
Wall Run

"Louis, keep swerving, but try not to do it too hard, got it?" I instructed, glancing at him. Hans responded, although not directly to him, with a confused "Huh."

"Just do it, alright? And don't flip either!" I added, knowing it might be useless to explain. I swung open my door, holding onto it as a makeshift shield while I retrieved my gun and maintained my elevation.

The door wasn't ideal for visibility, but it served its purpose as a shield. Bullets continued colliding with it, and the constant swinging back and forth was a drawback.

I marveled at the limo's speed in reverse. It was still surprisingly swift, possibly due to the downward slope or some other factor.

My focus shifted to the tires, playing peek-a-boo due to the swinging door. "Come on..." I muttered, aiming my gun at the tires. In a perfect moment, I released two shots—one puncturing the tire, the other puncturing the door, causing it to wildly swing.