
Spring's Caprice A Tale of Love and Fame

The journey from being the top idol to a devoted husband over the years.

River_Reynolds · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

Honey was no ordinary cat; it belonged to Carter Blake. When Sophie Reed first saw Honey, the cat was slightly wet, nestled within a pet dryer, presenting only its fluffy rear in a proud arc toward the door. This pose was starkly different from the other cats nearby, who desperately pawed at their glass enclosures, longing for escape. Honey's demeanor, with its snow-white fur and dignified air, seemed to echo the aloofness of its owner.

Sophie had been observing Honey's form for some time, intrigued but unable to discern its breed. Turning to Kevin, she casually asked, "What breed is it?"

Caught off guard by her sudden interest, Kevin took a moment before responding with a light chuckle, "It's just a mix, no specific breed."

Her curiosity piqued, Sophie considered how such an ordinary stray could carry itself with such an air of grace. It seemed to validate the notion that pets often resemble their owners in demeanor.

Kevin, missing the direction of Sophie's thoughts, elaborated, "Carter found Honey abandoned a few years back, right after he... set out on his own."

"Abandoned?" Sophie echoed, surprised, her gaze intensifying on the cat behind the glass. "It's quite stunning. Why would anyone abandon it?"

Kevin began to explain that Honey wasn't always the picturesque creature it was now, but halted as Carter approached, having finished up at the counter. Kevin abruptly stopped speaking, avoiding eye contact.

Sophie, undistracted by the change in dynamics, continued her gentle interaction with Honey through the glass, softly uttering its name in a tone more tender than any they had heard from her before.

Carter, observing this exchange, felt a stir of emotion, a rare occurrence mirrored in the quick reaction of Honey to his presence. The cat turned, revealing its heterochromia: one eye a vivid yellow, the other a deep blue-green, a striking contrast that lent Honey an almost mystical appearance.

With a cool detachment, Carter then shared the harsh reality, "Now you understand why it was abandoned."

He faced Sophie, his question sharp, "Still think it's beautiful?"

Without hesitation, Sophie maintained her stance, her reply filled with a quiet conviction, "Absolutely beautiful. Why would its appearance be a reason for abandonment?"

Carter found himself unexpectedly disarmed by her response.

Having been immersed in the industry for an extensive period, Carter Blake had honed his skill to discern true emotions from falsehoods, a talent he sometimes wished he didn't possess. Honey, his white cat distinguished by its captivating heterochromatic eyes, was perched beside Sophie Reed, only a sheet of glass separating them. Sophie, with her characteristic poised demeanor, gazed up at him with a touch of curiosity in her eyes, pondering aloud why such a magnificent creature would be discarded.

The reason, Carter understood, was because most people weren't like Sophie—they lacked the unguarded, fearless way she looked at them. An unsettling silence lingered around the dryer.

Sophie, questioning whether she had inadvertently crossed a line or said something amiss that might have affronted Carter, whose presence was as imposing as his cat's elegance, caught him diverting his gaze after a casual sweep of hair from his forehead.

Was the fleeting moment of discomfort she perceived merely in her head? Before she could delve deeper, Kevin interjected, suggesting it was time to depart once Honey was fully dried, while casting protective glances her way.

Wearied by the day's unfolding, Sophie opted to sit, quietly observing the cat with mismatched eyes through the glass, their gazes intertwined. Honey reciprocated, settling down with its gaze fixed on her, a blend of haughtiness and innocence reflected in its eyes.

"You're really beautiful," Sophie remarked, her voice carrying a gentle chuckle.

During this quiet interlude, a slender, compassionate middle-aged woman approached, signaling Carter with a matter she had omitted earlier. "Mr. Blake, there's something I forgot to bring up," she began.

"What's the matter, Aunt Jane?" Carter responded, turning her way.

She explained her and her husband's imminent move back to their hometown, rendering them unable to juggle the demands of the hospital with their new life. They had resolved to close the clinic by the month's end, necessitating Carter to seek another veterinarian for Honey.

Sophie listened in, gathering snippets of the conversation. The clinic's director and Carter were clearly on familiar terms, explaining his direct visitation to the clinic despite his celebrity status and the risk of public attention. It appeared, however, that this convenience was nearing its end.

Commenting on the situation to Honey, Sophie playfully said, "Looks like finding a new clinic will be a hassle, all because you're Carter Blake's cat."

Honey meowed in response, inching closer as if attempting to brush against her hand through the glass.

With a softened expression, Sophie rested her chin on her knees, lightly stating, "Don't worry, it's not a problem for us. Let your high-profile owner handle it."

Honey issued another meow, a sound beyond Sophie's understanding. If only she could decipher cat language, she mused, Honey might be cautioning her against tempting fate.

Thirty minutes later, Sophie Reed was seated in the reception area of Carter Blake's team studio, an empty cat carrier in her lap, her gaze level and unreadable.

"What?" she inquired, her tone flat.

Opposite her, Carter Blake, the silver-haired heartthrob of New York's elite, lounged comfortably, wrapped in a black throw blanket, while Honey, a white furball of a cat, sat poised beside him, seemingly contemplating a playful jump onto his owner's head.

With a detached coolness, Sophie posed her question, "So, you're suggesting I take care of your cat?"

"It's merely a suggestion," Carter responded with a yawn, his voice heavy with sleep, "I figured it's the simplest solution for us to settle our debts."

Sophie's response was to press her lips tightly together, her fingers absently brushing against the shell bracelet on her wrist, not bothering to remind him that she wasn't the one who had initiated their bizarre auction bid rivalry.

After a moment of silence, she probed further, "Why not entrust someone from your team with its care?"

Carter stretched lazily, "The team is tied to the company, and given my imminent contract termination, it's not ideal to involve them. Besides, due to unforeseen circumstances, you're the only available option."

"What about you?" Sophie challenged.

"I'm tied up with the contract situation and have international commitments."

"A pet boarding service, then?"

"With Honey's condition, he'd be vulnerable to bullying. Plus, I'm wary of leaving him with strangers."

"You trust me, though?" Sophie couldn't hide the skepticism in her voice.

The ensuing silence was telling, prompting Sophie to reevaluate the absurdity of the situation.

Eventually, Carter shifted his position, fixing Sophie with a look that was both casual and intense, causing her to involuntarily stiffen.

"You've shown no prejudice towards him and no malintent towards me. Why wouldn't I trust you?" he reasoned, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"According to your criteria, many would qualify as trustworthy," Sophie retorted.

"Not in my experience," Carter countered, just as the studio door opened and a young assistant, cheeks flushed, hurried in with coffee.

Observing the scene, Sophie was reminded of Carter's undeniable charm and influence.

After considering her options, Sophie finally asked, "How long do I need to care for him?"

"Three months."

"Starting when?"

"This weekend. I'll have everything Honey needs delivered to your place."

Their agreement on Honey's care settled, Sophie rose to leave.

Carter, too, got up, letting Honey curl up comfortably on his lap as he idly petted the cat.

Stopping at the door, Sophie faced them, catching the collective gaze of Carter and Honey. The fading light lent the room a shadowy ambiance, merging the outlines of man and cat into a singular, aloof presence.

"Why did you bid on my bracelet at the charity auction?" Sophie asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Excess cash," Carter shrugged, "Needed to spend it somewhere."

The gossip Sophie had heard from Miranda, suggesting a sentimental reason behind Carter's impulsive bid due to her resemblance to someone from his past, crossed her mind. Dismissing the notion, she simply stated, "Just curious."

"Right," Carter murmured, his attention returning to Honey.

"Do you have a long-lost first love who looks remarkably like me?" Sophie ventured one last question.
