
Star Crossed In Time

Nova works at a world-leading company known for its cutting edge video games. She and her team have been working on a new virtual reality video game that's going to take the world by storm. One late night she steps into the device and starts it up. Before she realizes it, she's in a new world standing in front of the hottest man she's ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately for her, she thinks this is just part of the game... She reaches out and touches the man's abs... "Wow... it feels so real!" Follow Nova on her journey to surviving this new world and the crazy powerful man she "molested" Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage I do not own the picture. All credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · Fantasía
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246 Chs

Hidden Truths

Bai Lei's expression remains tense as everything around us disappears. When we reappear, we're in our familiar room. He leads me over to the bed and sits me down while saying "If you're tired, you should rest. What happened, little star? Where did you go?"

I sigh as I relax on the familiar bed as I say "I don't even know where to begin... Mogui and Hundun..." Bai Lei's eyes flash before going back to the dark red color as he asks "What about them?" 

My mind races with the possibilities and quickly decide to watch how I word my next few sentences. "Hundun and Mogui saved me from Jiang. It was him who used another Demon to summon me. Hundun and Mogui are brothers by the way... they... asked for my help and I really felt like I didn't have a choice after hearing their story." I really didn't... I'm not necessarily lying here...