
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Introduction to Profound Energy and bloodline Awakening

Chapter Fourteen: Introduction to Profound Energy and bloodline Awakening

After this incident, the square continued to be quiet, and those who passed the filtration came one after the other

Until all participants have met

Amongst everyone, Tian Fai could sense that there were nearly 500 of them who had a somewhat strong aura that was distinct from the rest

After an unknown amount of time, a voice was heard coming from the top of the platform in the middle of the circular square

Tian Fai and everyone looked at the source of the voice to find an old man with a white beard and deep black eyes

He had a gentle and peaceful appearance, but at the same time there was an aura that prevented you from offending or blaspheming against him

In contrast to his old appearance, his back was straight as a spear, as if his body was shouting his youth and health

Behind the old man were 4 knights in black armor, and behind them were 16 knights in golden armor

Each of them stands with great respect and clear fanaticism in their view of the old man before them

Seeing the old man, something inside Tian Fai started to move

It was the same feeling he had when moving under the dragon's pressure

But at this moment, the old man's voice reached right next to Tian Fai's ears, "Stop, it's not the time for you to wake up!" Tian Fai didn't know if the old man was speaking to him or to the thing inside him.

But Tian Fai knew that none of the participants heard the voice but him

"What amazing ability." Tian Fai marveled at his old ability and methods

At the same time, what is inside him calmed down little by little, so that the strange feeling that he had felt before would disappear

Participants, you do not have to know who I am or who the people behind me are, but to make it easier for us to communicate, call me sovereign like the rest.

There was silence around as soon as the Sovereign had spoken these words, and then he went on

"From now on you will have the best resources, the best clothes, houses, and weapons. You will have the strength and a future. But nothing in this life is for free. In return for what we offer here, you must put your lives on the line. As far as I know, how many of you have been filtration, I don't think this is a problem."

In fact, as the Eminence said, almost no one among the 30,000 children present here batted an eyelid at his saying this as if it were perfectly normal.

The Sovereign nodded his head slightly as a sign of satisfaction and continued, "The place where you are currently located is called the Cave of Fallen Geniuses. Although it is called a cave, it is actually an entire world, named Fallen of Geniuses after what is happening here."

Everyone tuned in to hear the origin of this place yet the name thing is a bit ominous

"99% of the geniuses who enter this cave die, but before you panic, this cave has another name, which I prefer is the first stop for the rise of the dragon. This is the other and true name of this cave. Inside this cave, there are many facilities, the first of which is the library. It gathers knowledge from many eras, and the most important knowledge for us as martial practitioners is the profound arts that this library contains. Even I don't know about all the profound arts that are there. In fact, there are some arts in that library that I even covet, so this library has been called the Library of Mystery."

The second of the facilities is the restaurant that serves cooked food from the finest ingredients available. Whatever you wish for, it is there. It also claims that there is oriental dragon meat in that restaurant, so it was called the wishing restaurant. And the third of the facilities is the residences. From the dwellings, the same arrangement of layers among you, and the higher your level is, the better your dwelling will be, but between one layer there is no difference in the quality of the dwelling. The fourth facility is the forest of eternal darkness. This forest is one of the most important sources of gaining experience here, as inside the forest there are many treasures and spiritual herbs that rise By strengthening you and improving your talents, but in this forest, there are many dangers, profound beasts, demons, and humans all could pose a life-threatening threat. The fifth facility is the Slaughter arena, an arena where you will fight each other every 6 months so that each of you can fight to raise your class."

"As for the sixth and final facility, which is actually the most important, the 9-story glass tower, I will not explain much about it, but I will tell you that everyone who has not been able to reach the third floor within 5 years will die, and everyone who has not reached the fifth floor within 7 years will join my world-slaughter army as an ordinary soldier. As for those other than the fifth floor, all of them will go with a mission to be determined by me personally."

Everyone took a deep breath, but everyone, including Tian Fei, had eyes gleaming with some longing to enter the Cave of Fallen Geniuses despite the danger of death.

But it seems that the sovereign did not complete his speech, so he continued

"This cave can only use its facilities for those below the Sky Profound level. Of course, I know that you don't know the true strength rankings, so I'll just explain something like this in a nutshell."

As soon as the Sovereign said that sentence, the attention of Tian Fei and the others was completely attracted

"I will just tell you what you need to know first to gain the power to control our lives and break through our boundaries. As practitioners, we cultivate an energy called profound energy. The first cultivation realm is called the Profound Sensing Realm, followed by Profound Warrior, Profound Master, Earth Profound, Profound Sky, and then Profound King and Profound Emperor. The rest you will know. When you get to that level"

The Sovereign let everyone absorb the information they had obtained for a few minutes, then continued

"Now I will ask each person on the sky layer to stand on one of the 15 platforms, and of course, those who choose not to reveal their name do not have to come out."