
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Chapter Five: Completion of equipment and improvement in the effects of poisons

Chapter Five: Completion of equipment and improvement in the effects of poisons

After doing so, he took one of the tipped tusks and began to insert it into the dry flesh head

After much effort, he was able to insert the base of the fang into the dry flesh, but his work did not end here

Because he still couldn't use the scalpel made of dry flesh and fangs yet

This is because he will leave his place as soon as he takes it out or applies any force to it

But that did not stop him at all, he went towards the snake's corpse again and began to open it from the inside with his hands until he reached the airway. Once he reached it, he took part of the mucus that surrounds the airway.

In most animals and humans, there is also a layer of sutures in their airways, as a means of protecting the lungs from dust and many other things.

Of course, there are many reasons other than this, but this is not the focus of our conversation

Mucus is naturally sticky and that's what's important

The child took the unfinished scalpel and took out the fang he had just inserted, which made a small hole in the dry flesh and began to fill it with some mucus on the ends.

Then he put the fang back in its place and the base was covered with mucus

But this was not enough, the child took the ligaments in the snake's mouth and wrapped them around the rotten flesh up to the lower part of the fang.

The child looked at what he had made and said, "Good, it suffices."

Of course, he did not use it directly but rather left it for some time

And he began to deal with the rest, he went towards the first snake he dissected and began to extract its skin. It was difficult to extract it at first, but once it started, it became easier.

Then he removed the scales of the snake from the skin, leaving a layer of tough and rubbery fat

As soon as he did this, he took the second canine, which he had shaved, and inserted from its back the canal that connects the glands and the canine, to pass it through the head of the canine.

Then he pressed the fang on the ground, breaking a little bit of his head just so that his penetrating ability would not be affected

And he began by inserting the tusk and the cannula into the skin of the snake, using them as a sewing needle and thread, despite their completely different shapes.

After about 10 minutes, he stopped doing this and pulled both ends of the canal to shrink the skin, forming a leather bag despite its bad appearance.

But where would he care about the scenery now?

The child brought the bag toward the blood he extracted at the beginning

The child put a quarter of the blood inside the bag, then closed it, and then stood in the middle of the room

He took a deep breath and started spinning with the leather bag in his hand

The child was not playing with this blood, but rather performing a process known in the scientific community called centrifugation

This process aims to separate the components of the question according to mass, especially blood

Blood by nature consists of cells and platelets at a rate of 45%, while the remaining 55% is plasma, and 90% of the plasma is water.

This process will separate the plasma from the cells and platelets, which will solve his current problem of severe fluid deficiency in his body.

After two hours of continuous wrapping, the child stopped, as he no longer had the energy to move, because he was so deficient in fluids in his body that he could not even sweat!!

The boy opened part of the bag and started drinking liquids from the top, which is plasma

He did not drink much at once, but a little in each mouth

And he continued to drink a little, then increased the amount little by little, to prevent his body from being shocked by the sudden amount of water.

Of course, drinking plasma is not a long-term solution, but he has no other choice

After the child satiated, he got up to complete his work with the corpses of snakes

He extracted from them what he could and used the scalpel he made to help him with this

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Looking at the materials he extracted, the child started working immediately after resting for 10 minutes

Using skin and fangs and everything he could extract from snakes

The child looked at his masterpiece

It's one of the tools you see in hospitals and nursing homes

Intravenous tools!!

The sac is transparent, replaced by a sack of skin, and the needle and tube replaced the channels in the internal organs of the snake and its fangs.

As for the method of hanging the leather bag, it was through one of the tusks nailed to the wall. The child sat on the ground with his back against the wall. He entered one of the tusks into the vein in his left hand, and then tied it using one of his straps, the snake and its mucus.

The child took a deep breath and lifted a scale on the wall that pressed against the ducts

The poison started leaking weakly towards the child to feel the familiar bad feeling of his muscles relaxing and his breathing difficult, but it was much lighter this time even than the first time.

After making sure that the tusk was fixed inside his vein, he began to perform his usual daily routine, which was delayed by tools and snakes

What he is currently doing is called a continuous intravenous injection, as he is constantly being poisoned using a modified poison

To explain why he did this is a bit complicated, but to simplify it

The purpose of the poison is to help him in the dark and improve his body as a reward for his steadfastness from the testers

It is also most important of all to gain resistance against toxins

The venom of the snake is not just a single poison, but rather more than 20 toxic chemicals, the most insignificant of which are toxic to snakes

Exposure to it for some reason builds immunity in this world. Of course, this was an arithmetic mistake from our smart hero. Not every poison gains immunity against poisons, but rather because of the unique type of this poison. Power, this poison is mentioned in legends only!!!

Let's go back to the reason for continuous intravenous injections. It seems that people in this world have little knowledge about the immune system and how it works

The immune system can have a memory of what it is exposed to during a person's life, and therefore our hero wants to increase the time he is exposed to poison instead of its intensity, which will help his immune system build a more perfect memory of the poison and build antibodies to it

It may sound easy and it is good for Reducing pain and increasing effectiveness, but the truth is completely different

This is because, despite the intensity of the pain, it is lighter, but it is continuous and will never stop. You may not feel anything at first, but what after a week, two weeks, or more?

In the beginning, despite the severity of the pain, you know that it has an end, and this is a motive for patience, but the matter is different now because this pain has no end.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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