
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · Ciudad
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36 Chs

First layer of Twilight Body Forging Technique.

Axel studied the Twilight Body forging process. He made this after examining his body layer by layer. This method is similarly broken into seven parts. The first step is to cleanse the body, which removes all waste and builds it for cultivation. The remaining parts refine various body sections.

Axel crossed his legs and began cultivating the first payer. Axel takes slow breaths from time to time. Star force and Yang qi began to circulate gently through the Axel's veins. Axel used star force to collect all the dregs and little waste in the body and then burned them with Yang qi. Yang qi has the same effects as fire, and Axel possesses fire talent.

Axel's body becomes extremely hot, and sweat gradually flows down his body. Axel had been surviving on nutrition solutions up until now. He had no idea how much dregs had gathered in his body. Axel occasionally exhales black air from his mouth.

'Fuck, I didn't expect this to hurt this much. I need to concentrate to clean every part of my body.

Axel has no idea how much time has gone. Starting with the veins, he cleansed all parts of the body, including the bones, veins, blood, skin, muscles, and organs. Axel was also in severe pain during this time.

When Axel opened his eyes, he saw nothing but blackness.

"What happened, it's already dark."

Axel stopped breathing while also smelling something awful. Axel attempted to cover his nose with his hands, but they remained still. Axel panicked and broke away from the darkness and saw light.

Axel took a deep breath and looked around at his seat. He noticed black masses that had been dried out by the sun. Axel was perplexed as he glanced at them.

"This is the waste that has accumulated in my body over the years."

He felt slightly cold and looked down at his nude body. His clothes had already been ruined. He dashed downstairs to his room.

Ethan noticed Axel running downstairs while unclothed. He was also taken aback.

"What's happening?"

Ethan climbed to the roof and examined the foul-smelling black mass. Ethan tolerated the odor and observed them.

"These are body waste...only advanced star martial can do it with drugs."

"Did young master do it?"

"The young master stated that he had created different techniques. Is this related?"

"What kind of technique is this, and how does it eliminate waste in the body?"

Ethan was astounded as well but quickly regained his calm.

"It doesn't matter what technique he uses as long as he cultivates."

When Ethan waved his hand, all the black material vanished into thin air. When that was done, he went downstairs. He went to the kitchen to start dinner after hearing water sounds coming from Axel's bathroom. It was already getting dark.


Axel gazed in the mirror and began to strike various stances. His body was extremely robust and brimming with life. He was pleased with himself as he gazed at his dragon. He tightened his hand, and his attack force ranged from 900 to 1000 pounds.

"I'm not sure how much strength will be gained if all layers are cultivated."

"More significantly, I'll have a solid base for cultivation."

"I need additional materials to practice the second layer."

Axel hastily bathed and dashed into a battle arena with instruments to evaluate his strength. His villa is set on 20 acres of land and has three floors with varied gardens. After entering the area, Axel looked over the punching machine and several devices.

Axel clenched his fist and hit the machine as hard as he could. The machine recorded 910 pounds.

"My strength is almost that of a low-level star trainee."

Axel carried out agility, defensive, and endurance tests. Axel examined the data and was astounded to discover that all of his test results were practically Low-level Star trainees.

"I didn't expect the first level to make such a big effect."

"Uncle Ethan, could you spar with me?"

Axel asked Ethan who had entered the fighting area.

"Young master, it's already late, why don't we spar tomorrow?"


"Young master, do you use martial arts or basic boxing?"

"Let's start with the basics."

Axel has never learned any fighting methods in this life, although he was a fighting master in his previous life. He had mastered all fighting tactics.

Ace threw a fist at Ethan, who merely took it. Ethan is likewise taken aback by the strength emanating from Axel's fist. Without waiting for more, Axel kicked Ethan in the stomach with his leg. Axel used a variety of combat techniques against Ethan. Ethan merely defended them. Axel was panting heavily and gasping for air.

"Did you, young master, breakthrough low-level trainee?"

"No, I simply crossed the threshold." "How is my strength?"

"Young master, despite your different combat skills, you haven't been able to control your strength."

"You will be able to control your strength if you practice martial arts."

Axel paid close attention to Ethan's feedback. Ethan may appear to outsiders to be an ordinary man. Axel is well aware that Ethan is an expert. He may have reached the grandmaster level.

Ace spent the next few days practicing various martial arts. His body absorbs Starforce cleanly by eating Star Beast. Previously, his body could only absorb 10 to 20% of the star force in star beast meat. However, by cleansing his body, he was able to absorb 60 to 70% more. It was already fairly high in comparison to others.

In the training area, Axel fully assaults Ethan, and if you look closely, you can see the faint shape of a tiger. Axel uses the Tiger roaring fist martial style. This method concentrates all of one's strength in the fist. While working with Axel, Ethan also reduced his strength to that of a low-level star trainee.

When Ethan attacked Axel, he changed his martial method. His movements have grown unpredictable. A snake-crushing fist is a martial technique. This martial method makes the body more flexible, resulting in surprising assaults. Axel's strength grew significantly as well.

Someone rang the doorbell while they were practicing. Ethan spoke while looking at their smartwatch.

"Young master, the materials you requested have arrived."

"It has already been delivered."


Note: Sun force is changed to Yang Qi.

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