
SPY X JUJUTSU: The collision of two worlds

Two years have elapsed since the establishment of the Forger family cover and the triumph over Sukuna, the most formidable curse user. Initially, everything operated seamlessly for both factions. However, a surge of cursed energy from the jujutsu world compelled the collision of these two realms, shattering the supposed peace. In a struggle to uphold the peace within their respective worlds, the two factions find themselves compelled to unite. As these paths converge, the possibility arises of uncovering dark secrets, sparking profound betrayals among family members. And might cause the disrupt of the delicate and precious balance painstakingly maintained by both parties Disclaimer: I do not own the mangas (Jujutsu Kaisen, and Spy X Family) or the characters from the original authors. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the story that is a result of the collision between those two mangas. I do NOT own the pictures that forms the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and once your identity is confirmed it'll be removed immediately.

Ania_Stiti · Cómic
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11 Chs

An unexpected meeting  

"And who could you be miss?" Yuji asked 

"Our escape took more time than expected because of a last-minute debriefing" Fushiguro replied 

"I see, so the agent couldn't make contact with you until last minute?" the woman asked 

"Come we need to leave before they let their dog chasing after us" she added before entering a small green car with someone waiting at the driving seat 

"Thank god that owl of his disappeared before she arrived" Kugisaki whispered 

"I know right? It is as if he knew she was coming" Yuji responded 

"Maybe the voice was the one who told him about that meeting?" she responded back 

"Hurry up you two, I'll explain everything to you later" Fushiguro said, before starring at them with that same unbothered gaze of his, which got on Kugisaki's nerves for some reason 

"The hell don't give me that look of yours, you know how much I hate it" she shouted as she was pointing at him, before walking right into the car 

"Let's go" Yuji added less bothered than his colleagues he was just expressionless 

The second the door's car closed, not a single sound came out of anyone's mouth, which was unusual knowing how stressful of an environment it could be for hyperactive little Yuji, 

However, he appeared entirely calm and composed, gazing at the darkened windows with an undisturbed expression. The reason behind his serenity lay in the inconspicuous meeting taking place within Kugisaki's subconscious. After Kugisaki's presumed death, Choco managed to retain her soul and body within a sort of generator, that was hidden within her domain expansion; that resting place was Geto's idea, and his last gift to the people that he failed to protect. Before his death, he handed a bubble of crystal that contains an important amount of cursed energy from all the curses he has ever swallowed, he then suggested Satoru to use it, in additional to his own powers for the conception of a regenerator. They thought that Choco's domain was the only one that was able to keep that generator safe based on the nature of her powers. From there Nobara was able reach a certain level of connection to her soul that she was never able to reach before, which allowed her to have a profound connection with her own subconscious and attain the remarkable ability to simultaneously link the subconscious of two other individuals. 


"So what's this all about, are you familiar with the monster that we fought earlier? Was that his voice guiding us to the exit?" she asked 

"Honestly I am as clueless as you, I have no idea how in the world he knew about us, he didn't even confirm me, if we could trust him or not" 

"So you just went for it" Kugisaki said 

"Usually it is something that Yuji would do" she added 

"Yeah dude you are supposed to be smarter than us" Yuji said as he was staring at him 

"Speak for yourself" she quickly shouted 

"As I said it was the best course of action at that moment, if any of you have brighter idea, please let me hear about it" he added 

"Enough, what happened, happened, anyway those creatures don't even seem like sorcerers, or have any cursed energy, so if anything were to happen we wouldn't have any problem defeating them, and if they are taking us to a place with the same system as that laboratory, filled with monsters absorbing our powers we can always sense it before penetrating" 

"And how would you do this little genius?" 

"Fushiguro do you have a contract with any small creature, that can crawl and get unnoticed?" 

"I can always use smaller frogs than usual" 

"Invocate it now, hide it, cursed animals have their cursed energy sucked up quickly and you can sense it, as we approach the place, I'll use my powers to have a deeper connection to that frog, and keep you informed of the situation" He concluded, that clean analyses kind of impressed his two colleagues who were too shocked to even spout an answer 

"Why are you staring at me like that" he asked confused 

"Megumi, I am taking back what I have said, I guess that we could truly believe what that monster told you about us being in a whole other world" she said as she was covering her mouth 

"Well, if we go back to the main subject, what that curse earlier said to me while wrestling might be our only chance to go back to our world" 

"Tell us exactly what he told you, word by word", she said 

"Apparently our arrival was no accident, it was premeditated, it seems that it is a part of a very structured plan 

"Which is?" 

"I have no idea" He spitted, an awkward silence took place as the two sorcerer's jaws dropped from disappointment 

"The thing is we had only enough time for him to show me the exit of that building and tell me about the meeting with that red headed woman" he added before telling the whole conversation he had with that curse while wrestling. 

"Listen to me boy, I am not your enemy" the monster said 

"Telepathy? don't you want your superiors to understand what you are saying" Fushiguro asked as he was trying to keep his balance 

"Fushiguro Megumi, ex head of the Zenin clan, used to be controlled by Sukuna the king of all curses, whether you believe me or not is not the issue, I just want you to listen, I can lead you to the exit of that laboratory, help you and your friends escape" 

"We don't need your help thanks" 

"Alright then let me show you this" the monster said as he tightly held Megumi's hand 

For merely a second Megumi was given the map of the entire building, its structure, the place of every single curse, but also the way of the exit 

"Why are you showing me this? What are you going to get from this?" 

"My dignity as a spy, if any trace of my humanity will be devoured by this monstrous body, then at least I'll make sure that my ashes won't be spread in vein" 

"I don't have time to prove you anything, but this is my best shot and I can't let it go to waist, so listen to me carefully after leaving the building, go to that place that I have just shown you, that river far away from here, you'll meet with a spy from my agency, Silvia Sherwood a red headed tall woman with glasses and a dot down her right eye, she knows of your arrival, she is going to help you get out of here if you help her find the key" 

"What is that?" 

"She is going to give you all the details about the reason why you are here, I don't have time to explain, just use my code if she doubts of your identity" 

"And that's what he said. We didn't have any other choice did we?" Fushiguro asked 

"No but we still can't trust them, and how in the world do they know so much about your upbringing? Who are those people?" Nobara confirmed 

"That's why I said that it was premeditated, they know our identities, and they brought us in this world for a reason but which one? All the questions could only be answered by following this lady into whatever place she wants to take us" 

"It is not like it is our first-time taking risks, and the choices are limited" Yuji said with a smirk on his face that made Fushuguro smile back 

"Well I didn't expect less from you, what about you Kugisaki?" 

"It is not my first time following you either and like you said it is our only choice to gather as many information as possible" she responded 

"It is settled then, Kugisaki", he said starring at her, in response she snapped her fingers, transporting them back to the alternate realm 

 After coming back with a small frog that Megumi invoked and hided within his uniform, Mrs Sherwood had taken the liberty to call for a colleague to join them an hour later. 

"Agent Twilight, we need you here in an hour" 

"Negative, if I join you now, I could blow up my cover of a loyal husband" 

"Got it, I'll let you in tomorrow morning" 

"Got it" he responded 

 After hanging up she noticed Yuji trying to get a glimpse of the outside from the window 

"Don't bother, the windows are blackened you can't see nothing. Did you seriously believe that I would let you know exactly where our secret hide-out is?" 

"What about the driver, how in the world is he able to see the road?" 

"Don't worry about it, glasses can do wonders those days" she said as she was adjusting hers. Unlike them she was able to see through the windows thanks to the type of glass that she was wearing, she could see the entry of an old garage in the middle of nowhere, a road full of grass and not a soul as a witness. 

 The perfect spot to choose as a gate, the wall at its left splatted into two and opened swiftly like some kind of automatic doors that you find in modern supermarkets, and then closed after letting the small green car pass, to cover up the traces of wheels a small tube came out from the ceiling blowing some dust all over the room to make it look like nobody has ever been there before. 

 After that the car stopped Sylvia ordered them to come out, orders that they gladly complied to, one feet outside and 4 agents were surrounding the car, all of them ready to shoot in case anything go wrong, but the main reason of their presence was to escort the squad into an isolated room for a more meticulous interrogation. 

 After walking down the long corridor that led to the room where the three suspects were going to get questioned, the heavy silence broke after one direct sentence: 

"Who are you?" A spy asked 

"Aren't you supposed to be aware of our identities?" Nobara asked 

"All that we know about you is the purpose of your kidnapping" 

"And what could those reasons be?" Yuji asked 

"Have you met with one of those monsters yet?" 

"You mean the curses?" 

"So that's what you refer to them in your world? Anyway, from what we have learned from our agent there, each one of you are supposed to be strong enough to control an entire army of those monsters" 

"Is it the only reason why we were brought here?" 

"Not quiet, essentially you were brought here to serve as a bait" the agent added 

"For what?" Yuji asked 

"You mean for who?" Sylvia spoke after opening up a folder filled with drawings and pictures of autopsies on people having the same type of eyes as GOJO, 

"Apparently the laboratory tried to recreate an entity called The sixth sense eyes, but failed miserably, that's why they need you as baits to get him" 

"How could they even be aware of that?" Nobara thought to herself 

Noticing the anxious look on the girl's face, Sylvia preceded with that final jaw dropping question 

"What is it that makes you that strong, to control even one of those things, let alone an army?" The three of them couldn't think of any kind of scenario that wouldn't involve their powers, admitting their abilities to strangers from another world wasn't safe at all, what if they decided to use their powers against those laboratory guys? 

What if the good people were the one from that laboratory and not them? 

Those questions triggered Yujin's cursed energy, which allowed the appearances of multiple tattoos on his face, which he tried to cover with the palm of his hand but unfortunately in the presence of well-trained spies who in their carrier never faced something such as the sudden appearance of tattoos on someone's face. 

 So, as any spies reflex a deafening sound of a bullet echoed within the room…..