
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter Nine: The Final Poison

Chapter Nine: The Final Poison

After feeling his newly acquired strength, a faint smile spread across the tired child's face

"Since I went through the first time and got such really great results, I think that this time I shouldn't use the poison drip method, but I will take another approach."

In the first and second poison, the child used an approach of extracting snake venom and then injecting it into his body continuously throughout the time.

Well, the goal of this poison is to rebuild my entire structure and strengthen my immune system itself, not to gain immunity against the poison, and its method in this is to destroy my structure most brutally, and then treat it, so the old method will lead to a decrease in its benefits and an increase in the period of pain only since This dear poison loves violence, I will be more violent."

The next time the 3 snakes appeared, the child grabbed them quickly and extracted their poison, but this time he did not take the poison, but rather put it in one of the leather bags that he had made.

Then, he continued his training routine of various martial arts as if the 3 snakes had not appeared

Days passed and the child's strength was increasing day by day

The 9 snakes appeared, as did the 18th wave

And today is the day when the 81 snakes appear

After emptying the venom from all the snakes, he divided the venom into 3 skin bags, each containing varying proportions of the venom.

The child grabbed the smaller bag and drank it all straight away

A wave of excruciating pain rained down on the child from inside his body. After sensing his internal situation, the child knew that he had not reached his limits

He opened the second skin bag and began emptying its contents into his mouth little by little until the poison in the skin bag ended

The child took the third and last skin bag and began emptying its contents as well

There was only one thought in the child's mind the whole time, "More I can still...More."

Until a little remain at the bottom of the bag, the child stops and does not finish drinking it

The pain has already reached a stage that can never be tolerated, but with the strength of his will and enthusiasm in thinking about the results of what he is doing, the child was able to withstand

After a few days, the pain completely disappeared from the child's body, but his current appearance was not promising at all

He looked more like a dead body, with loose skin, thin bones, and some melted flesh on his body.

Despite his physical condition, which is almost closer to a decomposing corpse than to being the body of a living person, an ugly smile was drawn on the child's face.

This is because he can feel all the changes that occur in his body from the smallest to the largest

The renewal of his flesh and the steady increase in the density of his bones, and the new white and red blood cells present in his blood

The recovery lasted for a few days, which resulted in a comprehensive improvement in his entire physical structure

The most obvious change was an increase in his length by about 5 cm, but in contrast to the obviousness of this change, it is the least important compared to the rest of his body.

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the top of a tall mountain touching the clouds, an old man in white robes fluttering with the wind was standing, his hands wrapped around his back, surrounded by an aura of wisdom, his eyes radiating with a menacing light.

Behind him was standing a middle-aged man wearing a dark green robe and a colorful snake with horns protruding slightly on its head resting on his shoulder.

"I will trouble you by using your Source Dragon on the children later," said the white-robed old man.

"It's an honor to take part in this test, but, sir, I have a question that I hope you can answer I'm curious," the green-robed man replied hoarsely as if he hadn't spoken in ages.

The old man turned his eyes towards him without moving his head, "Ask."

"Sir, even your weakest disciple is still far stronger than me, and their reputation has shaken the realms, so why such a test, why would you choose children from the lower realms even though their talents are so backward compared to the rest of the worlds. No matter how I think about it, I can't explain it."

A smile appeared on the old man's face and said, "Dragon Knight, are you sure you want to know this?"

The expression of the man who was called the Dragon Knight suddenly changed to pure fear and he fell to his knees and said, "I… I'm sorry, Sovereign, please spare my life."

"Stop, I did not intend to punish you, but I cannot answer this question, but due to your privileges so far, I will give you another chance to ask another question." The old man said slowly and quietly.

"Sovereign, if you'll excuse me, even if children use ordinary snake venom to equip them, it's still impossible for them to withstand the venom of the Sacred Poison Dragon."

"Luckily for you, this question I can still answer this. The poison that was used is not ordinary snake venom, but the poison imooji in the saint world."

The Dragon Knight froze, "How are they still alive? The amount of profound energy within the Poison imooji is enough to blow up 100,000 children like them."

"I removed the profound energy from her," the old man said softly

The shock that was within the Dragon Knight was incomparably greater at this moment of removing poison profound energy? It may seem simple, but it is not simple at all. In fact, it is more difficult than killing an adult imooji not in the Saint realm, but in the Elder Immortal realm.

The Dragon Knight never spoke again, but looked at the horned snake resting on his shoulder and said, "Come on, my friend. It's your turn."

The snake woke up alarmed and looked at its friend, then within the same time it had disappeared heading down the mountain

Then the old man muttered, "Finally we'll finish this first stage. Don't disappoint me, Final Poison."