
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Hongmin's Banquet

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Hongmin's Banquet

"Now they have decided whether you are with us to get pocket money or not? You should know that I am offering an opportunity here, I am not begging you, and the participation of me and Sadan is enough."

"I didn't say I wouldn't participate," Jasas answered quickly

While Tian Fei looked at Rose, waiting for her reply

Katrina's innocent and beautiful look was filled with fear at this moment, and when his eyes met, she quickly replied, "I'll participate."

"Good, so in a week from now I will send a letter to all the union leaders and ask them to come to dinner at my residence then we will share our opinions with them."

After some greetings, the three of them left, leaving Tian Fei alone in his dormitory

Then, Tian Fei said, "Xu Daizua, follow the one named Rose and let me know if you meet anyone."

Then Tian Fei went to his training room, but this time he asked his AI, "Show the prices of gravity adjustments in the training room."

{Gravity 2: 200 Dragon Coins, Gravity 4: 2000 Dragon Coins, Gravity 8: 20,000 Thousand Dragon Coins, Gravity 16: 200,000 Dragon Coins}

Tian Fei took a deep breath when he saw the prices, but still said, "Buy both 2X and 4X Gravity."

From that day on, Tian Fei began to use Weak Gravity to practice

That same night, Xu Daizua returned with some news. Indeed, as Tian Fei had expected, Rose had met someone, but in reality, she had two separate meetings.

At first, I met the Thorny Rose Trio and talked to them about Tian Fei's plan, and everything happened

During her second meeting, Shu Daizua said that he was with a masked person, but it seems that Rose has a very deep respect for him and addresses him with words like the young master.

Surprisingly, when Shu Daizua wanted to check this child's information, his information was specially protected, and when he wanted to track down this mysterious person, he felt a very strong person protecting him in secret, but his cultivation was lower than Shu Daizua, so he did not notice him.

As for a reason for Xu Daizua's return, he didn't know if in such a situation Tian Fei wanted him to continue chasing.

Tian Fei didn't care much whether he revealed his masked identity or not because it was possible that discovering his identity was like poking a snake's nest.

But he also achieved the desired goal. "This rose, as I expected, was representing."

Tian Fei was very sensitive to the liars and fraudsters in his life, so he was able to pick up some weaknesses in Rose's actions.

At first, she announced that she did not join a guild because she is anti-social, but she is still very sensitive and brave enough to stand up to someone in the sky layer just because of people she doesn't know.

Tian Fei could not relate her actions and words, so he realized that one or both of them were lying

And now comes an explanation of why you oppose it. Without much thought, Tian Fei knew that she wanted to test his strength

And since she wanted to test his strength, then there were some reasons for that

Either it works for a certain person and these are his orders before it comes from the beginning

The second possibility is that she is testing him for her benefit to compare herself with him, but she should not use such a dangerous method to achieve this goal.

Either way, Tian Fei decided to show the price of directly provoking her, whether it was her first or second target. However, he didn't show much and humiliated her using his aura alone.

Tian Fei returned and started planning the banquet a week later, as he wanted it to be the banquet for Hongmin to the others.

Tian Fei went back to his normal days and trained in Weak Gravity, attending classes, learning from Grandpa Qi

The day before the banquet, Tian Fei had finally broken through to the Eighth Heaven, and his Ghost Step had now become a great achievement, extremely close to perfection.

While in the Annihilation Chef, he had reached mastery at the first level

He found that the power of the Annihilation Sword was at least doubled when using the fiery form of his bloodline

Of course, during this time, Tian Fei was also learning from Tian Bu Huai how to control his bloodline and use it in combat.

In the end, until now, he could only use his bloodline's sun pattern for a quarter of an hour

And at this time many discussions were going on here and there

But the common link between them is the mention of the same names

"Tian Fei, defeat the Heaven Tier with his aura alone and the banquet."

Where many questioned whether this is the moment of the birth of a fifth guild

But in the eyes of the rest of the guilds, strange rumors had reached them that he was planning to blackmail their guilds and collect protection fees from them.

The reactions were different

As for the rebels, they got angry and started spreading rumors about the Heaven Tier abusing their powers

While his Insane Guild and Sha Xing reacted with silence, they did not speak or formulate an opinion

While in the Thorny Roses Guild, a meeting was happening right now

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