's neck to paralyze them. Today, though, the wolves encountered a predator rather than their prey.

Ronan did not avoid the strike, instead slamming his fist into the wolf's abdomen, which was still air. His attack shattered the wolf, turning it into a heap of flesh.

His onslaught did not frighten the wolves, but they began attacking in a pack, except the leader wolf.

Ronan also began attacking solely with his physical power, without the use of any skills. After a while, he had slain practically all of the wolves.

The larger wolf checked the situation, howled, and fled. The leader's wolf behaviors surprised Ronan.

"Did I frighten him too much?"

The leader wolf knows it can't even scratch Ronan. All this time when they hunted humans, the humans used some of the techniques, but Ronan didn't. It is aware that it kicked an iron plate this time.

"Fire arrow."

Behind the wolf, a voice sounded that sounded like the Grim Reaper. It became immobile when it felt a piercing ache in its legs.

Ronan approached him and smashed his palm on its skull. The wolf's head had been shattered into fragments.



[Congratulations on acquiring the talent Odor Detection(D)]

[Congratulations for obtaining Talent Vision(D)]

[Congratulations on acquiring talent Auditory sense(D)]


Odor detection: talent that enhances the sense of smell

Vision: talent that enhances eyesight.

Auditory sense: talent that enhances the perception of sound.

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