
Spiritual Dragon Douluo

In The Douluo world, Where Strength is respected, How the Teenage boy of Blue star boy uncover the mystery of Douluo continent does these gods are real gods or their is some higher realm then? Let's watch the journey of XuTian step by step create his own journey.

DaoistHI4fqd · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Spiritual dragon douluo: dinner

His destination was none other than the illustrious worship hall, the epitome of prestige within the esteemed Wuhun Hall. This sacred space was reserved exclusively for super douluo, whose soul power had transcended the confines of level ninety-five and soared to level ninety-six or beyond.

Within the Spirit Hall, this hall represented the pinnacle of strength, a testament to the unrivaled might that could only be attained by the most exceptional soul masters. The gap in soul power between each level grew exponentially as one ascended higher in cultivation, especially when it came to the esteemed title of Douluo.

For a super douluo who had surpassed level ninety-five, the power they wielded was awe-inspiring. It was no exaggeration to say that they could effortlessly dispatch five opponents with a single strike, leaving no room for their adversaries to even put up a fight. It was a display of overwhelming superiority, a crushing force that left no doubt as to their dominance.

However, it's important to note that not every title Douluo possesses such formidable power. That level of powers is a distinction held by only a select few, like the esteemed Tang San. This is a testament to the astonishing strength of the Golden Crocodile Douluo, whose spirit power had reached a breathtaking level of ninety-eight.

The sheer magnitude of his spirit power attests to his unrivaled might and solidifies his position as one of the most formidable figures within the realm of soul masters.

The worship hall held a sacred reverence that answered only to the great priest Qian Daoliu himself. Even the current Pope of Wuhun Hall held no authority to issue orders within its sacred confines.

Enveloping the offering hall were the formidable Wuhundian guards, clad in resplendent black armor. Each member of this formidable team boasted the status of a soul king, their power surpassing level 50, while their valiant captain held the esteemed rank of a soul saint, surpassing level 70.

As the captain's gaze fell upon XuTian, who stood poised in his sleek black training suit, a smile adorned his face. Recognizing the presence of greatness, he nodded in acknowledgment and promptly issued an order to his subordinates, directing them to clear a path, allowing XuTian to pass through unhindered.

A sense of arrogance emanated from the soul saint-level powerhouse, driven by his own formidable stature. It was clear that if XuTian's grandfather held no esteemed title like the Golden Crocodile Douluo, the captain would never have shown such politeness.

The Douluo Continent operates on a harsh reality, where the true worth of an individual is often determined by their martial soul and innate talent. While others may outwardly maintain a facade of respect based on one's family background, deep within their hearts, they may silently consign individuals with poor martial souls and limited talent to the lowest echelons.

Such is the unforgiving nature of this realm, where one's potential and abilities hold paramount importance. It serves as a reminder that even behind the veneer of pleasantries, people may secretly cast judgment and allocate their place within society based on these perceived shortcomings.

Just like a teacher, Yu Xiaogang. His own uncles mercilessly called him a waste to his face.

With a genuine smile and a respectful salute, he acknowledged their presence before confidently making his way towards the revered Elder Hall, under the watchful gaze of those around him.

The status of the Hall of Enshrinement within the Wuhun Hall hierarchy remained even higher than that of the Pope's Hall and the Douluo's Hall. Any individual who achieved the esteemed title of Douluo within the Douluo Hall could etch their name into its annals, regardless of whether they hailed from the upper three sects, which had historically held a tumultuous relationship with the Wuhun Hall.

But the requirements for the hall of worship are much more stringent. Not only do you need to reach at least level ninety-six, but you also have to join the Wuhun Temple.

  Therefore, the status of the Hall of Enshrinement in the Hall of Wuhun is supernatural. It is also the tallest building in Wuhun City.

  The whole hall is similar to a high tower, just to enter the first floor of the worship hall, you have to walk through three thousand steps.

  Even with XuTian's physical fitness, he climbed 1500 hundread hurdles in one go, because of eating the crystananthum herb but he couldn't help but blushed and panted heavily. He didn't have his martial soul awakened, and it was too much for him to rely on physical strength alone.

In the radiant glow of the illuminated hall, countless lamps cast their warm light, illuminating the space. A striking sight greeted XuTian's eyes—a magnificent procession of Heyang flower candles, arranged in two neat rows from the imperial seat to the entrance of the main hall. These candles, adorned with agarwood crumbs, were of remarkable size, each branch as thick as an arm. Their flames burned bright, casting a vibrant glow, while their aromatic fragrance filled the air.

As XuTian took in the sight, he couldn't help but inhale deeply, intoxicated by the enchanting aroma. Ready to step forward, he was suddenly confronted by the sudden appearance of seven figures. In the blink of an eye, they materialized before him, their previous distance of hundreds of meters collapsing into mere seconds.

Dressed in resplendent gold robes embellished with intricate silver embroidery, these seven figures exuded an air of elegance. The golden robes showcased unique patterns, each representing the distinct martial souls of its wearer, woven meticulously with silver thread. While two of them lagged behind, their patterns mirroring one another, the remaining figures boasted individualized designs, each one distinct from the rest.

The leader's golden robe bore the striking embroidery of six-winged angels, a symbol of its distinguished status and identity.

Similarly, XuTian's own grandfather, the esteemed Golden Crocodile Douluo Tiancrocodile, proudly displayed a lifelike depiction of a ferocious giant crocodile on his golden robe. The connection between the pattern and his identity was unmistakable.

Upon spotting XuTian, the typically serious leader managed to muster a smile. With hands as smooth as jade, he reached out and gently caressed XuTian's head. Despite the touch of white in his hair and the wisdom reflected in his eyes, his appearance exuded the vitality of a middle-aged man in his prime.

Of particular note were his piercing eyes, possessing a sharpness that seemed capable of penetrating the depths of one's soul, discerning the true essence of individuals.

"Great offering, we'll go ahead," proclaimed the Golden Crocodile Douluo, granting a nod of acknowledgement to Qian Daoliu as the leader. He then proceeded to gesture subtly to the remaining five priests, one by one, signifying their departure.

XuTian, showing utmost respect, bowed reverently to each of the priests before rejoining the Golden Crocodile Douluo's side.

Qian Daoliu's face lit up with satisfaction as he cast a warm smile towards XuTian. With a casual response, he led the other priests back to the Elder Hall, their presence typically reserved for occasions of utmost importance, particularly those concerning the Spirit Hall's survival.

Their collective appearance on this occasion held special significance, a testament to their high regard for the esteemed Golden Crocodile Douluo, prompting them to emerge from the Elder Hall to offer their farewell.

Golden Crocodile Douluo tapped into his profound soul power, lifting XuTian off the ground and soaring into the sky.

With a gentle grip on XuTian's arm, Golden Crocodile Douluo wore a playful smile as he spoke.

"Well, well, what brings Tianer's to seek out Grandpa today?"

He had a hunch about the purpose behind his grandson's visit, but he couldn't resist teasing XuTian a bit.

From childhood to 3 years his grandson has shown a maturity far beyond ordinary people. Although he is also very pleased, as an old man in his 100s, he is quite grateful for his grandson's initiative to get close to him.

Having reached the pinnacle of power and strength on the Douluo Continent, Golden Crocodile Douluo's sole aspiration now was to protect his grandson as he grew and eventually pave the way for their family's legacy to flourish.

With their unique golden crocodile king martial soul, the possibility of establishing a sect and dethroning the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's position as the world's top beast martial soul was not far-fetched.

Lost in these thoughts, Golden Crocodile Douluo's smile widened even further as he affectionately stroked his beard, his gaze carefully studying Xu Tian.

while Xutian looked his grandpa's werid gaze but still said:"Grandpa, My health become normal, I don't feel lethargy after eating the herbs given by Dad. So for celebriting today Mom Asked me to invite you."

Golden crocodile douluo affectionality touch his head and said"Ohh our Tianer health become good, its worth celebriting, hmm let's go"

Golden crocodile douluo uses his mental power to locate the home and went while covering Xutian with soul power went to dinner room.

Inside the dinner room two person is sitting Man in thirties with golden hair and golden eyes and other lady with silver hair and purple eyes. yes these are Xutian's Parents.

"Mom Today what did you cook?" XuTian Asked.

XuShi said:" Today for 1000 year eating is the snack galbladder, 1000 year Spiritual Crocodile with several fruits"

XuTian after hearing whose salive about drip from mouth said" Grandpa Let's go eat first"

Crocodile douluo after seeing Xutian and smiled and said:"hmm Let' go"
