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He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter Three: The Struggle Within the Darkness, Part Two

Chapter Three: The Struggle Within the Darkness, Part Two

While our hero continues to train in Indian martial arts, he suddenly stops, because the candlelight that delivers food has arrived.

After the disappearance of the light, the child went towards the bump as usual, but this time he was surprised that the tray made of cork was somewhat heavier than usual.

After sensing it, it was found that the amount of meat present had at least doubled the usual and that this meat was completely healthy!!

Untouched by any kind of mold.

This did not make the child happy, but caution rose inside him

And after taking a deep breath, he began to devour the food in a frenzy after he finished eating

The child proceeded with his routine but was interrupted by a slight hissing sound, and because the room was closed, he could not identify its source because of the echo.

But that didn't stop him from recognizing the voice, "Are those sons of bitches joking? Snakes?"

The child tried to calm down and thought, "She must have been detoxified, and they put her for a test of mental fortitude. This is the only possibility. It must be so. Otherwise, this is no longer a test."

But soon the child felt a snake bite on his feet and realized how funny his frame of mind was

Suddenly, he could no longer move his body and fell to the ground as if he had no bones

"Damn it, Neurotoxin Venom, is this the end of me and will I die after being reborn?"

This was one of the four types of poisons that targeted the peripheral nerves to cause complete paralysis of the muscles of the entire body

"No, wait, I can still breathe. This means that my diaphragm has not been completely poisoned, which means that the poison is diluted. I still have a chance to survive."

Despite finding his chance, the kid knows that what's coming is the hard part

Imagine with me, you are lying in a dark, closed room without light for a whole month without speaking to anyone.

You have accumulated negative thoughts to a dangerous degree already and now that your only way of venting has been cut off, how would you feel?

And as if that weren't enough, you're completely paralyzed and your muscles so relaxed that you feel like you're sinking into the darkness.

As if you didn't exist, you were swallowed up bit by bit by the darkness

Let the darkness grow darker, and the darkness inside the heart grow so fast every second that it overshadows any kind of light or hope in life.

But at this moment, "Hahahaha, the dark? I've never been afraid of it!" The baby's eyes started to shine like crazy, but fortunately, there was no one to see them.

"If you stare into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you, but what if I am the abyss?"

The child kept himself awake by force because he knew that although his diaphragm was not completely paralyzed, it cannot be denied that his breathing became more difficult, and if he fell asleep, his breathing rate would decrease again, which could lead to very bad results for his internal organs and most importantly for his brain.

With the power of his observant will, the child was able to stay awake paralyzed and immersed in darkness for 3 days.

After the poison was self-liquidated from his body, the child fell asleep

As he fell asleep, great heaven and earth-shaking changes occurred within his body

But our child didn't know anything about it now.

After an unknown time, it could be an hour or two, or a day or two, the child woke up from his slumber and opened his eyes to be surprised that it seemed as if he could distinguish the features of the room in the darkness!!

Although his eyes were previously adapted to the darkness, no matter how adapted he could not see as now.

In the past, his brain filled in the features of the room himself to suggest to him that he could see, but this time is different, as he really can see, although it is slightly

The child looked under his feet to see the snake that had bitten him dead as if it had bitten him to die immediately afterward.

"With my slight adjustment to vision, I can now count the time."

Then go to a certain wall and draw a line using the blood of the dead snake


After the snake incident, the calm continued for 4 days, and the only changes were that the amount of food that increased became constant (after the increase).

Because of this increase, the child added another thing to his usual routine, which is practicing martial arts that focus on strength and toughness.

And for these characteristics, there is no better than the Chinese Shaolin arts to practice, not only in addition to mere martial arts but also to Western calisthenics exercises without weights, to build muscle mass and control it at the same time

For some reason, the child felt that he could breathe more easily after being bitten by the snake, and his inhuman body flexibility from the beginning increased.

"The strange condition of my body here gives me some hope of practicing the Shaolin holy scripture muscle washing, but I mustn't rush this, as failure can have disastrous consequences."

At the beginning of the fifth day of the snake bite, the child woke up to a familiar hissing sound, but this time, and although he could see the snake before it bit him, it was not one, but three, and each of them came from a different direction from the other.

The three snakes pounced on him, and this time the child did not resist from the beginning, although he was sure of his newly acquired flexibility, so he was sure of dodging them and even killing them, but he did not do that, because he had tasted the sweetness of the bite previously.

And without any delay, the three snakes bit him in different places of his body, so that he could feel the sensation of numbness and painful muscle relaxation again.

To fall again by fighting against the darkness, because the percentage of poison is greater than last time, and it reached his eyelids, forcing him to close them.

Even he was sure that his body had developed some kind of resistance to this poison, or else he would have stopped breathing ages ago

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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