
Chapter 4

In the evening Jiang Chen came to receive the twins from school. As the kids saw him, Jian Nan was jumping excitedly and ran to hug him. She was so happy today, after the fight with Gang Bo, she became center of attention. Everyone wanted to talk to her and she was fully joyful . Jiang Feng was not that interested in showing off. But,he felt good today. Even he was tired of listening to Gang Bo's bragging these days. 

Jiang Chen "It is all good. Did any one bully you?" he asked ruffing her hair.

Jiang Nan "No, today I defeated the Gang Bo. He was no match to me at all...." she was excitedly explaning the sequence of fights.

Jiang Chen and the twins came the shop he opened now. Now there was a new Board on the shop ,"Pokemon Shop."

Jiang Nan "Brother, are you going to open a pet shop, are you selling the pokemon." she asked in surprise. Even Jiang Feng was shocked seeing this.

Jiang Chen "That is the plan for now. Come inside." As they entered inside they were surprised to see everything is changed. In the morning it looked like a empty shop, but not it has everything. There were chairs computers . Jiang Feng went inside the second section. He was dumbstruck seeing the scenario inside. There were different sections inside here. There were stimulated environments, with grasses, trees, rocks, some volcano rocks, a pond. 

Jiang Feng "Brother how did you do this ."

Jiang Chen "I have some help." he said winking.

Jiang Feng understood, it is better not question. He knew his brother has a transcendent beast. His sixth sense told him, that beast should be one of the weak beasts of his brother. 

Jiang Nan was also excited and was running around the various enclosures in excitement, she saw many new beast she didn't see before, she know they must all be pokemon. There were around 15 different pokemon in this enclosure now.

Jiang Nan then thought of something and wanted to ask Jiang Chen but then she restrained. But surprisingly it is Jiang Feng who spoke first.

Jiang Feng "Brother, there is a friend of mine, who is very talented. Will you sell him a pokemon in loan?" Jiang Feng asked directly. He know this is a complicated issue. So, it would be better to get clear idea from his brother.

Jiang Chen was surprised that is was Jiang Feng who asked, he always expected it would be Jiang Nan who will do this. Even Jiang Nan was shocked and forgot to close her mouth.

Jiang Chen "Is he your friend?"

Jiang Feng Nodded. 

Jiang Chen "Is his character reliable?"

Jiang Feng was not sure how to answer but after thinking for sometime he nodded.

Jiang Chen "Bring, him here before the school starts. Call his parents also." 

Jiang Feng "Will you really.....?" he just asked casually to check how his brother responds, but his brother directly agreed.

Jiang Chen "Don't worry I won't joke with you. If you have other friends you can tell them also." 

Jiang Chen "Now, you go back to home, I have work here, So, I can't come home."

Jiang Chen then pulled another ball and summoned a new pokemon. 

Jiang Nan and Jiang Jiang Feng were in awe seeing this pokemon. It looked like a dragon.

Jiang Chen "Charizard, drop them at home." Then he came to Jiang Feng 

Jiang Chen took two normal balls from the table and gave them to Jiang Feng " These are pokemon prepared for mother and father. Make them contract them." he said giving him the balls and instructions.

Jiang Feng nodded as Jiang Nan complained taking them from Jiang Feng's hands. Jiang Chen them made them sit on Charizard who flew with the twins .

Whole evening Jiang Chen was making plans for future action. 

Next day..

Jiang Chen a huge surprise came to him, he expected the twins will come with couple of friends but what he saw a over dozen people.

Jiang Feng was embarrassed he called his best friends and told them to come with their parent, three of his friends came but he didn't expect Jiang Nan to call all her friends, that list reached 10 people. He expected his brother to be angry, but surprisingly he was calm.

Jiang Chen invited them inside and asked Jiang Nan and Jiang Feng to take the kids inside the enclosure while he sat there to discuss with the kids parents.

Jiang Chen "I am sorry, It was bit sudden for me I was not that prepared." he apologized as there were not enough seats to accommodate everyone.

Jiang Chen "I expected only couple to come."

Other parents also smiled slyly, they also came just to check what is happening. They know, buying the beasts is not that simple matter, even if they want to buy in loan it would take a lot of assurance and collaterals. But, they couldn't refuse their kids, even if its not true, they have to try to help their kids. 

Lin Feng "Its nothing Mr. Jiang. I know kids will get excited with word familiars. They may exaggerate a bit."

Other parents also nodded. 

Jiang Chen "They indeed do exaggerate some times. But, this time I do have intention to provide them familiars and free of cost. I just need assurance from you that they will take proper care of it."

Lin Feng "Mr. Jiang are you serious?" every one were shocked hearing this.

Jiang Chen "I am indeed dead serious about it. It is just I want to make sure you want to take risk."

Jiang Chen " The familiars I am providing are bit different from the familiars available in the market. But, they are not weaker than any and their potential is guaranteed."

Jiang Chen "I am not sure, whether you will believe me and take risk to let your kids contract them."

One of the other parent asked Jiang Chen "Will there be any complications?"

Jiang Chen "I can assure you there would be no complications, they are well behaved and I can guarantee their potential will not be less."

Jiang Chen "But, it is your decision whether to trust me or not." they were all silently thinking of possibilities.

Lin Feng "Mr. Jiang did you contract these familiars?"

Jiang Chen " Yes, not just me, even Little Nan and Little Feng contracted them. Even my parents contracted them."

Lin Feng "Can you tell me the reason you are providing them for free."

Jiang Chen "Mr Lin my goal is to get these pokemon a suitable trainer. It is not that I am giving them for free. My goal is to popularize them and give a suitable family for them. Children are most suitable for this. They are ready to adapt quickly and their mentality is more in sync with pokemon. So, they will adapt to them quickly and form a bond. Which is helpful for both pokemon and children. Even the price range would be considerably low compared to other familiars ."

Jiang Chen "I can sell a beast with medium grade blood line from 10,000- 100,000 and normal high grade beast will fall from 100,000-1,000,000. Special ones price would vary from 10 million to billion."

Others were shocked hearing this. They couldn't believe what they heard. But, they felt Jiang Chen was not lying to them.

Mo Lin "Mr Jiang, what grade beast are you providing for the kids now?"

Jiang Chen " If there is no special situation, I would bet high grade."

Mo Lin "What is the special situation you are speaking about." he asked curious

Jiang Chen "I told you right, it is pokemon who choose their partner. So, there is a luck factor here, if your kids are not lucky enough..."

Mo Lin was embarrassed but understood.

Jiang Chen and others discussed for few more minutes and once everything was clear, he signed agreement with their parents.

Once everything was set, he let the parent into the second section. All parents were shocked to see what is happening here, the kids are already playing there with different pokemon. There were various pokemon with the kids and seems to be very friendly and playful.

Seeing the parents coming everyone excited and ran over to greet their parents.  They are introducing the pokemon to their parents. Jiang Chen came silently and stood near the table.

Jiang Feng came to his brother and apologized as he didn't expect this many people to come. Jiang Nan also came running, she also felt that she did a mistake this time.

Jiang Chen "You didn't make any mistake. It is Ok, I will help them contract for free. You guys make sure, they are taking care of the pokemon for me."

Jiang Feng nodded and Jiang Nan also "Yes, brother, I will fight them if they don't care of pokemon properly."

Jiang Chen "Ok, you can tell them come here to complete the contract." Jiang Nan ran over to her friends to convey the same.

Lin Yan came first along with her father, there was a little Ralts Next to her.

Jiang Nan was standing next to Jiang Chen introducing her.

Jiang Chen "Little Yan do you like the pokemon next to you." 

Lin Yan nodded vigorously and was hugging the Ralts, fearing someone will snatch her from her.

Jiang Chen just smiled and introduced the Ralts to her. Then he took a normal Pokeball from the counter gave her to Lin Yan, then explained her how to use Pokeball, once Ralts was caught her completed the contracts. 

Jiang Chen "Lin Yan can you give the Ball to brother. I have some more procedure."

Lin Yan proceeded to give her the Ball. Then Jiang Chen placed the ball in a special container attached to the computer. He typed some details. 

Jiang Chen "Little Yan do you have a mobile phone?"

Lin Yan gave Jiang Chen his mobile. Then he attached her mobile to his system and installed a software on her mobile. Then he used that application to scan the QR code displayed in the system.

Jiang Chen "Little Yan, now you can see all the details of the Ralts in your mobile." then he showed how to use the application. This application is copy of Pokedex which can be used to track their own pokemon.

Lin Yan was amazed seeing this application. In the app it is showing a single Ball. Whn she clicked on it, it displayed the details of the Ralts.

Name : Ralts(#280)

Level : 5

Type : Psychic & Fairy

Status : Healthy

Ability : Synchronize 

Moves : Disarming Voice, Double Team, Growl

 She can learn more about the moves and abilities by clicking on it.