


"Is that a date?" I asked and he nodded...

"Then a date you'll get," I said, pecking Carter on the cheek, Nancy smiled and I smiled back until a bitch came...

"What date?, that's my boyfriend bitch" The bitch was expecting and I laughed...

"What did you call me worthless bitch?" I asked moving away from the freak on my front, she saw the staff in my hand and got shocked, she became silent and moved a bit backward.

"Why are you with my boyfriend, so you wanna use your power for what, taking people's boyfriend huh," She said and I laughed, I moved closer to her, and with every step I took she took those steps backward.

"Yes, I will use my power to take your boyfriend bitch and it's not my fault your boyfriend fell for me, am not worthless like you, I'm popular, bitchy, and I'm even power, I get and before I go, I am even richer, you lose bitch" I insult as all she could do was look around, yeah she should be embarrassed, she thought she had the whole universe when she makes me do her chores and bully people all around the school, now it's her turn.

"Sorry loser, I gotta go, I have things to do, and yea nance I have to meet the school chancellor right??" I faced nance who nodded, we turned to leave when nance screamed, I turned to see the bitch Grace dragging her hair, I wanted to attack when carter carried her away for me, I smiled at him, then nance slapped her twice, she screamed feeling the sting and embarrassment at the time.

"You fools are looking as she's trashing me, attack her right now" Her piglets were just watching as they moved a bit backward.

"Yea, exactly, move backward." I left them as I moved to where the chancellor is. On my way I saw Aiden, he had this kind of affection on his face. Yea I once loved Aiden but when I asked him out he rejected me and now he's trying to get me, he will have to work for it.

"Why is Aiden looking at you?" She asked and I looked at him. He was looking at me well. Aiden was the cutest guy in high school and the second cutest guy on campus, actually I don't have his time now but if he asks me out I'll accept because I still like him.

We got to the chancellor's office as I knocked.

"Come in, please?" He said as I entered to see lots of staff as they clapped for me, I smiled looking around when they gave me a standing ovation.

"Congratulations on being the school president, you deserve it, all your hard work and excellence, they are all wonderful, congrats again," The chancellor said and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said as they gave me my seat. My name was well written on the chair, I smiled and sat on it, then the rest sat.

"This is where we have meetings about the school activities and other stuff, the school is under your control and no one can tell you things apart from the chancellor as far as the staff is with you, you are the powerful student here but please use it for good." The calculus staff said and I smiled, I have just been smiling since.

"Okay thanks, " I said, I smiled at them and they did a clapping for me again before we all dispersed, I walked outside to see Nancy still waiting for me, I went to the class and had a single lecture, after the lecture, lunch has been ringing on, okay I promised the cute guy a date, I went to the cafeteria and saw him all prepared, I smiled seeing all he has done.

"Wow, he meant business," Nancy said and I laughed. I wanted to go when Aiden came, he stood in front of me and his face was teary.

"what's with you??" I asked, looking at his face, he looked like he had been crying and it touched me.

"Nothing, I just notice how stupid I was, I did like you but I don't know how you will feel." He said with his face still teary, I looked at Carter, his face was already red and I could see he would burst anytime soon.

"We'll talk about it later, I have a date with carter okay," I said tapping his shoulder, I passed by him almost meeting my date when Aiden held me.

"I love you so much, Sam, please after that. Date please be my girlfriend." He said and I smiled, I hugged him trying to calm him down because his heart is going high I guess.

"Is anything the problem with beauty?" Carter asked and I smiled looking at him.

"Nothing can we..."

" you just don't have to put your mouth in every fucking business idiot" Aiden blasted him as carter laughed.

"And who are you calling an idiot, I have a date with her but you still have the nerve to profess love to her, how dare you?" He said as the two guys began to say hurtful things to themselves.

"Can you guys stop?" I yelled at them and they didn't even listen.

"Why was it when I asked her for a date, you came like a chicken to be confessing huh?" He barked at Aiden who laughed but I know Aiden, he has anger issues, he punched Carter in the face which took Carter unbalanced. Carter laughed with his blood lips and punched Aiden back, Aiden growled as he ran to attack Carter, he threw a punch at him as Cartee dodged it and punched him in the face, Aiden kicked him and a jab on the most Carter fell on the floor, he sat on Carter as he kept on punching carter who was weak and tired to fight back, what the hell is wrong with Aiden.

"Can you all take him away from Carter, he's killing him" I shouted and three boys came to drag him off but he refused until Carter boys came and pushed him off Carter who was bleeding from his nose and mouth.