
(1.1)The beginning

The story begins with someone living in korea named Kim Young Dae who is having severe financial problems.On September 15, 2021, Kim Young Dae On September 15, 2021, Kim Young Dae was on his way home, all of a sudden, he felt he had been hit from behind near the throat.He fainted after that.The next day, he heard the voices of people everywhere. When he opened his eyes, he saw as many as 7.2 billion people around.He asks what is going on here and why he is here.The person who told that he didn't even know why he was here and what was going on here.After that, a group of people wearing masks like playstation controller buttons exit through a door that has been reinforced.exit through the door that has been fortified.Kim Young Dae asks them why they are here and why they are wearing a shirt that looks like a prison shirt that has a number on the back.They silently did not answer the questions asked.