
Star Wars: We are Legion

following the story of a star wars fan transmigrated with wishes

Tristan175 · Cómic
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2 Chs


I arrived in darkness.. And a character customization screen…

Slowly, i created my character, till it looked like the older version of sasuke uchiha… and finally my bodies talents… and abilities…

Since there was no limit i got everything, from force abilities, to godly bone structure, to massive PP, to even regeneration, everything. then...

I awakened on a rather uncomfortable chair… no a throne…

Opening my eyes… i saw guardians from the destiny universe standing in a single file side by side on each side of the chair…

They were a mixture of human, exo, and awoken… but mostly exo all of them had three different weapons on their bodies…

A heavy weapon, a heavy machine gun, a pistol, and finally an automatic light rifle…

Of there was one weapon i didnt notice, and that was a light saber at their waist… so they had four weapons….

In other words they were armted to the freaking teeth!

They were all stylish as well��� all of them wore black cloaks that covered their bodies… a few of them wore heavy armor… and had a cloak draped over it… hiding their heads or facial expressions…

These… were… my guardians….

A slight smile formed across my face…

As a result… when they saw me awaken, a few geth stealth snipers that were sticking onto the ceiling, saluted me, by placing a hand where their heart would be, along with my guardians…

[ system uploading… 20% 40% 60% 100% ]


[ Greetings host… i am the Star Wars System SWS…. you can bestow a name for me if you would like. ]

I nodded… i shall name you, sebas.

[ Sebas… uploading… bzzt ]

It took a moment for it to program itself then…

[ uploaded… you may refer to me as sebas… sir… if you have any questions please… ask away. ]

Sebas turned into a starkly different compared to the monotone voice, it was now one of a butler ready to serve.

Whats the state of the current planet and fleet?

[ Geth Replicators and buildings have been built across the entire planet… along with multiple starports in orbit, on the planet, along with various facilities and houses for your guardians… along with weapon, ship, mining, production buildings… of all kinds… your planet is entirely self sustaining… and is a wealth of technology, known as an apex of military power. ]

It stopped here, waiting for me to absorb the information… then it continued…

[ the world is teeming with Geth and Guardians, ready to fight at your command… approximately, 500 Geth Dreadnaughts, and 1500 Geth Fighters along with 750 geth cruisers are ready to command… along with a Super Dreadnaught Flagship for this part of your navy… and another is currently being built. ]

Inwardly, a massive smile formed across my face… this was a fleet! Not to mention it was likely much more advanced then the original stars ships…

At any rate…

[ 12 executioner-class star dreadnaughts are currently ready for combat… fully decked out with fighters, and guardians are standing by for your command. ]

Huh? I only asked for 6…. Guess he gave me double what i asked for!

I was more then happy… but then again i had a grueling and treacherous war ahead of me, with the swarm, and possibly the necromorphs… massive bugs… etc…

Now what about the starter package?

[ 1 million SP ]

So he simply gave me money? Fair enough…

Getting up, i decided to explore my castle…

And as i did so… my guardians fell into line behind me, and two were in front of me…

Matching my every step and movement… if i went left, they went left, if i went right, they went right… they didnt even look behind them, as i walked…

The castle was massive, and it was littered with geth snipers, geth primes, and troops…

All of them silently clicking and gurgling as they communicated… to make sure everything was secure���

Oh yeah… and apparently my geth troops were virtually endless as long as i had recourses… witch the dreadnaughts were also mining vessels, i also space stations littered through out my little end of space, around my planet, mining dead worlds, and asteroid fields…

As such i had no worry about my troops…

And finally… my guardians were in the 100s of thousands… stopping at the 500,000 mark.

This was good, too good… all of them would naturally be equipped to the teeth, having the power of the 'light' and the force…


Is all i cant say… since they mother freaking guardians!

Physically strong, wielding powerful abilities and training…

Anyway… as i was finished exploring the little castle of mine… i decided to have a look at the store…

Sebas… show me the store

[ summons, equipment, ships, roulette, etc ]

Immediately i clicked on summons…

[ Nova 5,000 SP, Ghost 1,000 SP, Padawon 500 SP, Jedi 1000 SP, Jedi Knight 1,500, Jedi Master 2,000 SP ]

Without waiting, i immediately bought…

500 Padawons… 500 Jedi Masters and 500 Jedi StarFighters… along with nova, and 1000 Ghosts.

Then i bought… 100 Spartens… including the chief… yes… JOHN along with cortana… align with the accommodating equipment for them, and building, and scientist…

And finally with the rest of credits, i brought DREADNAUGHTS not just any dreadnaughts… but thee dreadnaughts…. From the covenant, with accommodating troops and elites…

They would be incredibly handy in the future…

My credits roughly amounted to, after everything was said and done… to a measly 10k deciding to save the 10k should i need it…

I finally looked at the dreadnaughts, i bought and the forces it amounted to, this also included of course a few scarabs… i could only get a around 15 fully equipped dreadnaughts…. Of course i also bought a human ship… for the spartans�� only a mere frigate, but i got the fastest one… fully equipped with everything it needed…

After everything was done…

I looked at the forces in front of me…

John and his spartans were incredibly tall… and massive… no doubt they would prove to be incredibly useful in the future… as they turned the tide of the war against even the covenant! I had 100 of them in front of me!

While my guardians were arguably better then the spartans it was still cool!

Two of the most important people stood in front of me…

John with his green armor, and his battle rifle in hand, and his two other weapons such as a pistol, magnum, and finally an assault rifle…

They saluted me respectively in a different manner… with my 12 guardians standing around me…. They looked around with curiosity… specially as the covenant ships and human ship were working together….

"Commander." x2

I nodded to them… and looked at nova for a while, she was incredibly hot, with her blond hair, and finely crafted facial structure, and body… i couldnt help buit admire her, her face grew slightly bashful as she looked at me…


It was more of a teasing question, by her voice alone, but i quickly broke out of my trance…

… and then the system informed me… [ Mission: inform the republic of the impending threat]