
Stand Above Fate

what if Rob gave a random soul 3 wishes and a new life as Shirou Emiya (mc will forget about most of his life and meta knowledge for reasons that will be shown in ch 2 also king crimson won't be as busted at the beginning cuz king crimson will scale off of mc stats so no faster than light speed scaling or a full 10 sec time erase at the start and of course, the six eyes will only be active if he doesn't wear the blindfold so no inf mana with no repercussions.) this story won't be an insta op mc wrecking everyone. Mc will need to use his brain for all of the fights and manage his stamina and mind F---ing with ppl in fights and finally, mc will adopt most of Kiritsugu's mindset

Crash_Master · Cómic
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12 Chs

Meeting with rob...

In the midst of the hazy, late-night hours, a weary student found himself engrossed in a sea of textbooks and scattered notes, his dorm room dimly lit by the soft glow of a desk lamp. It was a battle against time and exhaustion as he fought to absorb the knowledge that would determine his academic fate. But the weight of the impending final exams became too much to bear, and with heavy eyelids and an exhausted mind, he succumbed to the call of sleep. Moments later, his drowsy consciousness jolted awake, only to find himself in a place unfamiliar and unsettling. The room he now found himself in was a stark contrast to his cluttered dorm room; it was a blank canvas of purity, washed in an ethereal, blinding white. With an unsettling feeling coursing through his veins, he realized that his journey had taken an unexpected turn, transporting him to a room shrouded in mystery and devoid of all familiarity.

As the bewildered student's eyes darted around the pristine emptiness, his mind raced to make sense of this strange occurrence. A mixture of awe, confusion, and curiosity washed over him, intertwining with a growing sense of unease. How did he end up in this surreal space? Was it all just a dream? But before he could piece together his thoughts, a blinding burst of light erupted before him, momentarily blinding his vision. As his eyes adjusted to the sudden brilliance, he found himself staring at the figure of an older gentleman. Dressed in impeccably tailored professional work clothes, the man exuded an air of authority and wisdom. Seated calmly on a chair in front of a sleek desk, he looked up from his papers, his piercing gaze meeting the student's eyes with an intensity that demanded attention. The stillness of the room was shattered by the presence of this enigmatic stranger, leaving the student both intrigued and apprehensive about the encounters yet to unfold.

The mc's voice quivered as he spoke, his uncertainty palpable in the air. "Um... hello... who are you?" he asked meekly, his eyes fixed on the enigmatic figure before him.

With a faint smile playing on his lips, the man responded, his voice possessing a hint of authority and ancient wisdom. "Well then... Hello there, young man. I am what you humans call a god, but you can call me R.O.B." His words echoed in the room, carrying an air of mystery and significance. The MC's heart skipped a beat at the revelation, grappling with the enormity of the encounter. Questions swirled in his mind, begging to be asked, but before he could gather his thoughts, the silence was shattered by the weight of the realization that he stood face-to-face with a divine being. The room seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, as the student braced himself for the fate that awaited him in the presence of this enigmatic deity, R.O.B.

The MC's mind spun with a maelstrom of disbelief and confusion. This encounter felt too surreal, too fantastical to be anything but a vivid dream. He desperately tried to convince himself that this was all a figment of his imagination, that R.O.B. and his claims were mere illusions born from exhaustion. Yet, as doubt gripped him, R.O.B.'s voice resonated in his mind, reading his thoughts like an open book.

"You must understand, young one," R.O.B. spoke softly, his eyes seeming to penetrate the student's very soul. "This is no dream. You have stumbled upon an extraordinary opportunity, a stroke of luck amidst the vast expanse of the universe. I was bored, you see, and decided to bestow upon a random soul the chance to be reincarnated into another world with three wishes."

The MC's internal struggle continued as he grappled with the conflicting notions of reality and fantasy. He took a few moments to collect his thoughts, trying to make sense of the overwhelming situation before mustering the courage to question R.O.B. "Which world am I going to?" he asked, his voice quivering with a mix of apprehension and excitement.

In response, R.O.B. conjured a magnificent wheel, adorned with countless names from various realms—anime, comics, and books. This mystical wheel held the key to the student's fate, determining the world that would become his new reality. The MC watched with bated breath as R.O.B. gave him an encouraging nod, silently the mc giving R.O.B. a nod of confirmation. Finally, with a decisive flick of his wrist, R.O.B. spun the wheel, its rotations resonating with a mesmerizing hum.

As the wheel came to a halt, revealing the Nasuverse as the MC's destination, a chill ran down his spine. Fear surged within him like a tempest, overwhelming the excitement that had previously swelled in his heart. The Nasuverse, a world teeming with powerful entities capable of obliterating him with a mere flick of their fingers, now loomed over him. The weight of the realization pressed heavily upon his shoulders, and he could no longer deny the perilous path that lay ahead. The MC's hands trembled as he contemplated the magnitude of the challenge he was about to face, a mortal thrust into a realm where survival would be an arduous battle against forces beyond his comprehension. With newfound trepidation, he steeled himself, knowing that his journey into the Nasuverse would demand not only courage but also the wisdom and hacks abilities to navigate the treacherous waters of a world drenched in ancient mysteries and lethal adversaries.

The MC's mind raced, panic threatening to consume him as he contemplated the gravity of his situation. Desperation filled his voice as he addressed R.O.B., seeking a lifeline amidst the imminent danger.

"Excuse me, R.O.B., sir," the MC stammered. "Can my wish be something akin to a system, like the one found in those novels, such as 'The Gamer'?"

R.O.B. nodded solemnly, his expression tinged with a hint of caution. "Certainly, young one, but be aware that the system I can grant won't be as overpowering as those portrayed in the novels. There won't be an abundance of daily or random quests that bestow powerful abilities with minimal effort. Instead, the quests you encounter will be more impactful, with rewards befitting the challenges you face. There will be a shop, but the prices will be significantly higher than what you may expect. Furthermore, there will be no 'ID creation,' and your progression will rely on leveling up to gain stats. Is this your first wish?"

Frustration surged within the student's veins, his hopes of attaining a broken system dashed against the unforgiving reality of the Nasuverse. The magnitude of the world's dangers loomed ever larger, casting a daunting shadow over his chances of survival. Clenching his fists, he mustered the courage to respond, determination flickering in his eyes.

"What the hell? That's not fair!" the mc exclaimed, his voice trembling with frustration and fear. "How am I supposed to endure in a world where the weakest servants surpass peak humans tenfold? No, that isn't my first wish."

With each passing second, the mc's resolve solidified, the gravity of his circumstances forcing him to reconsider his priorities. Survival became his utmost concern, and he prepared himself to make wishes that would equip him with the necessary tools to navigate the treacherous landscape of the Nasuverse. The challenge before him was daunting, but he refused to succumb to despair. The mc took a deep breath, steadying his nerves, before raising his voice once again to confront R.O.B. with his first wish.

the mc thinks 'You know what I don't think there is any better wish for the long run so even if it's less powerful technically there is no limit to my growth with it so this is my best bet.'

actually yes my first wish is a system the mc says

light started to erupt from the body of the student for but a second before it was gone

" It is done. what is your second wish?" R.O.B confirms

The mc's confusion grew as he realized that there were no immediate visible changes after his first wish. The thought of his first wish weighed heavily on his mind as he contemplated the implications of his decision.

"Um... Status?" the student hesitantly inquired, hoping for some clarity or indication of the changes that would soon take effect.

However, once again, no discernible transformation occurred. R.O.B., sensing the mc's confusion, interjected to provide an explanation.

"All of the wishes you have made will activate once you enter the Nasuverse," R.O.B. clarified, his voice carrying a calm reassurance.

Resolving to trust in R.O.B.'s words, the student took a deep breath, reminding himself that he was now on the precipice of a grand adventure. With the knowledge that his wishes would come to fruition in due time, he focused his thoughts on the imminent challenges that awaited him in the Nasuverse.

As he contemplated his next move, a question emerged, demanding an answer before he proceeded any further. Could the system he had wished for earlier integrate and adapt to the powers granted by his subsequent wishes? Before he could voice his query, however, R.O.B. preemptively provided an answer, his voice resonating within the student's mind.

"Yes, they will," R.O.B. confirmed, his words alleviating the student's concerns. "The system will treat your wishes as skills, allowing for their integration and growth as you progress."

A sense of relief washed over the student, knowing that his wishes were not in vain and that they would synergize within the system he now possessed. With this newfound clarity, he regained his focus and set his sights on his third and final wish.

The student's mind whirled with possibilities, considering various options that could bolster his chances of survival in the perilous Nasuverse. After careful deliberation, a realization dawned upon him—an ability that would grant him unique advantages, both defensively and offensively.

"Can I wish for a stand from the Jojo series?" the student inquired, his voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and determination.

R.O.B. nodded in affirmation, yet cautioned him about the limitations of such a wish. "Yes, you may wish for a stand. However, keep in mind that I won't allow you to summon it outside of your body since only stand users can see them. Evolved stands, such as Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven, or Act 4 of Tusk, would require additional wishes. Also, stands like Wonder of U or Soft and Wet Go Beyond, deemed too powerful, won't be granted to maintain a sense of challenge and entertainment."

Taking R.O.B.'s cautionary words into account, the student carefully weighed his options. He sought an ability that would offer strategic advantages while still falling within the bounds set by R.O.B.

After contemplation, the student made his decision. "I wish for the stand King Crimson," he proclaimed, his voice filled with conviction. "Its sub-ability, Epitaph, will grant me the power to foresee the true path of the future unlike other clairvoyance abilities, while the main ability, Time Erase, will allow me to manipulate fate by erasing the cause while preserving the effect. With King Crimson, I can alter my destiny, effortlessly evading attacks and altering the course of events. Furthermore, the memories of others will be wiped when Time Erase is activated, leaving them oblivious to the actions taken during that time."

A sense of fulfillment washed over the student as he finalized his third wish, the prospect of possessing such a formidable stand in the Nasuverse sparking a renewed determination within him. R.O.B. grinned, captivated by the forthcoming chaos and unpredictability that would ensue.

"Wonderful choice," R.O.B. exclaimed with a hint of excitement. "With King Crimson at your side, the astonishment on your adversaries' faces will be priceless. I can already envision the spectacle of their bewilderment. It seems that my boredom will be cured indeed. It is done."

As the room bathed in luminous crimson light, the mc felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. The presence of King Crimson manifested within him, a powerful stand that would grant him incredible abilities within the Nasuverse. With his system and the formidable stand at his disposal, the student's determination solidified.

The mc's mind buzzed with excitement as a plan formed in their thoughts. he needed a supportive ability to complement his already formidable defenses and offensive capabilities. With King Crimson's formidable powers and the potential unlocked by the system, the student recognized the need for an ability that could enhance their overall performance.

"Um, R.O.B., can I wish for a version of the Six Eyes from Jujutsu Kaisen that works on mana and prana instead of cursed energy?" the mc proposed, their voice filled with anticipation.

R.O.B. considered the request, weighing the potential benefits and risks. After a brief moment, he responded, "Yes, I can grant you a version of the Six Eyes that functions with mana and prana. However, continuous usage will fry your brain and could lead to fatal consequences if not managed carefully. You will need to wear a blindfold or find a way to deactivate the ability to prevent harm. The first time your circuits unlock will activate the Six Eyes, they will come into effect. Is this your wish?"

The mc's determination grew as they considered the incredible advantages offered by the Six Eyes. The enhanced efficiency in processing mana and prana meant that their cursed energy reserves would be virtually unlimited. They could tap into the power of King Crimson more frequently, their mana reserves never running dry. Moreover, the mental prowess granted by the Six Eyes would allow them to perceive time in a unique manner, analyzing and calculating the positions of everything with remarkable speed. This would synergize perfectly with the future sight capabilities of Epitaph, providing them with unparalleled strategic insight.

Filled with certainty, the mc replied, "Of course, that is my wish. The Six Eyes will not only grant me an almost infinite reserve of mana but also enhance my perception of time and allow me to calculate and strategize with exceptional precision. The potential for this ability is immense and will greatly aid me in my journey."

With a final nod of approval, R.O.B. acknowledged the mc's wish. "It is done," he declared, as the room shimmered with a faint, otherworldly light. The mc could feel the power of the Six Eyes coursing through their being, intertwining with their existing abilities. Their transformation was now complete.

As the exhilaration settled, R.O.B. posed a final question to the mc, offering a chance for any lingering inquiries to be addressed.

R.O.B: Are there any last questions you would like to ask?

R.O.B. paused for a moment, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, as the mc posed a final question before their imminent departure.

"Actually, yeah," the mc began, their curiosity piqued. "Will you send my body along with my soul, or will I have a different body in the Nasuverse?"

R.O.B. chuckled softly, the enigmatic nature of his response leaving the mc with a sense of anticipation.

"Ah, my dear adventurer, you will soon find out," R.O.B. replied cryptically, his voice filled with intrigue and amusement.

The mc's heart raced with excitement, eager to embark on their journey into the Nasuverse. With a resolute nod, they conveyed their readiness to proceed.

"Alright, let's do this," the mc declared, their voice filled with determination. "You can send me now."

Suddenly, the world around the mc erupted into a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, as if reality itself was being rewritten. Each hue danced and swirled, merging into a dazzling spectacle before everything abruptly faded to black.

In the darkness, a sense of weightlessness engulfed the mc, as if they were suspended in an ethereal void. Their senses heightened, attuned to the anticipation of what awaited them on the other side. Time seemed to stretch, stretching the moments into an eternity before a glimmer of light pierced through the obsidian veil.
