
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Chapter X: The consequences of insulting sovereignty

Chapter X: The consequences of insulting sovereignty

At this time, the child's body had completed its entire body regeneration

The least that can be said is that he was born again, the improvement was not simple at all, even his mental abilities developed greatly

In his previous life, although he was not the smartest person on earth, his learning speed and intelligence were highly praised by everyone he dealt with.

But the difference between the past and now is very large, what he used to need half an hour for his account, now he finishes it in less than 5 minutes

What the child did not know was that the state he was going through just now was called body rebuilding for martial artists in the human world and also called deep body washing for profound practitioners, which only happens when breaking through to the King Profound Realm.

This process was improving the person's physical strength and the strength of all his bones, as it removed the impurities and waste accumulated by the person from his daily life, but the most important and the most mysterious is the opportunity to improve the degree of bloodline!!

Of course, all of this happens from the von of the child's knowledge of it

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A few days after the child's body fully recovered, a slight crawling sound appeared in the room

The child looked in the direction of the sound to see a colored snake entering his dark room

The child thought that this snake is the fourth wave, and according to his knowledge of toxins, it will contain cytotoxic poison, but he did not plan to take it.

So he extended his hand very quickly to catch the snake, but

"Why can't I move, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my body, it... it's the snake's eyes!!."

Yes, the child looked into the eyes of the colorful snake with horns and froze in his place

An instinctive fear from his depths exploded as soon as he met the eyes of the snake that was as if looking down on the entire world.

The child did not feel that the snake was looking at him as his prey, or even anything close to that

Contempt and utter disdain was all he met as if he were less than a squirrel of this snake

And while the snake was approaching him quietly and slowly

"She looks down on me? When was the last time I was snubbed by anyone?"

Perhaps because of his increasing strength in the last period, the child felt that a mere snake had no right to disdain him

So, using all his strength, the child began to struggle against his own instinct

His blood began to circulate so fast that his skin began to appear red

The child felt as if something inside his blood was awakening little by little

Then ^crack^ as if something had broken inside him the boy finally moved

A surprise appeared in the eyes of the snake, and then what filled them was anger

"An insect, no less than an insect dares to resist My Majesty's pressure, as did that previous child, but that child bears the trace of the Slayer star bloodline, so it is still acceptable for him to move under my presence."

But even a mere mortal from a lower realm who dares to move in front of a dragon's presence, I will make him pay the price."

A killing intent appeared around the snake, just a trace of this killing intent as if it had poured cold water on the child. This time, it wasn't his instinct that he should fight against, but the killing intent that overwhelmed his soul.

As if he had entered a very cold cave

But the moment after the killing intent appeared, a wave of calm energy appeared and dispelled the killing intent, and the next moment the snake spit out blood as if it had been badly injured, and its arrogant gaze changed to one of fear.

The snake appeared immediately after that on the hand of the child and bit him before it disappeared without any trace

The child felt the bite before being chased by a wave of dizziness, after which he fell unconscious directly

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On top of the mountain that touches the clouds

The scene was still made up of the old man and the Dragon Knight

But at this moment, the Dragon Knight was pouring blood from his mouth, kneeling on the ground, looking at the old man in fear

But this time, in contrast to the peaceful and wise aura around the old man, there was an air of bitter coldness surrounding him.

The old man spoke first and said, "It seems that your little lizard does not know its place, and as its owner, you must take responsibility for it. The punishment will not be cruel. 500 years of sealing and cutting off 2 of your limbs, and because I feel so happy today, I will let you decide which of the limbs to keep, as for For the lizard, it must guard the gate of the Cave of the Geniuses fall for 500 years as well, and cut off one of its horns while delivering 4 drops of its blood essence."

The Dragon Knight shuddered, but did not dare to say anything other than, "I deserve to be punished, Sovereign."

This was the Sovereign's anger!!

Once he frowned entire races would actually die. The dragon knight knew he was lucky to spare his life

The Sovereign was not pretending to be happy, but concerning the history and past of this Sovereign, his punishment now was mercy.

The old Sovereign turned his eyes away from the Dragon Knight and said, "Take him, and don't forget that lizard."

A black armorer next to the Dragon Knight appeared out of nowhere and took the Dragon Knight away, causing both of them to disappear

After they were gone, the old man smiled slightly and muttered, "5 children were able to move under the pressure of the lizard. Wonderful. I witnessed the killing star, the willful, and the arrogant, but the pretentious and the calculative were the most interesting. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. I hope the heir really appears this time." In the last sentence, there was A strange expression on the old man's face, part of its longing and unwillingness, accompanied by resignation as well