
Stalker in the Shadows

After a painful breakup, a young woman named Mia moves to a new city to start over. She lands a job at a prestigious law firm and begins to build a new life for herself. However, things take a dark turn when she starts receiving threatening messages from an unknown stalker. As the threats escalate and become more violent, Mia realizes that she's in real danger. Desperate for help, Ava turns to a handsome but cold detective named Jack. Despite, their differences they work to uncover the stalker's identity and put a stop to the threats. Along the way, Ava and Jack develop a strong bond, and they begin to fall in love. But as they get closer to the truth, Ava realizes that the stalker may be someone she knows and trusts. (I am not good at writing synopsis, please give this book a chance)

David_Oboro · Ciudad
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2 Chs

New Beginnings

She glanced at her GPS to be sure she was on the right track and checked again mostly because she was antsy. She couldn't believe that she was officially moving to Greenfield, a town of just about 700 residents.

As Mia drove through the winding roads, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. The rolling hills, the lush greenery, the fresh air. It was a world away from the concrete jungle that she was used to. She took a deep breath and smiled. 'Yes,' she thought, 'This is probably the best decision I have made in my life.'

As she turned left and saw the signboard, "Welcome to Greenfield," she wondered if what had happened almost a month ago had a big influence on her decision to move to the countryside.

-3 weeks ago-

As soon as they sat down at the coffee shop, Mia knew something was wrong. Her boyfriend had been acting distant lately, and she brought up the idea of going out to bond. Now she felt like this was a mistake.

"Mia, we need to talk," he said, his voice serious

Mia's heart sank. She had a feeling of what was about to happen.

'I think we should break up," he continued, avoiding her gaze.

Mia felt a lump form in her throat. She had known that their relationship was on the rocks, but hearing him say the words out loud made it all too real.

"Why?" she whispered

"Look, Mia it isn't your fault." He said and then stopped.

"Then why are you doing this?" Mia said, her voice beginning to crack. She didn't want her relationship of 3 years to end.

Brett cleared his throat and continued, "I have been hearing people comment on the difference of our background and I feel it's more appropriate to be with people on our level."

Mia couldn't believe what she was hearing. She felt a wave of anger wash over her. they had put so much time and effort into their relationship and now he was just throwing all that away because of people's opinion

"I can't believe you're doing this," she said, her voice rising. "After everything that we've been through, you're just going to walk away?"

"I'm sorry," he said, finally meeting her gaze. " I just don't think I can do this anymore."

Mia felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had never felt so hurt and betrayed in her life

"I guess this is goodbye then," she said, standing up and grabbing her purse.

"Mia, wait," he said, reaching out to touch her arm.

But she pulled away, shaking her head. "No, I don't want to hear it," she said, before turning and walking out of the coffee shop, her heart heavy with sadness and regret.


She internally cringed as she recalled her actions and wished she handled it a lot differently. Looking back, she realized that the breakup was probably the best thing that happened because she would have given up this wonderful opportunity to stay with Brett.

As she pulled up to the dirt road that led to her new home, a joyous feeling rose up in her heart that she didn't notice the person in the shadows watching her with a sinister smile in place.

Detective Jack's heart sank as he approached the alleyway. He had a feeling he knew what he was going to find, when passerby reported a strange smell coming from that direction, but prayed that it wasn't what he expected. As he turned the corner, the smell hit him first. The unmistakable stench of death. Sure enough, there was a corpse present. He put his hand over his mouth and nose, trying not to gag.

The body was lying face up in the middle of the alley, with hands clasped on the stomach. 'like all the other victims,' Jack observed. He approached it slowly, his gun drawn just in case the killer was still around. But there was no movement, no sound, no sign of anyone else. Just the victim lying in the pool of her own blood.

"is it a body?" Daniel Brown, his partner and best friend, who had just entered the alley asked. As he saw his partners face, he knew what the answer was. "it's a female, probably in her early twenties." Jack responded. As Daniel saw the state of the victim, he exclaimed," good heavens, this is his fourth victim this month." Jack didn't have to guess he was talking about 'THE SHADOW' the man who has put fear in all of Greenland's residents; especially the females.

As the two detectives exited the ally and handed over the scene to the forensics, they met a few reporters trying to badge their way in where the murder happened. Jack groaned, he wasn't ready for this in the morning. Judging from the look on the partner's face, he knew Daniel didn't appreciate this either. 'Especially when one of them had a thing for Jack.' Daniel thought. His partner couldn't blame the female reporter though, he often wondered why jack had never had any romantic entanglements. Detective Jack towered over most people at 6'4, with broad shoulders and a strong jawline that hinted at his rugged masculinity. His piercing grey eyes were like steel, and seemed to look right through you when he was at the job. Even in the midst of a murder investigation, it was hard not to be distracted by his domineering presence. They both tried and successfully avoided the reporters and were walking back.

I can't believe this man has been so careful to not leave a trace, its getting frustrating! Daniel complained. "don't worry, they always leave a trace." Jack was frustrated too, but he needed to assure his friend. Daniel nodded and then said, "Should we stop at the café for some coffee? God knows I need one.

As Mia turned right to a dirt path, she could see her new home from her car. She parked at a spot and approached the house. She had the house when she was searching online, but nothing could compare it to the view she had in front of her. the house was quaint and cozy, with a thatched roof and white picket fence that surrounded the property. A small porch jutted out from the front of the house, with a rocking chair that looked like it had seen many afternoons. The interior of the house was just as charming as the outside, with a rustic wooden table in the kitchen and a plush armchair in the living room.

Mia couldn't help but feel she had stepped back in time, to a simpler era where life was slower and more peaceful. And for a moment, she forgot all about her worries and just enjoyed the quiet beauty of the countryside.