
Star Wars The old republic: A New Order

The Force guides two strangers together One unsure of what path she should take Light or Dark. The other follows his own Creedance. I am neither Light nor Dark I'm just me.

Thomas_Hodge · Derivados de juegos
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1 Chs

A new beginning

" I feel it master, like you said I one day would. I feel the pull of the force guiding me somewhere, to a planet. Dromund Kaas, I believe that is the home world of the Sith. I will take care of myself, I promise to uphold the teachings you gave me, and to follow my own path in this galaxy. Thank you for everything master. I know one day we will meet again when the force allows. Until then goodbye." Sodam Yat prayed to the grave of his old master and friend. Sodam got up from the grave walked over to his belongs: His force imbued katana, a satchel of credits the two had, stocked up on from pirates over the years, and a small bag of food.

" I'm heading out now." I took my last look at my master's grave before finally leaving. Rishi, such a beautiful planet it saddens me to finally say goodbye to it.

Sodam walked until he arrived in raiders cove a small-town teeming with multiple bands of pirates and other hooligans. He wandered through the cove until he found a transport ship heading for Dromund Kaas and boarded it. The flight was a long and arduous one. Sodam passed the time meditating. His presence unknown to those on the ship, but not unknown to those more in tuned withe force.


" Hm? This is strange there is an anomaly in the force. An unknown. This could be troublesome. I must focus my attention on this matter. The fleet will have to wait." Valkorion stated as he sat on his thrown.

" Is there something wrong father?" One of the sons Thexan asked

" Thexan I believe it is time for your sister to come home. Go fetch her and bring her to me." Valkorion ordered.

" It will be done father." Thexan said with a bow before leaving the throne room.


" What is it Satele?" Orgus din asked as he caught the grandmaster.

" Orgus, I sensed something. A shift in the force. It feels as if something that didn't exist suddenly does. No more like something that was lost has suddenly returned. But this feeling it's neither the light nor the dark side. It feels different. Something new entirely." Satele explained. " We must keep an eye out for this anomaly."

Back to Sodam.

" Am I here already it's only been a few weeks. I guess I was in deeper meditation than I thought. And the security on this ship sucks, I haven't even been trying to hide my presence. Now then I need to find where the force is pulling me." Sodam said as he stepped off the ship he had stowed away on. He walked on foot traveling through the forests of Dromund kai, the dangerous animals that had inhabited the jungles chose to avoid Sodam as they felt an aura of death around the man.

" This presence, the closer I get to the source, the more corrupt I feel the force getting, almost like something is intentionally twisting and bending it to its will. I don't like this place one bit." Sodam said to himself as he walked through the forest.

Sodam continued his journey keeping his hand on his blade as he walked through the dark forest. Eventually he arrived at his destination.

" This temple is perverse. It Defiles the force in ways unimaginable. I don't know when, but someday I will burn this temple to the ground. But for now, it seems the force guides me inside." Sodam spoke.

He made his way into the dark temple without trouble, he made his way down to a specific chamber.

" This room. It's empty. Why would the force guide me here?" Sodam asked himself as he surveyed the empty chamber. He felt an unease in his stomach. His feeling was drawn away as he heard two voices approaching his location.

" Look not to sound whiny but we already got what lord fatback asked for. Why do you want to continue checking out this incredibly creepy tomb?"

' That is a female voice, and it sounds like she has a companion. I need to be prepared.' Sodam thought as he grabbed the sheath of his blade.

" Be quiet Vette. I can feel the force calling me here. And I don't want to leave until I find out what it is." The second female voice replied.

The two walked into the tomb only stopping once they set eyes upon Sodam. One of the women was a twi'lek, her skin was blue and her eyes a beautiful emerald green. The other was human, she had long black hair her eyes were a light shade of orange. Her skin was pale like the winter snow.

' I've had the pleasure to see many women on Rishi, but she's more beautiful than any I've ever seen. And her connection to the dark side It's there but it isn't anywhere as strong as the presences I've felt from those that wander these tombs.

" This calling of yours is going to get us into another fight, isn't it?" Vette asked as she reached for her blasters.

' Maybe I wasn't brought here to find something, but maybe someone.' Sodam thought as he gazed upon the two women.

" Who are you?" The second woman asked

"My name is Sodam Yat. I didn't come here to fight. I was called here by the force. Why I do not know. But I think it must be the same reason you were called here." Sodam explained as he approached the two women. " Why are you in these tombs?"

" Well, Yat. My name is Lumiya Fesh I am apprentice to Darth Baras. I was sent here to find the ravager when I suddenly felt the force pulling me towards you." The woman replied, her hand carefully placed on the hilt of her lightsaber.

" I see. Would you mind taking me with you? I believe I could be an asset." Sodam said to the woman with a smile on his face.

" What?" Lumiya asked in confusion.

" I asked if you would bring me a long with you. I'm a pretty strong fighter myself and I believe I could be of great assistance to you." Sodam explained

" A strong fighter? Prove it." Lumiya ordered. She drew her lightsaber and attacked Sodam.

Sodam in response drew his blade and clashed with her saber.

" Quite an interesting toy you've got. Tell me how a regular blade can withstand a lightsaber." Lumiya asked in intrigue

" You mean you don't recognize this? It's a force imbued Katana! I wrap the force around the blade, and it allows me the same utilities as a lightsaber." Sodam explained

Lumiya withdrew her blade satisfied by the strength of man. " Very well you can join us. I'm not one to turn down help and frankly when you're Sith any help is good help. But make no mistake I am in command!" Lumiya stated boldly.

" I'm not coming along to be your slave, but your partner. I will not take actions that would go against my sense of justice. Though I also will not deter you from yours. Deal?" Sodam asked holding out his hand.

" Very well. Deal!" Lumiya said as she shook his hand. " Vette introduce yourself to our new guest." Lumiya ordered

" Welcome aboard our rag tag group of misfits. I'm Vette." The twi'lek explained holding out her hand.

Sodam grabbed her hand and planted a kiss on the back of it. " It is a pleasure Vette, as I said earlier my name is Sodam Yat."

" Alright, let's report back to Bara's." Lumiya said as she turned to leave the tomb.

The trio left the temple without haste and made their way towards the nearest imperial camp.

" Hey Sodam?" Vette called out.

" Yes, Vette what is it?" Sodam asked

" Where did you come from? I mean your clothes don't look familiar at all." Vette asked

" Well Vette I don't know where I was born. But I was raised on a planet called Rishi by the man who taught me everything I know." Sodam responded.

" Oh yeah like what?" Vette asked

" I don't think I should let all of my cards out of the bag yet." Sodam replied.

" You two knock it off we're here." Lumiya ordered making Vette quiet down swiftly.

" Welcome back my lord. i hope your venture into the temple was successful." One of the grunts spoke.

" Indeed, it was now, if you excuse me, we must be off to Darth Baras without delay. Come on Yat, I believe you know how to ride on a speeder yes?" Lumiya asked

" Yes. Learned when I was four." Sodam explained as he got onto the speeder bike. Vette and Lumiya sat behind him grabbing onto the man tightly. " All right ladies' directions." Yat said as he took off on the speeder.

After a few minutes of flying the trio arrived at the Sith's headquarters.

" So, this is your base huh? Seems kind droll if you ask me." Sodam stated as he walked up to the Sith building.

" Yes, it does doesn't it." Lumiya replied.

" You don't seem to like being here?" Sodam replied back.

" I don't, but for now it is necessary. A means to an end." Lumiya stated bluntly.

"AHHHHH!" The prisoner of Darth Baras yelled in pain as lightning flowed through his body.

" Ahhh! Apprentice. When I sent you into the dark temple to find the Ravager, I admit I though it might be the last time I saw you. I will deal with the outsider in a minute. Give me the ravager! The prisoner grows weaker by the minute, we have no time to spare." Darth Baras commanded

Lumiya did as she was ordered and handed over the device to Baras. He quickly attached the device to his prisoner he was interrogating. His tortured screams filled the chamber.

' This is overkill.' Sodam thought. Seeing Vette shaking in fear, sodam wrapped his arms around the woman and pulled her into his chest.

" Hey it's okay. Don't look and cover your ears. I won't let him do that to you." Sodam Declared loud enough for everyone to hear. Vette's shaking stopped but the fear in her heart was still present.

Even Lumiya who was a practitioner of the dark side herself felt unease at the sight in front of her. Sodam reached out and gently placed his hand on the woman's shoulder, she turned towards him and for a second seemed to be at peace with herself before turning back to the prisoner.

" Republic worm, you have the information I desire." Baras ordered

" I am republic... Information service... on special assignment to verify... possible imperial spy... on Nar shaddaa... Commissioned by... Jedi Council... Acting on suspicions provided by... Master Nomen Karr..." The republic spy reported.

" Nomen Karr! That's a name I grow tired of hearing." Baras stated exasperatedly

" One of your enemies I take it?" Lumiya asked as she listened to the anger in baras's voice.

" My oldest and most hated enemy. An old wound that continues to fester. Nomen Karr is a Jedi master who infiltrated the Sith. I rooted him out, then he nearly destroyed me and fled. He's dedicated himself to proving that Sith have spies imbedded within Republic and Jedi ranks. I've thwarted him at every turn. But he is tenacious. How did Nomen Karr come to suspect my spy on Nar Shaddaa? Tell me Republic wretch! What alerted him?" Baras monologued before turning back to his prisoner.

" Master Nomen karr has... A new padawan. She seems to... know any being's... True nature. She senses, Hidden darkness... and... Untapped purity.' The republic spy answered

" Astonishing. I've never heard of the force granting such a gift. Tell me, how does her power work?" Baras ordered.

" All I... all I know is... when master Nomen Karr brought her to Nar shadda... the padawan sensed... darkness in your spy... simply by seeing him." The prisoners responded.

' She possesses quite the dangerous ability. It's not unheard of for a child to be so touched by the force that they could sense the alignment in another. Though whether or not this is actually what she is doing is something unknown. I'll have to meet her to decide if that's the case or not.' Sodam thought as he clung on to the terrified twi'lek.

" A padawan with such power could be dangerous." Lumiya spoke up.

" Indeed. If this young padawan can see through deception and disguise with such little effort, she threatens everything I have worked for. Continue republic dog." Baras ordered.

" Karr... Believes his padawan's... ability... is foolproof... but the Jedi Council is... Skeptical. I was... to provide the proof... but... I wasn't... able... to report my findings." The spy stated

" Then the damage is not yet done master." Lumiya spoke

" For now, perhaps. But we can't have this potential doomsday weapon scouring the galaxy. Who is this padawan you republic pest? Tell me everything you know about her." Baras ordered

" She was found... on Alderaan... Her power... first emerged... training on.... tatooine. And... Jedi sent another... agent... to investigate someone she suspected on Balmorra..." The agent responded

" He's fading! Is she human or another one of the Jedi's cursed aliens? Where can I find her? What is her name?" Baras asked in a hurry.

" I... have... nothing... no... thing... mo... mo... argh!" The agent stuttered as he finally took his last breaths. The machine fully destroying his mind, killing him in the process.

" The Ravager has emptied his mind. That is all we have to go on. A few random places within the greater galaxy where Nomen karr and his padawan have been." Baras proclaimed

" It is a start master. The device did the trick." Lumiya spoke

" You are correct. We now have leads to follow. But before that." Baras said as he turned to Sodam. He stuck out his arm and yelled at the man. " Who are you?!" Baras yelled as an arc of lightning blasted from his fingers. Sodam seeing the blast coming stuck out the back of his hand blocking the lightning, he then channeled the lightning through his palm and redirected it into the walls.

" Your match and then some." Sodam spoke as he lowered his hand down slowly. Bringing it in front of his face before placing it at his side again.

Lumiya and Vette looked at Sodam in shock and awe, had Baras not been wearing his mask you'd see the same look in his eyes.

" Impossible." Baras muttered out loud enough for everyone to hear.

" Nothings impossible when you trust in the force and don't pervert it in the way you have Baras. But to answer your question. My name is Sodam Yat. I will be joining your apprentice on her journey." Sodam declared

" Is that so? And If I requested your help on something else?" Baras asked.

" Then I would decline. I am only here for Lumiya and Vette. You on the other hand I have no reason to help." Sodam responded.

" I see. Well apprentice. You have your mission. Go to the planets named and seek out my spies on those planets. Unfortunately, they must be eliminated. And while you're at it see if you can dig up any information on this Padawan. You'll find your own starship in the hangar. Now, leave me!" Baras ordered as he glared at Sodam Yat.

" Ladies first!" Sodam gestured allowing Lumiya and Vette to leave ahead of him preparing for a sneak attack from Baras just in case. Sodam followed the two women out of the room walking backwards his eyes never leaving Baras until he was out of the office.

" What was that?" Lumiya asked once they were out of hearing range of Bara's office.

" What do you mean?" Sodam asked in confusion.

" How did you stop Baras' attack?" Lumiya asked

" Oh, simple I use the force to cover my hand, I then allowed the lightning to pass into my hand and directed it into the center of my palm. I then redirected the energy out of my fingertips." Sodam explained

" But to do something like that takes years for even the greatest of Sith lords to accomplish! And you look no older than me or Vette." Lumiya spoke.

" Yeah, well I spent my entire life under my master. I caught on to the basics quick, so it wasn't long before I moved on to the advanced stuff." Sodam explained

" Training what was that like?" Vette asked

" Training was hard every day. Some weeks I would go without sleep." Sodam explained as the group made their way into the Sith hangar.

" Wait weeks?! How did you not go insane from lack of sleep?" Vette asked in shock.

" Simple, the force." Sodam answered with a smile. By the way we're being followed." Sodam whispered loud enough for the two women to hear.

The two immediately stopped and looked around for anyone suspicious.

" Ahem!" A voice called out drawing the attention of the group. He was dressed as a standard Sith assassin. " Lord Grathan wishes to deliver a gift as wellas a message for your help." The assassin spoke.

" Sending an assassin to deliver a gift. Doesn't seem like something one would normally do." Lumiya spoke as her hand inched closer to her lightsaber. Vette doing the same with her blasters.

" I'm afraid that lord Grathan thinks you know too much and has sent me to silence you. I promise to make this quick." The assassin drew his saber and rushed the three. Sodam stepped in front of the two women and drew his blade.

" What are you going to do with that little thing. My saber will cut right through it!" The assassin yelled as he swung his saber down onto Sodam's blade. Sodam parried the first attack and brought his sword down over the man's head. The assassin held his saber up to block the attack, but Sodam cut right through the hilt taking his arm off. " AHHHHHH!" The assassin yelled as his arm fell to the floor. Sodam stepped toward the man and spun around to his backside. In one swift motion he cut the man's head clean off his shoulders.

" You talk too much. And that form terrible. No way were you going to beat us like that." Sodam explained as he cleaned his blade off.

" You know I had that." Lumiya stated putting her saber away.

" Yeah, but I didn't want to waste any time. I want to see the ship!" Sodam spoke with stars in his eyes.

" You've traveled on a ship before. Why do you seem so excited now?" Vette asked

" I've always had to hide. I've never had a ship to claim as my own. It's the simple things I tell ya." Sodam responded.

" What have I gotten myself into?" Lumiya asked as she walked ahead of the two

" Come on Lumiya let's check it out." Sodam called out.

Lumiya took a deep breath and followed her two excited teammates.

" Whoa this is so cool!" Vette exclaimed happily.

" You aren't kidding. Hey there's a master bed in here. I don't suppose I could convince you to let me use it huh Lumiya?" Sodam asked as he eyed the king-sized mattress

" This is my ship. Therefore, I use the master bedroom. You and Vette sleep with the crew." Lumiya responded.

" Okay, okay. So then, where to first?" Sodam asked

" First Balmorra! Vette set the course." Lumiya ordered

" Aye aye captain!" Vette joked making Sodam chuckle a little bit.

Vette set the ships course and the ship jumped to lightspeed. The group now set, began their journey towards the future.