

Set in a Land where magic is wielded by The mighty Nobles. A young Assassin named Rael sets out in his mission to slay the Noble family 'The Roisons' blaming them for the deaths of his villagers and his family. But his task won't be easy, as the next heir to the lineage is the beautiful Karrina Roison. What lies him ahead ? Will he get his revenge back by slaying Karrina ? You better start reading to seek the answers!

Sash_Qarma · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Through the Shadows

Rael and Elara stepped off the train into the bustling streets of Elytra. The city was alive with activity, vendors shouting their wares, children playing, and the sound of horse-drawn carriages clattering over cobblestones. The air was filled with the scents of spices, fresh bread, and the distant hint of the sea.

"This way," Elara said, pulling her hood up to obscure her face. Rael followed her through the crowd, their eyes scanning for any sign of danger.

As they walked, Rael noticed Elara frequently touching a small pendant around her neck, a simple but elegant piece that seemed to hold great sentimental value. "Is that important to you?" he asked.

Elara nodded. "It belonged to my mother. It's all I have left of her."

Just as they rounded a corner into the market, a swift shadow darted past them. Before they realized what had happened, Elara's pendant was gone. "My pendant!" she exclaimed, looking around frantically.

Rael's eyes locked onto a small figure weaving through the crowd. "There! After her!"

They sprinted through the market, dodging startled shoppers and leaping over crates of produce. The thief, a small girl with nimble feet and a determined expression, glanced back and quickened her pace.

Rael and Elara chased her through the city gardens, where blooming flowers and manicured hedges contrasted sharply with their urgent pursuit. The girl was fast, but Rael and Elara were relentless. They vaulted over low walls and ducked under branches, their eyes never leaving their target.

"Stop! We just want the pendant back!" Rael shouted, but the girl didn't slow down.

Their chase led them into the slums, where the streets were narrow and filled with onlookers. People stopped to stare at the unusual sight of two well-dressed individuals chasing a ragged girl through their territory. Whispers and curious glances followed them as they navigated the maze-like alleys.

Finally, the girl slipped into an opening that led to the sewers. Rael and Elara hesitated for only a moment before following her into the dim, damp tunnels.

The air was thick with the stench of sewage and mildew. They could hear the faint sounds of children laughing and playing somewhere ahead. They followed the noise until they came upon a hidden chamber where several children, all around the same age as the thief, were gathered.

The girl they had been chasing stood at the center, clutching Elara's pendant tightly. Her eyes were defiant but filled with fear. "Who are you? What do you want?" she demanded.

Rael stepped forward, his expression softening. "We just want the pendant back. It means a lot to her," he said, nodding toward Elara.

The girl hesitated, then reluctantly handed the pendant to Rael. "We didn't mean any harm," she said, her voice trembling. "We're just trying to survive."

Elara looked around at the children, all of them dirty and malnourished. "What's your name?" she asked gently.

"Jacqueline," the girl replied. "Our parents couldn't pay the agricultural taxes. The soldiers took everything. Now we're all that's left."

Rael felt a pang of sympathy as he looked at the children, their faces a mix of hope and despair. "I'm Rael, and this is Elara," he said. "We're here to help. We want to change things, but we need allies."

Elara knelt down, holding out her hand. "We can help you. We have food and supplies. And we can work together to fight the injustices here."

Jacqueline's eyes filled with tears, and she threw herself into Elara's arms, sobbing. The other children gathered around, their eyes wide with gratitude and relief.

Rael and Elara shared a look, understanding that their mission had just taken on a new dimension. They distributed the food and amenities they had, promising to bring more soon.

Before they left, Rael turned to Jacqueline. "We need your help, Jacqueline. Can you guide us to our dorms at Manoshka Academy?"

Jacqueline wiped her tears and nodded. "I can do that."

With Jacqueline leading the way, they navigated through the sewers and back into the city streets, avoiding the more dangerous areas and slipping past patrols. The sun was beginning to set as they finally reached the gates of the academy.

"Thank you, Jacqueline," Elara said, squeezing the girl's hand. "We'll be back to see you soon."

Jacqueline smiled, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Good luck," she said. "We'll be waiting."

As Rael and Elara stepped through the gates of their new home, they felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey ahead was uncertain, but they had found unexpected allies and a cause worth fighting for.