
Star Crossed In Time

Nova works at a world-leading company known for its cutting edge video games. She and her team have been working on a new virtual reality video game that's going to take the world by storm. One late night she steps into the device and starts it up. Before she realizes it, she's in a new world standing in front of the hottest man she's ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately for her, she thinks this is just part of the game... She reaches out and touches the man's abs... "Wow... it feels so real!" Follow Nova on her journey to surviving this new world and the crazy powerful man she "molested" Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage I do not own the picture. All credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · Fantasía
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246 Chs


Lady Xue and I spoke for the rest of the day and even had dinner together but when the sun started to set, I decided to head back. She told me to come back tomorrow and since I can't do too much... I might take her up on it.

As the sun sets, the temperature starts to drop so I quickly walk back to Bai Lei's courtyard. As I walk into the room, I look up and find Bai Lei sitting on the bed. I freeze and swallow hard before slowly walking over. He watches my every move with dark eyes but he doesn't say anything until I come to a stop in front of him.

"Did you have fun with my Mother?" He asks with a small smile. I nod my head and say "She's entirely too sweet for her own good." Bai Lei's smile grows as he chuckles and says "She can be sweet yes but don't let that fool you. The woman can be terrifying."

This time I chuckle but Bai Lei's smile quickly fades as he says "Leaders from the other realms will start showing up tomorrow. I want you to stay in this courtyard or stay with my Mother. If you need to see Zhen, send a servant."

"I've spoken to Zhen beforehand and he agreed with my decision." Bai Lei says with a grim look. I give him a small smile and say "I spoke to Zhen as well and I think that it will be for the best. I will hide away and stay out of trouble but I do have a question." 

Bai Lei arches a dark eyebrow as I say "Do you have any natural springs that could help stabilize my foundation?" Bai Lei slowly smiles at me and says "I have a few but you're in luck. One of them is in the back of this courtyard."  

My eyes light up with excitement as I say "Perfect! Can I use it then?" Bai Lei's smile grows as he says "Everything of mine is yours. You don't have to ask." I give him a conflicted look but he ignores it and says "Let's finish our discussion from earlier." 

I freeze on the spot and take a small step back. I'm not ready! He watches everything but he doesn't move from the bed. I slowly relax and say "I used something called Voodoo to create an opportunity to escape. I was lucky that it worked but even then, it was still hard to get away." 

Bai Lei listens quietly before asking "Did he kiss you?" I look at him in shock and quickly shake my head no. He nods his head and says "Who chased you to the cliff?" I decide to get comfortable and sit on the floor in front of him. 

Bai Lei frowns and pats the bed next to him but I shake my head and say "This is comfy and it was his Shadow Guard who chased me. Lei Wei was... busy." I say the last part with a knowing grin making Bai Lei frown.

"Busy? How?" He asks with a frown. I giggle and say "With the help from Voodoo, he had a few new admirers." Bai Lei continues to frown at me so I quickly explain it to him. By the end of it, humor was dancing in his dark eyes. 

"I don't know if I should be impressed or worried." He says with a smile. I chuckle and say "As long as you stay on my good side you'll have nothing to worry about." He outright laughs this time as he lowers himself on the ground in front of me saying "Tell me what happened when you jumped." 

After a while, Bai Lei sits on the floor watching me quietly but he doesn't really look angry. I thought about telling him what I had to do to get the Voodoo doll to work but when I think about how angry he'll be... I just can't bring myself to say it. 

To me, it was nothing but a way to escape but he won't see it that way! He reaches out and touches the end of my hair while saying "Don't let others touch you from now on... I don't like it." I nod my head and say "If it's within my capabilities, I won't let other men touch me."

He leans forward and pulls me between his legs as he says "I know staying in this courtyard will be extremely boring for you but I promise to visit you as much as possible. Ren will be staying with you personally while the other leaders are here. If you ever need me, send for me and I'll come straight to you, no matter what."

I give him a warm smile and nod my head as I say "If you need me, then I will come, no matter what." He looks at me in shock before throwing his head back in laughter. He pulls me to him and wraps me into a large hug as he says "I just need you to stay safe. That's all I need from you." 

I chuckle and say "I don't know... that seems to be a difficult thing here in your world. I make no promises!" He chuckles again as he holds me tight. I relax in his arms when I realize something is wrong. "Just let me hold you for a little bit..." He says in a low voice.

I lean my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as I gently rub his back. I keep forgetting he isn't just Bai Lei. He's also the King of this Kingdom and with that, comes an enormous amount of responsibility and work. I would have run off already if it had been me...

I wonder if there's something I can do to help him? Though I'm not entirely sure how though... maybe I can ask Zhen? No, he wouldn't let me. I definitely can't ask Bai Lei. He may end up locking me up if he thinks I'm trying to help him. I suddenly feel him become heavier as his breathing evens out and slows. Did he fall asleep? He must have been tired...Hmmm... Oh! There's one person I can ask... Ren.