
Star Goddess

Kimchu, a star goddess, is ultimately breaking off the war in both stratosphere and mesosphere. This would probably demolish the forest and flat earth, it would lead the ending of this world. Her feathers trap an alluring god alongside the king in the mesosphere. It was sincerely magnetized to her vital organ which aptly added to her nucleus. Jess, an old god, feels disappointed when goddess Kissa is dying during world war four. His body is always imbibed with twinge even if his power is highly active. Hassan expects his father who takes his relax in the room, but his daddy is gone. He loudly squeaks upon witnessing such loss that would be the cause of his unexpected sleep. When Kimchu transparently stares at the earth, she is apparently noticing the hot paradise where millions of roses and sunflowers are beneath her feet. This would relieve her stress from the war," hope, someone might give such a rose to my heart. If an attractive god will do that, surely my heavenly organ will dance above his spirit.`` It does not take two minutes, the roses aptly rounded. Beside such an objects, Hassan mushy wears his alluring beauty, and then his left hand carries the redolent and loamy rose like his body. His vestige can cover an awesome presence of the star goddess," can you accept this diamond rose?" "For whom do you give it to?" Kimchu asked. "That's yours baby," "What do you mean?" (Since Hassan didn't answer the rudiments question; Jess's spirit interrupts,' congratulations Kimchu, he would be your king in the stratosphere because you're the only girl who had stopped the war.`` "Will you marry me, Kimchu?" Hassan asked. (His voice whispers and saccharine, it can remove the private part of her. Kimchu feels ecstasy harkening such commitment; however, Kissa's spirit conceals her portrait which could give deep despondency to her, she falls down into the flat earth. A star goddess gives hope to the folks and trees continuously growing. The sun does not appear above the bridge. It might humid her feelings for Hassan; so, she flies into the stratosphere; to accumulate her second power. However, the earth fills with darkness, she couldn't longer see the world. Meanwhile, her ears imbibes the bomb and razor-edge swords which will come to her eyes and body," Hassan, please come and save my life," A horny girl propels these bombs and steel to her. Such noisy bombs, Hassan discerns it pellucidly," baby, please cover from bombs," he runs aptly above the air. His arms biff into the bloody silhouette. "Hold me baby, I really need your world to cover my blood," she said. Hassan feels active to clutch her, he opens the diamond light right away. Surprisingly, his goddess is inside his romantic arms and stomach," I really feel heaven when I see you again. Can I take your virginity?" Beyond their happiness, Kissa exhibits her face like a vampire through walking their area; to haul her giant sword to her foe,'' I'm already dying on the earth, yet I won't allow her to take Hassan's body, he is mine. If you were Hassan, would you value your past girl or reject her forever? In that point, Hassan romantically found the star god who showed her genuine feelings for him. What if Kissa might apply that quality? Will Hassan accept her?

Ariel_Novelist · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 13- dry night

Third POV-

The entire paradise seemingly cool and bright when God Hassan and Kimchu take their sweet dating, the white gods emulated what they did. Indeed they are expecting for their babies who will stay in the stratosphere.

Jess, the invisible god, serves as the security of his son, whoever will pass in the paradise. He will tolerate his body to fight with him, though the aftermath; the folks might experience the war again. On the other hand, God Ralf feels pity for what Kissa shows to him, he promises himself to destroy the paradise; just to give happiness to her treated daughter.

Every single cloud, goddess Kissa counts its light which links the promise of Jess," you'll be my future daughter-in-law," she calls that god, but Ralf inserts to her mind," don't coordinate with him because he is dead."

Above the group of leaves, Hassan satisfactorily haunted the queen. He can't explain how beautiful his partner is, not only that he forgets his past upon staring at her.

At that moment, there are two lights crossed to the mesosphere which link to her heart, while Hassan is still clutching her body," my king, do you see the thunder?"

"Don't mind it, my queen, it's our night to celebrate such awesome happiness, he said. When the queen closes her eyes like the sun, her king opens the hot body that she has displayed to him. Hence, both of them like what they have done so far. Then, they slept together in that bed.

Above their heads, the two thunders are aggressively flying; to wait for the instruction of Ralf.

(I don't have any plans to be the queen, since I want Kissa to be the queen. Well, I must kidnap the current queen to the exosphere.)

Will Hassan block Ralf's intention?