
Fulton's Warning

We were done with the planning, and I found myself certainly less convinced than before, but I also found that I was not nearly as concerned as I had been before. Why? It's because we were going to be doing this in pairs; that meant that I would be with Malachi and Fulton, and they would be with me.

But as they left, Fulton tapped my shoulder—grabbing my attention. "Yeah?" I asked, but his face was worried, with a definite expression that almost made me worried myself. "I need to talk to you about something," he said.

I didn't say anything, and he sat down by me with a particular speed that was much slower than usual. "Listen, I know this may not be the best time, but I mean—better late than never," he said with a weak smile that made me—very, very weird. He didn't say anything, and only silence filled his mouth, so I was left wondering what he wanted to talk about.

"It's about your father…" he said. "Again."