

The Regulus Empire are now a powerful force to be reckoned with as they pursue all the demons that are spreading filth upon their lands. But, the so called demons and other races that were discriminated by the strong shall not be deemed weak anymore as they will chip away the forces of the empire, one by one, until they realize that it was too late for them. But, the heroes who took the demon's former lands are all powerful and will not stand down. That's why Luke and his comrades will reach for more power, being the champions of demons that can go on par with the heroes that was now different from before. Together with his father, Luke will seek the truth on why the heroes are still listening to the orders of the Regulus Empire and reach the evil emperor that was cause of all this. To do this, he must experience all the hardships with his comrades. And together, they will reach the stars, the pinnacle of living beings.

Gatekeep · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

PROLOGUE (Part 1) :

In a beautiful castle that has tall walls that cover it and towers that looks like it's piercing the clouds, echoes of pain can be heard in one of it's many rooms.

The dim light of torches flickers due to the night breeze that seems to match the cries of the woman who is giving birth to her child.

Inside the room where the said event is happening, commotion and chaos can be seen through. The midwives who are assisting the woman with a blonde hair with eyes like the clear blue sky give birth is having trouble because of severe blood loss because of the labor.

Fear and determination is mixed in their faces while they help birthing the child. And that can also be seen in the faces of two men waiting outside the room.

The black haired one, wearing a black attire with a dagger on his side is trying to make his face look calm but, you can see that he is nervous that something might happen. While, the golden haired man with a crown on his head is pacing restlessly on the hallway.

The black haired man tried to calm his restless friend by simply his shoulders.

"Calm down, Leo, nothing will happen to Joanne and the child. They will both be safe, so stop being so nervous."

Leo, who is now held by the shoulders, glared at his advisor for a moment but noticed that it's not the time to be agitated and took a deep breath.

"But, Luce, I just can't stop getting nervous for my son and my wife. Even if the head midwife said that they're not going to be in danger, my heartbeat is not slowing. It's my first child that is coming to this world, Luce."

The loud sounds coming from the Empress' chamber continued to be heard for an hour until it's been beaten by the cries of a baby.

"Your majesty, you've done well. It's a healthy and strong prince!"

Seeing her child crying and hearing that he is healthy, the Empress her best to sit despite being tire due to the labor. And carry her son in her tired arms gently.

"You rascal, you gave Mommy a tough time giving birth to you. You must always be energetic and eat well to pay your debt."

Tears started running through her cheeks as she held her child by the arms. It was warm and a heart melting scene.

The midwives are giving her complements while the healers are treating her when the door of the room opened. And silhouettes of two men can be seen. The midwives and the healers gasped when they saw who are the guys that came inside and started to greet them...

"We pay respect to the sun of the Empire and the Black Minister"

The two men casually walked after the greetings and went beside the bed of the Empress. The Emperor, Leo, gently touched his wife's face and kissed her in the forehead, while looking at his son.

" You did well, my wife. Let's have you rest for now. Let me hold our child for you."

The golden haired man carried the baby gently in his arms, looking everywhere for some similarities from the baby that matched his.

Up close, the child resembles his mother so much that there's nothing that can be compared to him and the Emperor except their sharp looking eyes.

"Hah, would you look at that! He is the spitting image of his mother except for the eyes. What name should I give him, oh, my dear "Black Minister?"

You can hear the sarcasm on the question of the emperor, but the touch of trust and comradeship is mixed with his question. Though, sometimes, the way he speaks can be misunderstood as mockery by others.

Maybe, because he is a royalty and the sharp look in his eyes making him look like an arrogant person.

The man behind the Emperor thought for a minute to think a very good name for the new born prince. And when he thought of something, he smirk gently, showing his smart and playful side.

"I think, naming him after you is not a bad decision. But, he is you first born from Joanne so his name must be derived from both of his father and mother. What about... Leopold Johanne de Regulus."

The Emperor is quite pleased by the name the Black Minister gave. He then looked again at his son in his arms and his name

"Leopold Johanne de Regulus... what a good name, ha! But you know, I was thinking of naming him after you."

Hearing the emperor's words while seeing the monarch look in his eyes, the black haired man lowered his head

"I don't dare to have that kind of honor, your majesty. I'm already lucky enough to see the prince grow well and you reaching the peak of power."

The Emperor seems a little disappointed by the remarks of his advisor.

"Hmm, thinking it well, I think the name Luciel is not fit for a royal. No offense though. Because even if you have a commoner's blood, I picked you for your strength and talent. And had the privilege to defeat the Demon King alongside me."

Leo showed a big smile to his good friend and comrade in battle with trust.

The man named Luciel smiled too, but with sadness in his eyes that looks like he remembered someone important to him. Maybe mentioning the Demon King is a trigger for his sadness to relapse. It was like he is missing someone but cannot go with them due to his current situation.

"Well then, your majesty. I will arrange the preparation for the banquet for tomorrow immediately. You can rest here with your family. By the last time, Leo, congratulations to you."

Luciel shut the door and walked in the hallway. His eyes for the first time, was shown shining dark purple, with killing intent making the pillars and it's shadows made by the moonlight, vibrate crazily while he is walking through, steadily in the hallway of the Empress' Chamber in the Royal Palace.

The first light came around fast after the event that happened. All the maids are exhausted due to lack of rest and Luce is not an exception.

While he sat on a chair to catch his breath, worry can be seen in his eyes. He is now holding a letter that arrived just an hour after the birth of the little prince.

He is thinking deeply while firmly keeping the letter in his hands that he read once again. The contents in the letter says...

"Be careful of the Emperor, he is planning something big. You better gather the Zodiacs before he orders them to move."

He then released a gas-like substance on his hands that was holding the letter. Decomposing it till nothing remained.

' I have my suspicions, but I didn't think it will this soon!'

He scoffed at himself by not predicting what's happening now.

Luce can't accept it because he is known to be the best at strategy, being on par or better than Michel Nostrad or "Capricorn" who is mentioned as the mind of the Zodiacs.

'Now, not only will I be concerned about Joanne, I also need to remind the rest before the Emperor does something.'

Empress Joanne de Regulus is also one of the 12 Zodiacs that defeated the Demon Monarch together with the Emperor and the Black Minister.

The 12 Zodiacs were summoned souls from another world that came from different eras that the Regulus Empire had chosen.

They're personalities and experience from their former lives are still the same when they were summoned in this world but some of their memories are sealed by the Empire for fear that they may not do the job that was given to them.

They're weapons and they're awakened beast souls are personally created just for them.

It is said that the Beast God used his own bones to forge the 12 different weapons of the stars to make his beloved creations protected by calamities.

The Emperor who was only a prince back when they were summoned, joined their journey to defeat the Demon Monarch that is threatening Regulus Empire in the Desolate Zone named by the Empire, that is full of Beast Lairs and Ruins.

The Black Minister, on the other hand is full of mysteries. He is not among the 12 Zodiacs but, his strength and battle instincts are far superior than their average overall strength.

They first met Luce in the Desolate Zone while running away from a star beast that they can't fight. Leo can clearly remember what happened back then.

Luce single handedly killed the star beast and took it's core before giving it to a demon girl with a beautiful appearance for her to refine her Beast soul.

The group invited Luce and the demon girl to come with them as they are familiar with the terrain of the outer ring of the Desolate Zone. As a gesture to thank their help.

They both seem to be reluctant at first but, they agreed in the end.

The demon girl is still wary of them and did not ate the food she was given but, Luce ate nonetheless, reassuring the demon girl that the food is not poisoned.

Camping at night isn't easy in Desolate Zone despite being only in the outer ring of it. So, they sticked together and enjoyed chatting with each other, and then interviewed both the demon girl and the boy who looked like they were a couple.

And guess what? They really are a couple. The demon girl said that they both fell for each other when they first met.

And that the demon girl is carrying the boys' child in her belly. The group is astonished by what the demon girl said and asked them more questions. Joanne was the first to ask her.

"So, what are your names? I've been thinking about to ask it for a while now."

"I'm Luce and she's my wife, Lilith.", answered Luce, holding Lilith's hand.

"How old are you? Must be nice to have someone looking after you in you early stage of life.", Michel asked while holding a book in his right hand and holding a feather pen in his left.

"What's with that attitude of yours Michel. Even though you are smart, sometimes you always sounds like an old man who remained single all his life.", the voice came from near the campfire where a young man holding a gourd with strong wine inside it.

Luce can tell the wine is strong by the smell of it.

Before Luce can answer the question, suddenly, a ball of energy came rapidly at the drunk young man, but he dodged with great agility and reflex. He was unharmed, but unfortunately for his gourd, only the part that where the drunk young man was holding it was the only piece of it left, about the rest, it's either shattered or on the sand, making it wet because of the wine.

The drunk young man stood up, veins on his forehead, his expression grim, Luce now can see what's the drunk one is wearing and most importantly, what his weapon is.

The drunk one drew a scimitar from it's sheath, intricate runes are carved on it.

"You old sage, why did you have to use your Gracia to destroy my gourd, huh?! Do you know how hard it took for me to have it?!", the drunk young man is now standing, showing his clothes embroidered in gold.

You can tell that it's luxurious at one look. It's style is like the clothes of the royalty living in the desert that Luce read once in a book.

" It's just a wine, Dastan. I can give you a whole barrel of that wine once we come back, you know? Or are you just gonna let out your anger on me just like a brainless drunk prince, that ruined his mood?", Michel said with smile on his face, looking satisfied.

"Enough of that.", the young Leo stopped Dastan, holding him by the arm while sitting on the sand. His eyes looks sharp and annoyance can be seen on his face.

Dastan is not sure if he got annoyed by his attitude or about the two strangers so he sheathed his weapon and got back to his spot.

Luce realized that the young man with the golden hair is the leader of the group and he is a royal or a noble by seeing how the two arguing fellows reacted when he spoke.

So he took a deep breath and answered Joanne's question politely, " I'm 17 now and turning 18 by the last month of the year."

"Oh wow, and what about Lilith, how old are you?", Joanne is interested in talking with Lilith because she's the only girl their group of five. They formed the 12 to three groups of 5, 4 Zodiacs each, including a Soul Master to look after them.

" I am now eight-", Lilith got interrupted by the young golden haired man.

" We don't care about you, slave. We gave you food just because we're grateful to your master for saving our lives.", he said.

' Huh, what is this douchebag saying now?! Insulting me as a slave and interrupting my words?! I can't tolerate this, I'm gonna kill him!', Lilith thought, ready to show her 'rays' to use a skill but, she felt the tight grip in her right arm.

And then she saw Luce with an angered face. But barely showing, because Luce held his head down.

" That's a rude way speaking you have there, Prince Leo. We know that you are arrogant and have a sharp tounge but, be careful with that mouth of yours, you might lose it someday, ha!" the youth with a brown skin said, who is near the campfire, polishing his armor without fear of angering the golden haired man, confirming Luce's guess that he is a royalty or a noble.

'Who would have thought that this guys are training in the Outer zone with the crown prince.' , Luce thought while watching Leo taking the brown skinned man in the collar up to match his eyeview.

"Look here, Andres, I didn't want you want in my team in the first place but, Father insisted it saying you can be useful for protecting me when I'm in danger, so don't test my patience and shut your mouth!", Leo is angry because he got looked down by a commoner and can't take it.

Andres' soul is in the body of a commoner boy, who is a son of an Imperial guard. Andres can't accept the treatment of the nobles and royalty to the commoners and slaves because he was once treated like that in his past life, rather it was his whole country that is enslaved.

He stood up for his country and fought the enslavers with his other countrymen to give the country the freedom they wanted, rather, needed and successfully claimed victory.

Luke now saw a man worthy of his praise, not because he saved the honour of his wife but, because he has the pride of a true man in him.

" But you can't hurt me, do you? I'm training to be the 'Vanguard" of the Zodiacs, I am 'Aries', do you want the empire to be overrun by the demons because of your petty attitude?", mockery is the only meaning behind Andres' words.

The tension in the camp grew of the fight. No one moved until Leo loosened his grip on Andres' collar.

Nobody now wants to talk because of the mood. So Luce spoke again and bowed towards the five.

"Thanks for you've given me and my wife. But it seems like seeing a demon made you uneasy so, we're gonna take our leave now."

Joanne tried to stop them and said, "Wait just a moment please. Prince Leo's attitude is really not the best you can encounter but , we four are different from him. I'm sure we can get along well, right guys?"

Joanne glared at the three boys likes she's telling them, ' say something you little shits'.

The boys their shoulders in surrender. Dastan was the first one to talk.

"Y-Yeah brother Luce, we have amazing wine that I can give you if pay me, ha ha.", the other two boys looked at him while thinking, 'what an idiot, who will stay if you can tell that your scamming them for your robbed wine'.

" Well, roaming in the middle of the in the Outer zone is a death wish. Even if you have strength, what are you going to do if your wife caught a cold, hmm? Just stay till morning with us.", Michel said while reading his book, using the light of the fire.

"Hmmmmm, yeah, Michel's right.", Andres agreed looking at them. But deep down, he is thinking, ' I think even if Luce don't help Lilith, she's gonna be okay, I can tell in both if their demeanor, she's a demon after all.'

Hearing the three, Luce sighed and shook his head. " I'm sorry but, we're going home tonight. I promised her father that we're just gonna hunt a star beast and go back. I can't make him worry."

"How strong are you, Luce? How come I can't sense any Gracia from you?", Joanne asked curiously.

"That's because you're level is not close to mine. That's why you can't feel it." Luce said, patting her head like a child.

"Aw, even though I'm level 39 , I still can't feel it?", Dastan complained when he tried to feel Luce's level.

"Prince Leo, can you see his level? His majesty said that you're talented and had become level 43 when you're just 16", Michel asked when he too failed to see Luce's level.

Leo didn't answer them and turned his back away from them. While thinking, 'How come I don't feel his level too, when I'm level 49 now?! Don't tell me, there's someone more talented than me?!'.

"You will feel my level when you accumulate experience from battling star beasts. You will learn to see the 'flow' of Gracia in the body of your opponent. Don't rush, you're still young, even though I feel something weird from your weapons and body, I know you can do it next time we meet if fate commands it.", Luce reassured them.

"Let's go, Luce.", Lilith whispered in Luce's ears.

"Well, this is good bye. See you.", Luce said as they disappeared in the air leaving only a faint sound.

The five was surprised by the scene they saw.

"Just how the hell did they do that?! That was so cool, I wish I can learn that and combine it with my element too.", Dastan said excitingly. He is a summoned hero but, due to his memories being sealed, he is just a pampered 16 year old noble kid.

The voice of the young "King of Sands", Dastan echoed through the whole outer zone the whole night praising Luce from what he did.

When Leo remembered that endless night, he can't help but shake his head. He is holding the prince in his arms.

"Don't worry Leo, I will protect you from your destined fate. Your father just need to create a path for you to step on.", was what he said to his son.

He took an odd looking stone, hidden in a compartment in his table and observed it. It was glowing red with a glint of gold in it. As he smiled grimly, showing his white teeth and said

" Using the Zodiacs, that is."


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