
Spoiled Little Precious: The Seven Amazing Brothers

Although it began in the orphanage like most of the cases, it seemed different this time. She was adopted by a multi-child family as soon as she was reborn. Father Ye: Didn't you want a sister? From now on, Xing'er will be your sister. Seven brothers: Yeah, is this our sister? So cute! Since then, Ye Xing had lived a life of group spoiling. Seven older brothers even fought for scrambling to peel shrimps for their younger sister, which made Ye Xing, who had an adult soul in the body, felt that this world was so magical. Later, the brothers suddenly discovered that as long as they had more contact with their sister, they would be lucky. Bought bad stocks? Don't be afraid, the stock soared 300% one second before the close! Picking up a lottery ticket on the ground? Oh, the first prize in the national lottery fell into the Ye family! Even if they picked up a broken necklace by the trash can, some handsome men came, taking his sister for keeping as a mistress! With the help of Ye Xing’s luck, the seven elder brothers have gradually grown into bigwigs in various fields. Years later, when the seven brothers gave their achievement testimonials, they glanced at each other and said with one voice: These are the credits of my sister! Character setting of the female lead: Full of good luck buff, can bring good luck to the people around, turning bad luck into good luck. Being optimistic, cheerful, helpful, and having good cooking skills, bringing happiness to everyone. The character setting of the male lead: Tsundere childhood friends, pretending to be mature, always mocking the naive hostess. Like saying poisonous words, but willing to accompany the female lead to do some naive things. A genius with a high IQ and protect the female lead unconditionally. Mantra: You stupid girl, are you nuts?

White Suger Cake · Integral
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40 Chs

My Name is Ye Xing, As in the Star

Traductor: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"What's your name? My Name Is Ye Xing, as in the star. Mama Chen told me that I am the unique star of our welfare institute. Fate has brought me to our welfare institute. Did you know that it used to be called an orphanage? Actually, I don't really like the term "orphanage". Later on, it became a welfare institute. That sounded much better. Mama Chen said that orphans were a group of people who had no relatives or parents. But we weren't, we had Mama Chen, Uncle Luo, and many brothers and sisters. Mama Chen said that there were many children who were very pitiful. They were born without any brothers or sisters. Unlike us, we had a total of twenty-four brothers and sisters."

He Yang listened to the girl with beautiful eyes named Ye Xing. Her mouth was like a gatling gun as she talked non-stop.

He suddenly felt that it was a very stupid and wrong choice for him to go with her.

She did not seem to really want to ask about his name at all. At the beginning, it was just a polite greeting.

It was something like good morning, good evening, have you eaten.

It was convenient for her to continue talking.

The word "He Yang" was stuck in her throat, she spat it out and eventually swallowed it back.

"Perhaps my name is not important at all.

She might have been a microphone in her past life. Otherwise, she would not have said so many words in one go without repeating any."

He Yang thought to himself, but he did not intend to interrupt this beautiful young lady who was speaking animatedly.

As long as she did not ask him to speak, it did not seem like a big deal to just listen.

And from the very warm-hearted Ye Xing, He Yang had actually learned a lot of things.

For example, this welfare home used to be called an orphanage.

As for changing the name, it was probably because they didn't want to hurt the fragile heart of these children.

Regarding this, He Yang felt that the adults must have thought too much.

This was because Ye Xing did not understand what the word "orphan" meant.

On the contrary, he felt that Ye Xing must be a very kind little girl because she actually sympathized with those single-child families with both parents.

Did she not realize that her background was the pitiful kind?

However, as this thought flashed through his mind, the light in He Yang's eyes quickly dimmed.

Perhaps he was not as happy as she was.

"Look, the sunflower on the wall was painted by me personally. Isn't it beautiful? Mother Chen said that my hands are very nimble. I'll definitely become an artist in the future. What do you think of this dream?"

He Yang mumbled a few times. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he realized that Ye Xing had changed the topic again.

As expected, she did not really want any answer from him, He Yang smiled self-deprecatingly.

However, he seemed to have realized something and quickly recovered his cold expression, like an emotionless mask.

Thankfully, Ye Xing was still a very competent guide.

Now, he had a general understanding of the situation in the Welfare Institute.

This place was really too old.

Even so, the things he saw the most were smiles.

A few children, their bodies dirty, were chasing each other and making noise from time to time.

"This is where we usually play games. I'm super good at basketball. Even the boys can't beat me. Hey, Little Fatty, how many times have I told you not to bully Luoluo? Otherwise, I'll beat you up!"

Seeing Ye Xing raise her little fist and threaten a boy twice her size, He Yang felt a sense of absurdity.

However, the boy who was called Little Fatty waved his hand in fear. "Xingxing, I'm not bullying her. She fell down on her own. I want to pull her up."

The girl named Luoluo, who had fallen to the ground, stood up. She patted the dirt off her body and ran toward Ye Xing.

"Xingxing, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt at all. It wasn't fatty who pushed me. Is this our new friend?"

Compared to Luoluo, Ye Xing looked much cleaner.

Especially when there was snot under her nose.

He Yang subconsciously took two steps back and frowned.