
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three: Betrayal! And the completion of the first awakening.

Chapter Twenty-Three: Betrayal! And the completion of the first awakening.

Tian Jiangxi fell silent and closed the talisman

Then he grabbed his sword and pulled it out of its scabbard

He looked at his sword quilt and put it on his neck, ending his life with his hand

"No, please, please, brother, why? Brother, why?

At this moment, Tian Fei and Tian Bu Huai were watching all the events from beginning to end.

Tian Fei's expression was filled with regret and regret, while Tian Bu Hai's expression was filled with hatred and anger.

Hate began to boil inside of him

Tian Fei knew why he was filled with hatred

After all, his brother was killed by the woman he loved

how did he kill Could any sane person who knew so little about Tian Jiangxi not know that he was too lazy to be friends?

Otherwise, could Tian Jiangxi ask someone's permission to take care of his friend?

of course not !!!

The woman he loved and spent most of his time with knew that, so when Tian Jiangxi asked if he could bring his injured friend over, they both knew he was talking about himself.

And she responded that she couldn't take care of his friend!!! Ironically, even if he was talking about his friend, it wouldn't be her turn to take care of him. There are many servants in Tian Jiangxi Palace!

Tian Jiangxi could not bear the heartache of her response and decided to end his life rather than see her look at him with disgust.

In the end, it was the end of one of the greatest geniuses of being a fool for love the end

But what Tian Fei couldn't understand was why? Even if he is injured, even if he is disabled for the rest of his life, his brother is still alive, and there is no problem in enjoying glory and wealth for a long time, judging by the relationship between the brothers.

At that, Tian Bu Huai got up and said, "She is the granddaughter of the Rainbow Lord! She was expelled a long time ago because of her poor talent." The look in his eyes was vacant and carried a deep self-blame.

After Tian Fei heard that, the picture in his head was completely completed

In the middle of their mourning, the space around them began to collapse

To return to the small island in the middle of the ocean again

When Tian Fei returned to the island, he felt that there was something different in his body

The change was not obvious at first, but soon it began to become more and more evident

Tian Fei sensed a new energy within him, but even though it was new, it was his own

Tian Fei closed his eyes and tried to feel her, and as Tian Fei closed his eyes, his hair started to turn fiery red.

Behind him, a blazing ball formed that looked like a miniature sun

Tian Fei opened his eyes and felt the power surging from him unconsciously, a smile forming on his lips

It was then that Tian Fei heard Tian Bu Huai's voice saying, "This is the dominant sun power you are currently using."

Tian Fei looked at him and was surprised that he was able to speak normally. Tian Fei was going to leave him for a while so that he could clear his mind, but he was surprised at the speed at which he did so.

Then, Tian Bu Huai said, "Child, no one knows more about the Sun Moon Dominant Dynasty than me, so I will help you improve it on one condition!"

Tian Fei's expression turned cold, "Didn't we agree to teach me before? Do you want to go back on your words?"

Tian Bu Huai's expression changed and became conflicted after a minute of silence, "I'm sorry. This is the first and last time I'll go back on my promise, but I request that you bury my brother's body."

Although Tian Fei's expression turned ugly from Tian Bu Huai's reneging on his promise, in the end, he sighed. Although he could erase Tian Bu Huai with his thoughts, if we come to the truth, if Tian Bu Huai was in his place, he would do the same.

Also, although Tian Fei could never be considered a good person, on the contrary, the sins he committed during his previous life qualify him as one of the greatest evils they have ever seen in the history of Earth.

However, as someone who had seen the lives of all of Tian Jiangxi and how close the two brothers were to each other, he would be lying if he said he was not affected at all.

"How do I bury him? His body decomposed for so long! We're talking about 100,000 years at least."

"If he is an ordinary person, then that is true, but my brother has trained in the 9 Secrets of Satan, so his physical strength is something you can never imagine, and the proof is that you saw how even a Sovereign fell under his hands, and when your physical strength is so great, your corpse will need for a very long time." To dissolve, of course, nothing escapes the power of time, and it will eventually dissolve, but that time is not close at least.

Tian Fei paused and said, "I will not promise you, but as soon as possible, and if the opportunity arises, I will fulfill your request."

Hearing Tian Fei's words, Tian Bu Huai sighed and finally relaxed. If Tian Fei agreed directly, he would feel that Tian Fei was deceiving him.

Tian Bu Huai's eyes filled with gratitude and he said, "Thank you." Then, Tian Bu Huai returned to say, "But since you have awakened the Sun Moon Hegemonic Dynasty and can exit this space, the Sovereign outside is still waiting for you."