
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Features of the Highest-Level Identification Bracelet

Chapter Thirty-Six: Features of the Highest-Level Identification Bracelet

Tian Fei entered his residence and headed to a place he had never been to before

Where apparently in the dwelling there is a ground floor

And the ground floor is a dedicated training room

The room was very large and white with some blue streaks here and there

Before Tian Fei started training, he took out the art that resonated with him in the library, but he didn't browse but started using his new identification bracelet.

Tian Fei found himself unable to use it efficiently as it was a bit complicated

But while browsing, he found an option to activate the artificial intelligence

Tian Fei activated it and heard a voice directly in his head

´Artificial intelligence has been activated´

{The user of the higher-level 001 bracelets, the AI welcomes you}

"Artificial Intelligence. Summarize the advantages of this bracelet over the lower-level bracelet."

{There are many advantages, the first of which is the presence of a smart spiritual artificial intelligence}

{One of the most important features is remote access to some of the six main facilities in the Cave of the Fall of Geniuses, the ability to purchase with a discount from the Cave Treasure Room, a comprehensive map of every detail in the Cave of the Fall of Geniuses except for the Forest of Eternal Darkness, the ability to access information with closed categories in the cave, The ability to break into lower-ranked devices upon request except for some specially protected devices, the ability to contact the Martial Spiritual Realm, absolute control over the Heavenslayer's training rooms}

{These are the most important features, but there are additional features that are not mentioned}

Explain each of the first, sixth, and seventh points.

{For the first point, you can use the Tamani restaurant as an example. In the past, the student had to go to the Tamani restaurant and consume food in the Tamani restaurant, but now, using the higher ID, the student can order food from the Tamani restaurant from his home}

{For the sixth point, the martial spirit world should be introduced. The martial spirit world is a separate space that exists in the nine galactic groups of unknown origin. It classifies people according to their cultivation worlds, with a global classification for them. The identification bracelet 001 can enter the spirit martial world directly, observed in the world of Spiritual Martial One faces other cultivators in the same Martial World in 1v1 fights. Each victory raises the challenger's rank and earns him several rewards from the Martial Spiritual Realm.}

{For the last point, environmental modifications can be purchased in the training room, whether changing the room to become richer for a certain type of energy, or changing the gravity in the room, all of which is possible, but it costs dragon coins to do the modification}

Tian Fei absorbed most of the things in the AI-assisted identification bracelet, but he didn't use any of them directly

Instead, he took out all the art he had obtained this time

He put the Ultimate Art and Slaughter, Art, aside because it wasn't appropriate to cultivate them now

He began looking at the remaining arts, sacred arts, and heavenly arts

Tian Fei started reading their details one by one, and after memorizing the contents of all of them, Tian Fei began to train

To begin with the Sword of Destruction

And very quickly time passed

Tian Fei fell back into a repetitive routine again

Training, eating, sleeping, and of course, going to his classes

And so 3 days passed. Tian Fei was currently at the stage of small completion of the first layer of Destruction Sword

Arts have stages of mastery

Knowledge, entry, small achievement, great achievement, mastery

In the case of Sword of Destruction, each of its stages had these classifications

At this moment, Tian Fei was at the small achievement of just 3 days

On this day, Tian Fei should see Grandpa Xi again

So, Tian Fei headed to Grandpa Xi's residence and began to defeat him, I mean, teach him again

After Tian Fei finished his lesson

Grandpa Xi asked him to stay

"Little Fei, do you know what my surname is?"

"I heard from Shu Daizua that your name is the Chess Saint."

"Yes, this is my nickname, but do you know why I was called in the first place?"

"Didn't you call yourself a brag?" Tian Fei asked with sincere shock on his face

Grandpa Xi choked at his words at this moment but chose to ignore Tian Fei

"I was called by this title because I never lost a war. Of course, I lost many battles, but I did not lose a war that I supervised as a strategist. At one time they called me the Devil's Strategist, but I did not like the title, and because I was famous at the time for my love of chess, people changed my title To the chess saint

"Oh, you're so cool, Grandpa Shi."

"Of course, Ahem, I'm not telling you this to show off, but because from today I'm going to teach you."

"What are you going to teach me?" Tian Fei asked in a slightly strange tone as he didn't know why Grandpa Xi was treating him so well.

How could Tian Fei not realize that Grandpa Shi was currently supervising his cultivation himself?

But Tian Fei couldn't figure out why? In the end, Tian Fei gave up and considered Grandpa Xi to be investing in him and gambling on his success

"Art of war." Grandpa Xi replied with two words, but Tian Fei felt that he had entered a sea of blood and endless fighting when they both walked out of Grandpa Xi.