
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Chapter Thirty: Sacred Art!

Chapter Thirty: Sacred Art!

Tian Fei headed towards the Library of Mystery, but for once this was his destination. It was the main library, which contained martial arts, secret arts, and many other cultivation techniques.

Of course, unlike the rest of the sections, which are available for use by anyone without Dragon Coins, in this part of the Library of Mystery, you have to sell your kidney to enter approx.

A whopping sum of 10,000 Dragon Coins for every 3 hours left in the main library

Tian Fei arrived in front of the main library's gate and found a young man of about 16 or 17 years old wearing the special robe of the Library of Mystery teachers.

Tian Fei was surprised by the young man's appearance but lived straight when he saw no one else at the desk

"Excuse me, where should I go to enter the main library?" Tian Fei asked

Then the young man looked at him and said, "Just put your hand on the gate and you will enter. My name is Xu Daizu. I am the librarian of this librarian." There was some dissatisfaction in his voice when he found that Tian Fei did not recognize him.

When Xu Daizu mentioned that he was the librarian, Tian Fei was shocked and showed shock on his face

Because of the shock in Tian Fei's eyes, Xu Daizu's slight dissatisfaction disappeared

Just at this moment, Tian Fei glanced at the sight of Xu Daizu. With short blue hair and a slender and petite build, he wore wide round glasses on his face.

Then Tian Fei said, "I'm sorry for not recognizing your position, sir, if you may, do you have any advice for me when entering?"

Seeing how humble Tian Fei was in front of him, Xu Daizu rejoiced and said, "Never mind, if you want to advise him, it is not to try to force anything."

"Thank you, Librarian Xu," Tian Fei replied, although he did not understand the meaning of Xu Daizu's words.

Tian Fei turned to the huge gate in front of him and placed his hand on it, and after less than a second, he had disappeared

As for the conversation with Xu Daizu, Tian Fei was really doubting whether this librarian was old and with a youthful appearance, or if he was really young because he was so naive!!

Whether it was Tian Fei showing a fake shock on his face or feigning humility to anyone with some life experience, he wouldn't fall victim to these games, but Xu Daizu was happy about it.

Tian Fei didn't want to think too much about this thing because it wouldn't help him in the short term and examined his surroundings instead

Great to say the least about this place!!

So wide that Tian Fei could not see the end of the place in any aspect of it using his gaze alone.

The place was filled with huge bubbles around it

Each bubble serves a specific purpose

Each bubble has a different halo and color

But as soon as Tian Fei wanted to move, an extremely fast light pierced his forehead

Tian Fei couldn't dodge it at all, but fortunately, it wasn't an attack

And only information about the mechanism of work of the place here

In short, each bubble carried a different martial art or cultivation technique

But to obtain it, there are two ways, one of which is to penetrate the bubble by force and to obtain the art or to obtain the approval of the art itself

Of course, the strength level of the bubble was adjusted based on the person

So for Tian Fei, both methods are possible, but one is guaranteed, while the other is not

Of course, what was guaranteed to Tian Fei was strength.

With this information, a map of the place was inserted inside his mind

So he headed straight for the martial arts part

Martial arts are divided into two parts, martial arts, and secret arts

Martial Arts, from its name, is used when fighting with others

While secret arts are arts whose main use is not combat, they can still be used for combat

Tian Fei was walking around and glancing at every bubble

When looking at the bubble, he was able to know the introduction to the art

"good foundation grip"

"vortex of fire"

The Ice Queen's Steps

"Hazy Illusion"

"Lightning Sword"

"4 forms of a dragon spear"

"The Fierce Saber"

And many, many other arts

Some attracted Tian Fei's interest, while some did not

But what surprised Tian Fei was that of all the existing arts, the weakest was the Heavenly Art!!!

Tian Bu Huai had explained to him a bit about the martial arts arrangement

From the human arts, the mystical arts, and then the earthly arts, and above these three layers the heavenly arts, of course, there are still parts that are stronger than the heavenly arts.

Sacred and Immortal were after the heavenly

According to legend, some arts are more powerful than the Immortal Arts, but Tian Bu Huai had never dealt with them.

But here and in this place, even the worst parts can cause the worst wars abroad!!

After some time searching, Tian Fei found a bubble that was much larger than the rest of the bubbles, and the aura around it was much greater

Without thinking, Tian Fei knew that the art in front of him was sacred!!!

Art for which billions of practitioners would die

An art that would allow an ordinary person to become a genius would receive praise from the eight directions

Tian Fei looked at him and read the name of this art