
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter VIII: The Third Poison

Chapter VIII: The Third Poison

One of the most significant gains was the exponential progression of his fitness, flexibility, and even strength, as he by a conservative estimate, can lift 350 pounds, which is equivalent to an athletic person going to the gym for 5 years regularly. Even in adolescence!!!

The child formed a fist in his little hand, clasping his fingers together and making a weird pose

The aura around him changed dramatically as he became filled with seriousness and danger.

Then the boy punched the wall with all his might, the wind changed from the strength of his fist, forming a reluctance against his fist before crashing into the wall.

^Boom^ A soft explosion resounded in the room

After the punching, the child's position returned to normal, and looking at the marks left by his fist on the wall.

A slight depth imprint was formed in the wall in the shape of his small fist

Amazingly, a little boy under the age of six did this

But the ironic thing is that this child had no signs of joy on his face, rather he seemed dissatisfied

"I thought I was stronger than this, especially since I used the First style of the Ancient Core Fist Art, most likely I am being restrained by my still-developing body."

But our hero did not know that this wall that hit him was not just a wall of ordinary rocks, but rather one of the rare types of rocks known for their hardness.

For anyone else to achieve what he did now, he would need to have at least started sensing profound energy, but that is a story for another time.

"Anyway, my current strength is only a secondary gain to this. I still can't believe that I've gained complete control over my blood."

Yes! This is the main and biggest gain of the second round of poison, the ability to control his blood

Whether it increases its fluidity or decreases it, not only that... but it also has a slight control over the speed of its heartbeat and the strength of its contraction!!

This is next to impossible to happen with him

In any way, this benefit is not small, but it can be considered the second biggest gain for him in this cave after strengthening his heart muscle and blood vessels.

The child took a deep breath and closed his eyes to stand still without any movement, after a while he heard a single familiar sound of an approaching snake muttering while closing his eyes, "The third poison arrived. Which of the surprises will you bring me?".

The boy did not open his eyes, although the snake had already jumped at him, threatening to bite his neck.

The child turned his body a little, avoiding the attack of the snake, and in a blink of an eye, he had caught the snake, all this while he closed his eyes!

Yes! This is the final benefit of the second poison

As with his eyesight, both his sense of smell and hearing improved greatly

Especially his sense of hearing, which has improved to the point that he can locate the snake in a room full of echoes!!

Proud of his developed senses, the child grabbed the snake by its head, deftly extracting the poison from it

The snake died from extracting its venom immediately afterward

The child sipped some of the poison. "Protein-degrading poison!!!"

This toxin, although it is one of the major 4 major species, is a branch of the cytotoxic toxin

But due to its prevalence it was considered a major species, the kid was secretly happy because it wasn't cytotoxin actually if this was cytotoxin he wouldn't have taken it

"After all, it seems that they are not that stupid, and this poison is enough to build immunity to the cytotoxic poison, because if this cytotoxic poison, even if you develop immunity against it, it will leave indelible effects on the person forever."

After confirming the poison, the child drank the rest directly

Then he felt severe pain in his muscles and bones as if they were shattering. The most accurate description is that they are being torn apart. The pain was unbearable.

But now the child is no longer the child who was bitten for the first time. He sat cross-legged on the ground, controlling his blood to increase its density.

The density of the blood comes from the increase in the percentage of white blood cells in the blood

The child increased its percentage to fight the poison and gain immunity as quickly and actively as possible

But the poison will not take this attack lying down, so it fights the white blood cells and destroys them

It also directly attacked the source of the white blood cells

bone marrow!!

The poison began necrosis of the bone marrow, causing unbearable pain, and it is considered one of the greatest physical pains that can be exposed to.

In fact, during this moment, the child is in his weakest state. Any external threat may lead to his death, but fortunately, he is in this room, which is completely isolated from the outside world.

Sensing the bone-piercing pain, the child gritted his teeth and focused on the poison inside, and in a shorter time than any of the previous poisons, the poison was completely dealt with.

"Huh.Huh...I feel reborn."

Because of the poison, a lot of his muscles, consisting mainly of proteins, and a large part of normal bones and bone marrow, were destroyed, so his immune system suffered great damage.

However, the magical effects that came after this poison were as wonderful as usual

His muscles and bones have been repaired, and his bone marrow has begun to regenerate miraculously.

This rebuilding was not simple in any way, reshaping his muscles, he adjusted them to the most perfect shape.

The same applies to the immune system, as the strong blow it was subjected to greatly improved it to become stronger and stronger

As for his bones, they became ridiculously strong and solid

As for the bone marrow, it is the slowest to heal and it seems as if it will take some time, but the changes that occurred to it certainly are the most important.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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