

Set in a Land where magic is wielded by The mighty Nobles. A young Assassin named Rael sets out in his mission to slay the Noble family 'The Roisons' blaming them for the deaths of his villagers and his family. But his task won't be easy, as the next heir to the lineage is the beautiful Karrina Roison. What lies him ahead ? Will he get his revenge back by slaying Karrina ? You better start reading to seek the answers!

Sash_Qarma · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 : Trails Ablaze

Rael, still lost in his thoughts, blinked and nodded. "Yes, of course."The girl with the veiled face sat down across from him. For a moment, there was only the rhythmic sound of the train wheels clattering along the tracks. She seemed to be observing him through the veil, her piercing blue eyes full of curiosity."Thank you," she said softly. "It's quite empty here, isn't it?"Rael nodded again, unsure how to respond. He was used to solitude and didn't expect to engage in conversation."My name is Elara," she introduced herself. "Are you heading to Elytra?""Yes," Rael replied, his voice low. "What about you?""I'm on my way to Manoshka Academy,"

Elara said, a hint of pride in her voice. "I was recently accepted into their advanced training program."Rael's eyes widened slightly. Manoshka Academy was renowned for training the best soldiers, spies, and strategists in the kingdom. It was the same academy he was planning to infiltrate to gather information about the Roisons and their operations."Congratulations," Rael managed to say. "That's quite an achievement.""Thank you," Elara said, her eyes sparkling. "What about you? Are you visiting someone in Elytra?"Rael hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I'm... also heading to Manoshka Academy," he said finally. It wasn't entirely a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either."Really?" Elara leaned forward, clearly interested. "Are you a new student as well?""Something like that,"

Rael replied, giving her a small, enigmatic smile.As the train sped through the night, Rael and Elara continued to talk. He learned that she came from a noble family in a distant part of the kingdom and that she had been training in combat and strategy since she was a child. She seemed genuinely excited about her future at the academy, her enthusiasm contrasting sharply with Rael's grim determination.The conversation was interrupted when the train suddenly lurched, causing both of them to grip their seats for stability.

The train whistle blew loudly, and the vehicle began to slow down."What's happening?" Elara asked, concern evident in her voice.Rael looked out the window and saw a group of armed men blocking the tracks. His heart sank as he recognized the uniforms—they were Roison soldiers. Memories of the massacre in Sovanova flooded back, but he pushed them aside.

Now was not the time to be paralyzed by the past."We need to get off this train," Rael said urgently. "Now."Elara looked confused but followed his lead as he grabbed his luggage and headed for the door. Just as they were about to jump, a loud voice rang out."Everyone remain seated! This is a routine inspection."Rael knew better. There was nothing routine about Roison inspections, especially this far from their territory. He turned to Elara, his expression serious."Trust me," he said. "We need to go."Elara nodded, and together they jumped off the slowing train, landing hard on the gravel beside the tracks. They scrambled to their feet and ran towards the forest, the shouts of soldiers growing fainter as they put distance between themselves and the train.Once they were deep enough in the woods, they stopped to catch their breath. Elara looked at Rael, her eyes full of questions."Why did we have to run?" she asked."Those were Roison soldiers," Rael explained. "They don't conduct 'routine inspections'. They're searching for something or someone, and it's safer for us to stay out of their way."Elara seemed to accept his explanation, though Rael could see she still had doubts.

For now, it was enough. They needed to stay hidden until the soldiers moved on.As they settled into their makeshift camp, Rael couldn't help but think about the irony of the situation. He had planned to infiltrate Manoshka Academy to gather information and avenge his parents. Now, he was on the run with a girl who might just be his ticket into the academy.But first, they had to survive the night.....