
Tagging Up 20

Yarden And Alexis: 8000 LP

Paradox Brothers: 8000 LP

"Age before beauty they say," the one in orange grinned, "And I, Para will be taking the first turn." he said as the four of them began drawing cards.

"Have at it," Yarden snorted, "Might be the only turn you get baldy."

"Tough talk for one destined for an urn." the one in green, who must be Dox then smirked at him.

"First, I'll be activating the spell card Cost Down, and by discarding one card from my hand, I can lower the levels of all monsters in my hand by two!" Para started off, he played the spell then discarded one card to the graveyard, "I will be sending my Kazejin to the graveyard. And from there, I will be summoning my now level three Labyrinth Wall to the field in Defense Mode!"

As soon as he played the card, a massive stone labyrinth burst into existence atop the duel arena, cutting them off entirely from the outside. Though, there was a path open through the middle that allowed the duellists to see each other.

Labyrinth Wall – Rock/Earth/Level 5(3)/Normal: 0/3000

"But it won't be staying for long, because now I activate the spell card, Magical Labyrinth!" Para played another spell card, "This card allows me to send Labyrinth Wall alongside Shadow Ghoul from anywhere in my deck to the graveyard, to special summon Wall Shadow to the field in attack mode!"

The Labyrinth Wall didn't disappear. But it did change slightly. A large shadow formed on the wall behind the two brothers, and from it, a massive deformed preying mantis like creature hung out.

Wall Shadow – Warrior/Dark/Level 7/Effect: 1600/3000

"And that is not all, my monster may not look all that powerful, but looks can be deceiving!" Para chuckled, "For you see fools, Wall Shadow inherits the ability of Shadow Ghoul and improves upon it. This monster gains three hundred attack points for each monster in my graveyard, and I count three!"

Wall Shadow – Warrior/Dark/Level 7/Effect: 2500/3000

Yarden's eyes narrowed. 'Another card change.' that didn't have that effect where he came from. Actually, he didn't remember it having that effect in Duellist Kingdom either.

"Well, don't fret too much, his attack points great as they are, are no threat to you, for this one moment at least," Para chuckled, "After all, none of us can attack on our first turns in a tag match, and I shall be ending my turn here."

"Sure took you long enough," Alexis sniped. She looked over at Yarden and nodded at her deck, asking if she could go first. He shrugged and gestured her to go on. She smiled at him gratefully, before turning her attention to the two on the opposite side of the labyrinth, "I'll be going next then, draw!"

She looked at her card, before placing it with the others, and then getting right down to business, "First, I'll be summoning my Marauding Captain in attack mode!" Alexis declared, playing her monster. There was a shimmer of golden light, before a blonde knight in heavy armor appeared in front of her, "And his effect activates, when he's normal summoned, I can special summon one level four or below warrior monster from my hand, and I choose another Marauding Captain!" a shimmer of golden light appearing for the second time announced the arrival of a second blonde clad in armor.

Marauding Captain – Warrior/Earth/Level 4/Effect: 1200/400

Marauding Captain – Warrior/Earth/Level 4/Effect: 1200/400

"Oh how terrifying, a pair of monsters with twelve hundred attack points!" Para fake swooned.

"I think I feel the trembling of my joints!" Dox joined his brother in mockingly swooning in fear.

"Their attack points aren't what you should be afraid of!" Alexis growled, "Either way, I'm not done! I activate the spell card Double Summon, this spell card allows me to make a normal summon twice during my turn, and I'll be using that second summon to bring out my Majestic Mech – Ohka!"

A third monster burst into existence in front of Alexis. A huge robotic like canine of shining white and trimmed with pink.

Majestic Mech – Ohka – Fairy/Light/Level 6/Effect: 2400/1400

"See, Ohka might be a level six, but it has a really nice effect. I can summon it without tributing, but it will be destroyed at the end of the turn," Alexis explained, before smirking, "A pretty bad play right now considering I can't even attack during this turn, or it would be, if not for my spell card Metamorphosis, this lets me tribute a monster on my field to special summon any fusion monster with the same level in my extra deck, so come on out, Cyber Blader in attack mode!"

Majestic Mech – Ohka was consumed by light and its body shrunk down, molding into a humanoid shape. The light burst apart a moment later to reveal a tall, graceful and beautiful humanoid with exotically blue skin and long dark blue hair.

Cyber Blader – Warrior/Earth/Level 6/Fusion/Effect: 2100/800

"And I'll be ending my turn by playing one face down card!" Alexis finished.

"You talk about turn speed, when you took that long yourself? Really, you are quite shameful!" Dox scoffed as he drew a card.

"Yes brother, it really was quite painful!" Para nodded in agreement.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're both fucking disdainful." Yarden rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Well you're about to have quite the handful!" Dox laughed, "For you see young fool, I will be activating the spell card Polymerization from my hand to usemy Giga-Tech Wolf and Versago The Destroyer, a monster that can substitute for any one monster in a fusion, for a fusion to special summon my Labyrinth Tank to the field!"

The two monsters appeared above him as he played the cards, sucked into a swirling vortex of orange and blue. And a second later, a massive blue tank with a giant blue drill sticking from the front slammed down hard in front of them.

Labyrinth Tank – Machine/Dark/Level 7/Fusion/Normal: 2400/2400

"But I'm nowhere close to finished, because I still have my normal summon this turn, and I will use it to summon my Kaiser Seahorse in attack mode!" Dox continued.

A moment later, a large humanoid fish creature appeared in front of him, clad in deep blue and purple scales, carrying a large lance and shield.

Kaiser Seahorse – Sea Serpent/Light/Level 4/Effect: 1700/1650

"And now form my hand I activate the spell card Monster Reborn, allowing me to special summon a monster from any of our graveyards, and I pick the Kazejin my brother discarded on his turn. Even if does have the effect of lowering Wall Shadow's attack by three hundred, though given I sent two monsters to the graveyard with Labyrinth Tank's summoning, I'm sure he doesn't mind!" the green clad baldy added.

In a flash of light, a large floating green spherical creature with gold markings appeared floating on the field in front of him.

Kazejin – Spellcaster/Wind/Level 7/Effect: 2400/2200

Wall Shadow – Warrior/Dark/Level 7/Effect: 3100/3000

"And now I'll be passing on to you boy," he grinned nastily at Yarden, "Let's hope you don't get frightened by this powerful line up."

"I don't doubt he will, let us see this frightened pup!" his brother chuckled.

Yarden rolled his eyes, "Mate, your monsters don't have long to live," he replied, and then lifted his non covered hand to flash them the middle finger, "Have a look at my own, and see how much fucks I give."

He drew a card himself.

He looked over his cards and then smirked at them, "First, I'll be playing one of my favorite cards, Revived Serpent Night Dragon," he played the card, "What this spell card does, as it lets me tribute any monster on the field and special summon a Serpent Night Dragon from my hand, deck or graveyard, and I'm choosing your Wall Shadow."

As soon as he played the card and selected his target, the giant labyrinth surrounding them burst apart into fragments of light that shot into air and converged. It sparked as it finished and darkened into burning black flame that shot down and formed into Serpent Night Dragon in front of him.

Serpent Night Dragon – Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Normal: 2350/2400

"My Wall Shadow!" Para cried out in dismay, before glaring at Yard, "Boy, you will rue this day!"

"We will surely make you pay!" Dox shook a clenched fist at him.

"Sure, then you woke up with your face in your cereal," Yarden snorted, "But here, I'm not done yet you morons. Let's see how you like this. I'm playing Polymerization just like you baldy, to use the Luster Dragon 2 in my hand and Dark Magician Girl, to fusion summon Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight!"

As he played the card, the forms of Dark Magician Girl and Luster Dragon 2 appeared in the air above him and then got sucked into a familiar swirling blue and orange vortex. And a moment later, they both re-appeared. Dark Magician Girl clad in her armour and sword in hand, riding on the back of Luster Dragon 2.

Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight – Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Fusion/Effect: 2600/1700

A huh fell over the stadium at the appearance of the monster.

"Dark Magician Girl!?" Para went wide eyed.

"B-but only the King of Games is supposed to have that card!" Dox added.

"How did you get that?!" they demanded as one.

"Fuck you, that's how." Yarden replied, crossing his arms smugly.

And then the stadium erupted into a thunderous applause. Mostly of the male variety. Yarden could here a mass of males shouting, hollering and whistling their appreciation for his monster.

Alexis winced at the sheer volume, "How absurd," she shook her head, before looking over at Yarden, "So how did you get your hands on Dark Magician Girl."

"I know a guy who searched her out for me," Yarden replied smiling at her, "I was as surprised as these idiots when he actually found her."

"Well, I'd say so," Alexis nodded, "Dark Magician Girl is a legendary monster."

"Only fitting for someone as legendary as me then," Yarden smirked, and then clicked his fingers and pointed at their two bald opponents, "Here, lemme give you a taste of her power. By discarding one card from my hand, Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight can destroy one face up card on the field, and by discarding my Carboneddon, I think I'll destroy your Kazejin!"

Dark Magician Girl hoisted her sword into the air and with a shout, fired a large bolt of crackling pink magic that slammed into the part of Gate Guardian and obliterated it.

He gave a look down at his duel disk. And yep, as he expected, he still had field spaces to play on, despite the fact that was five monsters on the field. Two of them his own. It seemed, that both of them having the field to use, meant they had ten spaces for the front and backrows.

While the two brothers gave cries of dismay at the easy destruction of one of their ace monsters, Yarden's smirk just got bigger, "Now I'm not done, since by banishing Carbonnedon from my graveyard using its effect, I can special summon one level seven or lower normal dragon monster from my hand or deck, and I'm choosing my Seiyaryu in attack mode!"

Light swirled and from it, the large and beautiful metallic pink dragon appeared with a roar.

Seiyaryu – Dragon/Light/Level 7/Normal: 2500/2300

From the looks of it, Alexis had Call Of The Haunted down. He could use it and bring back his Luster Dragon 2, but it would be better to leave it as right now. No matter how tempting it was to dab extra hard on these two.

"Now, I'll throw down a face down and end my turn," Yarden continued, "Now let's see what you two has beens have got to answer this. So far, I'm not impressed. If you two are champions and supposed to have given Yugi trouble, they may as well just give me the crown as King of Games right now." he taunted.