
Chapter 1: Snow Mountain

The towering Tenglong Snow Mountain pierces the clouds, perpetually cloaked in ice and snow. It stands as a sacred, inviolable peak for the people of the Snow Clan. Yet today, halfway up its slopes, five uninvited guests have appeared. Wrapped in thick coats and carrying large packs, each of them holds two slender metal sticks. With every step, they forcefully plunge the sticks into the snow to brace against the fierce winds, struggling to keep from being blown over as they trudge along the mountain path.

Leading the group is a slender young girl. Despite the difficulty of each step, her stride is firm, exuding a relentless determination. In stark contrast is a skinny man at the rear. His exaggerated steps betray his struggle; even though a burly man carrying a huge pack shields him from some of the wind and snow, he still stumbles with every step, grumbling, "Why forsake comfortable days for this toe-freezing adventure on Snow Mountain? The King must be growing senile to believe the wild tales of that mountain envoy and even consent to your naïve request." His loud voice is mostly swept away by the wind.

A slightly plump girl in the middle, irked by the intermittent complaints, turns halfway and retorts, "Then why did you come? Weren't you the one begging the King to join, all to pester my sister, Mengwei? Now you play the coward in the face of hardship. I wonder how you'll ever inherit your father's title." Her voice, laden with sarcasm, reaches the man in fragments through the howling wind.

The man snaps back, "Yuqing! What right does a mere maid have to lecture me? Be careful, or I might skin you alive when we return."

Yuqing sneers and turns back, muttering, "Bravado masking cowardice."

The elder walking second in line admonishes them, "Enough, both of you. These harsh conditions demand vigilance. We can't afford to overlook any danger." He then addresses the girl at the front, "Mengwei, how much farther to the main peak?"

Mengwei turns, her voice clear and bell-like, "According to Elder Xue's records, once we pass the Panlong Stone ahead, we'll see the passage to the main peak. The path will get steeper and more challenging. We should rest and replenish our energy in the lee of Panlong Stone before making the final ascent." Despite the foreboding journey ahead, her voice betrays excitement.

The skinny man scoffs, "Elder Xue returned from his last journey barely sane. A blind man could see he'd lost his mind, leaving only a disciple waiting at the mountain's base..." He glances at the elder with a sneer, "And yet you believe his words, his writings!"

The elder rebukes him sharply, "Yunbo, shut your mouth. You're not worthy to mention Elder Xue. When he commanded respect, your father was still in diapers. It's not your place to judge."

Suddenly, the silent, luggage-carrying giant utters a sound and points ahead.

"What is it, Yunzhuang? What do you see?" Yuqing asks with concern.

Following his gaze, they see intermittent flashes of light near the distant main peak, bringing a smile to Mengwei's lips.

"A ghostly shimmer?" Yunbo mutters, "The old man wasn't lying after all..."

Ignoring him, the group quickens their pace, soon reaching a wind-sheltered clearing beside a cliff. From its edge, clouds swirl in a bottomless abyss.

Mengwei halts abruptly, signaling for silence. "Listen, there's a strange sound."

The others stop and listen intently. A distant rumbling grows louder, rapidly approaching.

"It's a Snow Qilin Beast! Be careful!" Mengwei cries out. As she warns them, the giant Yunzhuang reacts instantly, pulling a thick iron rod from his back and swinging it at the charging beast. The creature, mid-air, cannot dodge and is struck hard in the abdomen, letting out a pained howl before tumbling on the ground and then lunging at Yunbo, who is paralyzed with fear.

Mengwei swiftly skates to his side, pulling him out of harm's way just as the beast nearly pounces on him. Enraged, the Snow Qilin turns towards Mengwei.

For the first time, Mengwei gets a clear view of the beast. It is covered in long white fur, with silver scales encasing its belly. Its large head has tiny slit-like eyes and a wide mouth with four protruding fangs, its nose black and protruding, exhaling white vapors. Most peculiar is its tail, seemingly two tails intertwined, merging at the end into white fur.

Mengwei leaps up to evade the charging beast, gracefully flipping over it. Behind her is a cliff; the Snow Qilin, driven by pain, charges blindly forward and falls off the edge.

As Mengwei lands, the beast's tail suddenly lashes out, entangling her foot and pulling her off the cliff too. "Miss!" Yuqing, closest to her, reaches out, their fingertips barely touching before Mengwei plummets down. In a flash of cold light, Mengwei pulls out a moon-shaped knife from her waist, then disappears from view.

"Miss!" Yuqing cries out in despair, tears streaming down her face. The elder, however, remains composed, patting her shoulder and saying, "Don't panic," as he runs to the cliff's edge. Peering down, he sees only a misty expanse, revealing nothing.

The elder calls down the cliff, "Mengwei, are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Mengwei's voice rises from below. Yuqing, hearing Mengwei is alive, hurries to the cliff's edge and pulls out a rope from her bag. "Miss, don't worry, I'll lower the rope and pull you up."

"No hurry, there's something unusual down here I want to bring up. Pull up the rope when I say so."

"Alright." Yuqing lowers the rope, and Yunzhuang comes over to hold it. Yuqing looks up at him and smiles sweetly; he returns the smile with a simple, sincere one.

Soon, Mengwei calls from below, "Pull now." Yunzhuang pulls with all his might, and before long, Mengwei is hoisted up from below.

The group gathers around to see Mengwei holding a flesh-colored plant, with small semicircular petals covering a larger semicircular base. Up close, a faint fragrance is discernible.

"What do you think this is?" Mengwei asks the others.

Yuqing and Yunzhuang shake their heads. Yunbo, feeling embarrassed for his earlier inaction and near demise, stands a bit farther away, silent. Only the elder, after pondering a while, ventures, "Could this be the Xueshan Garan? How did you get it?"

Mengwei replies excitedly, "Exactly, Xueshan Garan. The Snow Qilin wrapped its tail around my foot and dragged me off the cliff. I had no choice but to cut off its tail as I fell. In my panic, I grabbed some branches, and that's when I found this Garan growing nearby."

The elder muses, "I've heard that Xueshan Garan grows on sheer cliffs, but never imagined it'd be beneath this one, no wonder it's so rare."

Mengwei smiles, "This plant can prolong life and is greatly beneficial to health. Offering it to the Snow King will surely please him."

After their close call, the elder suggests, "Let's rest here for a while and continue our ascent in the afternoon."

Mengwei agrees, "Okay." Although anxious inside, she remains cautious. This sacred peak, seldom climbed by the Snow Clan in a century, is not only treacherous but also home to fierce beasts. A single misstep could be fatal, especially as they approach the summit.

They sit in the sheltered area, each quietly eating their rations, lost in their thoughts, an eerie silence enveloping them.

Yuqing turns to the elder, "Elder Xue, what exactly happened back then? We youngsters have only heard of General Zhiyong's renown but know nothing of his adventures. Could you tell us?"

The elder seems lost in thought, his gaze distant, as if transported back to that night many years ago. Then, seemingly changing his mind, he says, "Alright, I'll tell you what happened. Let the young ones know about the God of War, Zhiyong!" He casts a glance at Yunbo, still annoyed by his earlier rudeness.

"It was fifty-two years ago..." His voice trembles slightly. "That year, our King was young, never imagining he'd one day lead the Snow Clan as an illegitimate child. But his elder brother always saw him as a thorn in his side, plotting to eliminate this threat."

"The old King was aging, and the elder prince was ambitious, unwilling to wait for the old King's passing. He plotted a palace coup, intending to kill the old King and frame our King. Fortunately, Master Zhiyong learned of the plot in time and rescued our King from Xuecheng."

Everyone had heard fragments of this history, but listening to the elder's deep voice recount it in the desolate snow mountains made it feel immediate and intense, as if they were back in the tense days of Xuecheng.

The elder continues, "The elder prince, cunning as he was, had spies throughout Xuecheng. The moment our King fled, the prince sent assassins after him, determined to kill him swiftly."

"Master Zhiyong planned to seek support from the King's uncle, who was commanding an elite force at the border against the Sha Clan. But the prince had sealed all routes to him. In a desperate bid, Master Zhiyong led our King up Tenglong Snow Mountain, hoping to reach the border through the perilous West Peak."

"They fought and fled, reaching halfway up the mountain, both injured, surrounded by pursuers. Their only option was a fight to the death."

"Facing thirty-three skilled attackers, Master Zhiyong fought fearlessly, as did our King. In this life-and-death struggle, they tapped into their deepest reserves of strength, fighting to a standstill."

"But outnumbered, they were eventually overpowered, their lives hanging by a thread. Then, a fierce snowstorm hit, making it impossible to stand."

"At that moment, something extraordinary happened. Almost everyone saw a purple flash atop the mountain, feeling their minds sway, their wills weaken, some even going mad and vomiting blood."

Yuqing murmurs, "Ghostly Shimmer..."

Yunbo suddenly stands, shouting, "Wait, old man. You said seeing the Ghostly Shimmer can drive people mad and make them vomit blood. Why are we here then? I don't want to die here, let's head back!"

Seizing the chance, Yuqing mocks, "Elder Xue said those with weak wills suffer that fate. By saying this, you admit to being weak-willed." She spreads her arms, her face triumphant.

Yunbo's face reddens with anger. "I'll make you bleed right now!" He reaches for his weapon, but Mengwei, quick as lightning, appears beside him, her hand on his arm, her voice stern, "Fighting among ourselves before even reaching the peak? Have you lost your mind?"

Yunbo pauses, a sweet fragrance wafting to his nose, his anger dissipating. He forces a flattering smile, "Mengwei, your agility is unparalleled. I didn't even see you move."

Yuqing is about to seize the opportunity to mock Yunbo for his flattery, but Mengwei's cold gaze silences her, her taunt swallowed unsaid.

Mengwei cautions, "These are extraordinary times; we must work together, not against each other, lest we make grave mistakes." She turns to the elder, "Please continue, teacher."

The elder nods and resumes, "Master Zhiyong, seizing the moment of distraction, carried the King and began their escape. Despite his own injuries, he managed to bring the King to the western border. Upon reaching King's uncle's camp, he recounted everything before collapsing in exhaustion."

"The King's uncle, who had always cherished our King, was furious upon seeing him injured. He immediately sought to confront the elder prince."

"With his plot exposed, the elder prince, in a final gamble, accused the King and his uncle of treason, leading an army to the western border, determined to crush our King."

"But he miscalculated. The uncle's troops, rigorously trained, easily defeated the prince's forces. The prince fled to the marshes of Nanjun, disappearing without a trace. Rumors say he's still alive, secretly organizing a group of desperados, waiting for a chance to rise again. But after all these years with no sign of him, it seems he's truly gone..."

Though the elder's tale is thrilling, Yuqing, less interested in these old war stories, zones out. She hands a piece of dried meat to Yunzhuang, "You must be tired from carrying the luggage. Eat more, I made this myself."

Yunzhuang takes the meat, "Ah" as his reply, and smiles broadly at Yuqing, eating heartily. He has been silent throughout, revealing he is mute.

The elder continues his story, "After returning to Xuecheng, our King solemnly buried his father and began his reign. Over the years, he governed with diligence, leading our nation to prosperity. Master Zhiyong, for his outstanding merits, was appointed as the Grand General, assisting the King in creating an immortal legacy."

"But there was one thing that always lingered in the Master's mind: the mysterious Ghostly Shimmer that saved them on the mountain. What power could it possess to influence the human mind? This question haunted him until twelve years after the King's coronation, when he sought permission to explore Tenglong Snow Mountain."

"The King immediately agreed, sharing the same curiosity about the Ghostly Shimmer. At that time, the kingdom was peaceful and the borders stable. The King arranged for two hundred skilled soldiers to accompany the Master, providing ample supplies for their secretive expedition."

"Besides the soldiers, Master took me, his disciple, along. I was young and inexperienced then. Reaching the mid-slope's Qingfeng Ping, Master set up camp, with the Ghostly Shimmer already faintly visible."

"Some soldiers began to experience dizziness and vomiting, becoming emotionally unstable. Having learned breathing and physical techniques from Master since childhood, I was unaffected."

"Fearing a repeat of the past tragedy, Master sent the affected soldiers back to Xuecheng, leaving me in charge of the remaining troops at Qingfeng Ping. He then ascended the mountain alone."

Yunbo interjects, "So you never actually went up there!"

The elder, seemingly ignoring him, continues, "Yes, if I had accompanied him, perhaps the subsequent events might not have happened..."

He buries his face in his hands, lost in deep regret.

Mengwei consoles him, "Elder Xue, don't blame yourself. Master Zhiyong protected you because he didn't want his beloved disciple to face unknown dangers."

The elder resumes, "That's what the Master said before he left, taking his equipment and heading to the main peak without looking back."

"When I saw him again the next morning, he returned to camp utterly exhausted, silent. Although he seemed unharmed, he appeared lost, not speaking to me, heading straight for his tent."

"I followed worriedly. His eyes were blank, his face expressing disbelief."

"After a long silence, he slowly turned to me and whispered, 'Let's return to Xuecheng.'"

"Confused but unwilling to disobey, I led the troops back to Xuecheng and reported to the King immediately."

"The King, always respecting Master, was startled by these strange events. He summoned his three chief physicians to visit Master and report back promptly."

"Soon, the physicians returned with a unanimous diagnosis: no signs of illness, likely fatigue and weakened vitality due to old age and the strenuous journey. They recommended restoratives and rest."

"Although the King was eager to learn about Master's encounter on the peak, he had to wait patiently. He ordered the best Xueling roots and snow marten meat be sent to Master's residence, increasing attendants to care for him."

"I visited Master daily, but the situation remained the same: he neither ate nor spoke, just sitting by the study window, staring blankly into the distance. In just five days, he seemed to age decades."

"On one visit, Master suddenly became excited upon seeing me, his eyes gleaming strangely. He beckoned me over. I thought the King's medicine had worked and Master was recovering. But instead of speaking, he drew a figure on paper."

"The figure was emaciated and tall, with long hair and closed eyes. Strangely, he drew a crystal-like object on its chest, resembling a pendant but without a chain."

"Waiting for him to continue, he instead put down the pen and looked at me affectionately. 'Qingsong,' he said, 'I've made a name in my youth and spent my latter years exploring the world's mysteries. I've recorded all my adventures. Take the purple box from the shelf.'"

"I fetched the box as instructed. Master gently caressed it, then slowly opened it to reveal thick manuscripts, his life's work. 'I'm giving these to you,' he continued, 'Study them well and complete your own learning.'"

"Shocked by his words, which sounded like final instructions, I could see no sign of illness in him. He said, 'Qingsong, remember my words, don't study the Ghostly Shimmer on the main peak. It's beyond our current understanding, likely a relic left by the Snow God. If it's beyond reach, it's not meant for mortals. Isn't it presumptuous to probe into the secrets of the gods?'"

"Suddenly, he fell silent. Panicked, I checked for his breath, only to find he had passed away!"

Everyone is shocked by this ending. Yunbo shivers, thinking, "If such a formidable person as Master Zhiyong perished after visiting the main peak, what chance do I stand? My father really sent me on a deadly mission to prevent Elder Xue from monopolizing the secrets!"

Yuqing, noticing Yunbo's fear, teases, "With Yunzhuang here, what are you afraid of? He may be mute, but his skills are top-notch. Your father wouldn't send his beloved son to death."

Yunbo, his thoughts exposed, is about to react but stops, not wanting to confirm Yuqing's guess. Frustrated and embarrassed, he stands frozen.

Fortunately, Mengwei shifts the conversation, "Elder Xue, do you remember the human figure Master drew for you?"

Elder Xue quickly sketches the figure on the ground with a stick, showing a diamond-shaped mark on the chest. "Even after all these years, I can't forget Master's final message. Though he repeatedly warned me against exploring the main peak, the mystery still haunts me. To enter the grave without unraveling this secret is unbearable."

Mengwei nods, "It's getting late. Let's set off now."

The group, laden with gear, made their way toward the main peak in a somber silence, each absorbed in their own thoughts. The path to the summit was not an easy one, but fortunately, as members of the Snow Clan, they were accustomed to physical training from a young age to withstand the cold climate. Thus, the journey, though arduous, did not overly exhaust them. In about three hours, they reached the top of the peak.

Tenglong Snow Mountain, a sacred site revered by the Snow Clan, was usually off-limits. Only during the annual Snow Festival would the Snow King lead key dignitaries up the mountain for worship. The mountain was closely guarded, and common folk could not ascend it lightly. Trespassers, if discovered by the soldiers, faced severe punishment, including the amputation of their feet. Furthermore, the Snow Clan believed that the Snow God resided somewhere on the mountain, deterring any unwarranted intrusion.

Recently, a young envoy from the Mountain Clan had arrived, claiming to bring gifts of rare and exotic treasures to the old Snow King. These treasures, he claimed, were unearthed by their Quiet Meditation Institute near Zhaofeng Peak, igniting a treasure-hunting frenzy among his people. This envoy's visit to the Snow Clan was seen as a blatant display of their wealth and success.

Jealous of the Mountain Clan's fortune and still regretful over the past experiences of Zhiyong, the Snow King dispatched Elder Xue, Mengwei, her servant Yuqing, and Yunbo, whose father, fearful of losing prestige, had requested that his son be included in the expedition. Yunzhuang, his father's personal guard, was also sent to add to the team's strength. The Snow King agreed, and thus, after many hardships, the group finally arrived at the main peak.

The summit was spacious, and apart from rocks, the most prominent feature was a tall, slanting pole in the north. Its top emitted an intermittent purple light, creating an eerie atmosphere amidst the snow and wind.

"There it is, the Ghostly Shimmer!" Yunbo exclaimed.

Mengwei approached the pole, walking around it. Suddenly, she stopped at the back and shouted, "Everyone, come and see! This is different!"

The others hurried over and saw several rocks piled up haphazardly, obviously the work of someone in a hurry.

Yuqing wondered aloud, "This pile of rocks seems out of place here. It looks like it's blocking something. Could it be the entrance Elder Xue found last time?"

Yunbo, in his usual sarcastic tone, said, "Oh, the genius speaks. Didn't anyone else think of that? Yunzhuang, move these rocks. Let's see what frightened Elder Xue so much."

Yunzhuang grunted and started moving the rocks. With a single heave, he lifted a large boulder and tossed it aside, a display of strength that earned Elder Xue's admiration: "Impressive!"

Mengwei reminded them, "Remember, even the mighty Elder Xue faced challenges here and sealed this entrance to prevent others from making the same mistake. We must be extremely careful."

Acknowledging her warning, the group watched as Yunzhuang took out a foldable shovel from his pack and began clearing the smaller stones. His immense strength quickly revealed an entrance beneath their feet.

Peering into the darkness below, they noticed something odd: the snow beneath them began to tremble. Yuqing remarked, "What's happening? The ground feels like it's shaking…"

Yunbo, who could be sharp-witted despite his often harsh demeanor, had a sudden realization and yelled, "Yunzhuang, you fool! You've loosened the ground with your force. Retreat!"

But it was too late. The ground beneath them started to collapse, and everyone lost their balance, plummeting downwards.

Yuqing screamed as she fell. Quick as a flash, Yunzhuang sprang off a rock, caught her mid-air, and embraced her – a heroic act that, under different circumstances, would have been met with cheers.

Yunbo let out an indignant cry, "Hey!" His tone unexpectedly resentful, he then fell straight down.

They didn't fall far before their backs hit the ground. Mengwei realized they had landed on a slope, which wasn't very steep, so they soon came to a stop. Darkness surrounded them, with only faint light filtering through the entrance. She took out a flint from her pack, struck a fire, and the area around them became visible. Yunbo was the first person she saw.

Looking just as bewildered, Yunbo asked, "Where are the others?"

"I haven't seen them," he replied before beginning to shout, "Yunzhuang, where are you?"

"Keep it down!" Mengwei reprimanded. "We don't know what lies ahead. Caution is key."

Yunbo immediately clamped his mouth shut, but they both heard a distant response to his call.

"It sounds like they went in another direction…" Mengwei noted.

Yunbo realized that their landing spots might have been different due to the direction of their falls. He had been wandering around Mengwei, so they ended up together, while Yunzhuang, usually glued to Yunbo's side, had diverted at the last moment to save Yuqing, sliding down another slope with Elder Xue.

Yunbo thought resentfully, "That disloyal Yunzhuang, I'll deal with him later! But for now, being alone with Mengwei isn't so bad…"

Unaware of his thoughts, Mengwei looked around. They were in a corridor-like space, slightly tilted. The walls were covered with protruding and recessed metal objects of unknown purpose. There were several doors along the corridor, some open, some closed.

Looking up towards the entrance, it was barely visible. Yunbo excitedly said, "Look, Mengwei, we can climb back up using the protrusions on the walls. It's not as bad as we thought!"

But Mengwei ignored him, touching the unfamiliar objects on the wall and moving further away from the entrance, muttering, "Beyond our understanding… Could these be what Elder Xue meant?"

Yunbo caught up with her, grabbing her arm, "Mengwei, are you crazy? Let's get out of here. This place is creepy. Who knows what unknown horrors are inside? Don't go any further!"

Mengwei turned to him and said softly, "Didn't we come here to explore the unknown? Since we're here, let's find out what lies ahead." Her eyes gleamed with an almost fanatical light.

Yunbo, forgetting Mengwei's earlier advice, turned back and shouted towards the other direction, "Yunzhuang! Yuqing! Elder Xue! Where are you? Come here!" After a few shouts, he seemed to hear vague responses from the opposite side, but they were unclear and seemed to be getting further away.

Unable to contact the others, Yunbo reluctantly gave up and turned back to discuss their next move with Mengwei. To his horror, she had disappeared!

His legs trembling, he automatically walked back toward the direction they had come from, staring at the entrance above, lost in thought. He and Mengwei had grown up together, training and studying side by side. She was superior in both intellect and physical prowess, yet she never mocked him like the others did, always showing him kindness and care. Leaving her alone in this dark, frightening place felt wrong.

With this thought, Yunbo mustered his courage, gritted his teeth, and turned back, following the corridor into the unknown.

He walked for a while, the surroundings looking very similar and confusing. It was just as Elder Xue had said, beyond their understanding.

Suddenly, he saw a door ahead with a faint purple glow coming from it. Rubbing his eyes to make sure, he confirmed it was the Ghostly Shimmer. His heart pounding, he approached it. As he got closer, he was shocked to find Mengwei standing near the door. "You scared me to death, Mengwei! I thought I lost you, haha…"

Before he could finish, he followed her gaze and saw a shocking sight.

Floating in the void in front of them was a tall, naked man with black hair and unusually pale skin, enveloped in purple light. A diamond-shaped purple crystal was embedded in his chest – exactly like the figure Elder Xue had drawn in the snow!

Yunbo gasped, his breath becoming rapid, his mind going blank, yet his feet moved involuntarily toward the figure.

As he got closer, the purple light reflected eerily on his face. He slowly raised his hand towards the crystal...

Suddenly, Yunbo felt himself violently pushed away, falling to the ground with a thud, his body aching but his mind startlingly clear.

"Mengwei, what are you doing?" Yunbo exclaimed, realizing it was Mengwei who had shoved him.

Mengwei's face, partly illuminated by the purple light, regained its calm. "Don't touch the crystal! Didn't you notice the man's body is tilted? I think Elder Zhiyong might have touched the crystal once, leading to some bizarre event or perhaps seeing something incomprehensible. He must have pushed this... creature away with great effort but lost his sanity as a result. So, until we understand more, we should not touch anything here recklessly."

Yunbo, still shaken, rubbed his face vigorously, struggling to calm his racing heart. "Thanks, Mengwei. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to touch that stone."

Mengwei spoke softly, "I was almost drawn in too. I had the same urge. Luckily, your shout snapped me out of it. Honestly, it's you who saved me."

Yunbo stood up, smiling sheepishly. Looking around, he noticed two circular bulges on the ceiling and floor, aligned with a faint purple beam of light. The man appeared to be floating at an angle, as if someone had indeed pushed him away from the beam, yet he remained within its pull.

Mengwei circled the light beam, observing the enigmatic surroundings. Yunbo stood by, too rattled to touch anything.

Soon, they heard approaching footsteps. Yunbo, already on edge, feared another strange occurrence. Mengwei, alert yet composed, whispered, "It might be Elder Xue and the others…" She drew her curved knife, ready for anything.

Figures emerged into the room. The first person they saw was the towering Yunzhuang. "Yunzhuang! You lad!" Yunbo's mix of irritation and relief quickly dissipated in the joy of seeing his companions.

Elder Xue and Yuqing also entered. Yuqing, seeing Mengwei, rushed over and grabbed her hand. Mengwei felt Yuqing's icy grip, a clear sign of her recent fright.

Elder Xue was captivated by the sight of the crystal man. Mengwei warned, "Elder Xue, don't touch this strange man. His crystal seems to possess a magnetic pull." She shared her theory about Elder Zhiyong's past encounter with the crystal.

Elder Xue pondered for a moment and agreed, "Elder Zhiyong must have touched the crystal after careful consideration. What happened next is unknown. To understand, there's only one way…"

Mengwei immediately objected, "No, we shouldn't risk it! Elder Zhiyong's experience serves as a warning."

Yunbo joined in, supporting Mengwei's stance, "She's right. Let's leave this creature here and head back."

Elder Xue countered, "We've come so far. We can't return without uncovering any secrets."

Mengwei asked, "Elder Xue, did you discover anything on your way here?"

Yuqing replied, "After we fell, we saw just random walls. We reached a hall with many chairs fixed to the floor and a large black screen at the end. Yunzhuang tried to take something as a sample, but it was too sturdy."

An idea struck Yunbo, "We can take this man back to Xuecheng. The scholars there can study him."

Yuqing objected, "But the crystal is dangerous. What if it's touched accidentally?"

Yunbo, determined, pulled out a family heirloom, "This is the Ice Crystal Heart Mirror. Cover the crystal with it. Yunzhuang can carry him back."

Yuqing, seizing the opportunity to tease, said, "Wow, even bringing out the family treasure, huh?"

Yunbo, preoccupied, just glared at her before turning to Mengwei for her opinion.

Mengwei agreed, "That sounds like a good plan. Xuecheng's wise men can surely uncover his secrets. What do you think, Elder Xue?"

Elder Xue, weighing the risks, reluctantly agreed, aware of his responsibility for the group's safety.

After sketching the room's details, Elder Xue followed the others out. Mengwei and Yuqing headed towards the hall Yuqing mentioned.

In the hall, they found the man lying under the black screen, much to their shock.

"We have to take him back to Xuecheng," Mengwei decided, calling the others.

Yunbo, amazed, asked, "How did you know he'd be here?"

Mengwei replied, "Just a feeling, as if I've seen him before."

Yunbo, impressed, watched as Yunzhuang wrapped the man in the blanket and secured him with ropes. They then climbed out of the hole with Mengwei's help and made their way down the mountain as dusk approached, returning to Xuecheng in silence, carrying with them a mystery and a potential key to their past.