
Star Wars: Shattered Dreams and Fellow Fiends...

The Motto I live by goes like this, *Cough Cough* ‘Our glorious author cleared his throat’ “When you fail without trying, you should feel ashamed, but if you fail while persevering and never giving up until your last hypothetical dying breath.. You'll succeed." And this is a Fan-fiction about a mans life, death, rebirth and a whole lot of bullshit. This story will be set during the Infinite Empires rein, 27000 to 35000 years before The Battle Of Yavin and I’ll try to work in a few Legends but will mainly be implementing my own ideas. Oh.. Almost forgot, if you have something you'd like my spectacular self to edit within the Fan-Fic, contact me at ImAShatteredSoul@gmail.com. Thank you for reading this?

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Death, Perhaps it’s not such an ominous concept..

Just a heads up but if this story doesn't pick up by chapter 15 I'll be dropping it, but don't give up on my work, I still have quite a few other ideas for Fan-Fics that I wanted to try out and I'll have them out ASAP. This is something new for me but I'm writing this for my own enjoyment, I'm all for constructive criticism just keep your hateful comments to a minimum.

I'll have the next chapter out within the next few days.


---3rd Person POV---


Massive shockwaves came right out of the monitors screen, rippling throughout the cheap studio apartment, devastating the entire complex, becoming one of the largest 'accidents' New York has ever experienced and yet somehow there were no casualties, well except for our MC but no else needs to know about that.

---MC otherwise known as Hadrian's POV---

Hadrian, the name my parents gave me and just weeks before being dropped off at a nearby orphanage in Brooklyn, with a note containing quite a few insignificant details alongside my first name, Hadrian and got rushed inside after a nun found me sleeping like a 'baby' on the porch of St. Mungles. Over the years I thoroughly expressed my interest in video games and was avid reader/watcher of anything Star Wars related, obviously not counting any of Disney's shit, but the original 6 of the trilogy, Legends, comics, books and games were my lifeline throughout my childhood going forward, especially after moving out of the orphanage Well I probably should've expected it after achieving 19 years of age, just three months ago and that's usually when spoken in a kinder way "It's time to go" or "Pack your shit up and get the fuck out" when you've passed the due date. Apparently it's some kind of unspoken rule of when you're supposed to leave.


I locked the door of my apartment "almost forgot" got it for an amazing deal last week, finished moving in the day before and was now going to play Battlefront II, already in queue. I chose to go with an assault trooper on the First Orders side, I've always found the aesthetic of their armour to look more streamlined when compared to their counterparts, spawning around ten minutes into the game and still fairly far away from the objective I hasten my sprint but when I turned my player around and saw a massive beam of plasma coming down from orbit I thought 'When did they add that feature?'.


The shot of plasma was disintegrated everything in at least a 20 kilometre radius and quickly approaching my location, while I sat on my chair flabbergasted at what was currently happening until I could feel a wave of heat pass through my screen and that was when I somehow knew.. this is the end...

---3rd Person POV---

Two beings meet in The Realm of Believers, One Supreme Lord or as what most of the populace calls them, ROB and One lower, insignificant yet slightly fortunate human alongside his dog.

As OSL was roaming around the realm something or rather someone caught his attention. "Well hello there" He spoke with his signature deep baritone voice which scared the shit out of Hadrian.

"What The Fuck!?" Exclaimed Hadrian as he hastily turned around to the sight of an ethereal being whom hosted an aura of absolute authority and calmness with a hint of adventure spreading throughout this space. 'What or rather who is that, actually where am I and why am I here?' Hadrian thought to himself while continuing to investigate the surrounding area.

"Well to answer your queries I'm more commonly known as 'The Supreme One', but my actual name is Faltros Asolfo and this space is called 'The Hub' or 'The Realm of Beliefs'." Asolfo takes a brief pause to let him absorb all this information for a moment before continuing his ongoing explanation. "The reason you are here is because you've died as per the Multiverses Will and have been chosen to be reborn out of the quintillion's of candidates that fit the requirements, don't ask me what said requirements are, cause not even I know." As Faltros started musing about in his own thoughts, Hadrian somehow finds the courage which came from the bottom of his puny soul.

"May I inquire on which universe I'll be going to?" Says Hadrian, which snaps Faltros out of his thoughts.

'Ah yes.. almost forgot about that part'. Thought Faltros just before answering the puny human's question. "Star Wars. the Legends universe to be exact, where and when you'll be reborn will be randomized before getting sent on your merry way." Immediately after Alsolfo, clapped his metaphysical/metaspiritual hands *Bang* and Hadrian was gone.

Changing some shit, he’ll still be Force sensitive and human, but won’t gain any special powers right from the start.

Hadrian will be be born on Coruscant 10 years before it was conquered by the Rakata’s Infinite Empire.

Thanks for reading

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