
Spirit : The Sage of the Iris

Kazuki, who has always lived alone with his master, will have to face multiple tragedies that will turn his life upside down in this world filled with magic, martial arts, corruption and lies. During his adventure he will have a series of encounters and separations, guiding him until he discovers who he really is.

DrDrackoAlasdair · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Starry night

Kazuki peacefully sleeps in his bed, exhausted from running from his master and screams about how he beat him. His breath is slow, his chest moving up and down lazily with each inspiration and expiration. His eyes are closed, his eyelids being relaxed. There are no traits of a smile nor a grimace on his mouth, which is slightly open. But slowly, a smile appears on his angelic and young face.

In his subconscious, he dreams. He dreams of a black sky, expanding indefinitely on his right, his left and above him. Points of light appear far away from him. They converge in his direction, gradually getting bigger as they become closer. Once they reach him, they look like big spheres of light making roughly the size of his head. Some stick together, taking the form of a throne. Kazuki looks at the shiny throne with admiration. He moves forward to it and puts his hands on it. His hand touches the light like it's a solid object. Understanding that he can sit among the stars, he smiles. It is this smile which appeared during his sleep. He sits on the throne of light. Then, once on the throne, he starts making some kind of chant

"... I am the King of Light! I sit among the stars! I shine brighter than the sun! I illuminate the night! And I'll erase the darkness!" 

As he says so, the remaining stats gather together to form a lance of light. Kazuki looks at the weapon with surprise but he takes it. He is excited by what he is holding. He looks under his feet. There, far away on a stone ground, a figure with horns stretches out its arms. A dark aura surrounds the creature. It is dark. It is the opposite of light. Kazuki doesn't think more than that. He throws the lance at the monster. It erases everything that is dark. He is left alone with his light throne in a white space with nothing else. 

"Oh wow. I completely erased the night! There is nothing left of it!" 

It is quiet. There is only him. The creature is gone. The only stars left are gathered to form his throne. 

Then, a sound disturbs him from his dream. A distinct "click" which comes from next to him in the real world. He doesn't know what it is. Distracted from his sleep, he slowly opens his eyes. A fresh breeze gently caresses his face. The "click" came from the window, which is now open. The wind slowly enters the room, refreshing the atmosphere. The silence of the night imposes itself. 

Kazuki gets up and looks at the opened window, in order to find out why it happened. But his gaze stops upon the black sky. There, a million stars shine bright enough to make the night less dark. The sparkles illuminating the sky make the eyes of the admiring child shine, reflecting a perfect image of the lights as clear as if it was the reflection of a clean lake.

"... I am the King of Light…"

He puts his arm through the window, as far as possible, stretching it out to the stars. But it is too far yet. 

"... I sit among the stars…" 

These lights, he would like to be able to touch them. They look so close, yet far away at the same time. The concept is still complex. He climbs on the window, cautiously approaching the edge. He stretches out his hand even more but he is only welcomed by the coldness of the night breeze's kiss on the palm of his bare hand. 

Behind him, the sounds of a door being opened and slammed in a loud "bang" reach his ears. His Master yells at him. 

"Kazuki, be careful!" 

Kazuki turns to see his master, but he feels nothing behind him. There is no surface for him to turn. Slowly, he passes by the window and disappears. Kazuki can see the window, quickly getting away from him, and black silhouette climbing above it. But he doesn't really think about it right now. He feels nothing but air friction and his weight being dragged down into the void. And there is nothing he can do about it. 

There is a golden flash at the window accompanied by a warped sound of friction. All of a sudden, the young boy is surrounded by a golden light. He is not falling anymore, he doesn't move. He doesn't feel the air fiction or the invisible force pushing him to the ground. Something, or someone, is holding him. Kazuki's eyes are closed and he is still too scared to open them. He is shaking. 

What he doesn't see is that the old man is grabbing him while being in the void himself. If they don't fall, it's thanks to a golden arm coming from the golden energy which surrounds the old man and Kazuki. The young boy clings tightly to his master's clothes in which he hides his face, to neither see the fall nor the window where he has fallen. He is rigid, due to the fear of the fall that has occurred. He doesn't really understand what he felt, but deep down his instinct knows the concept of death without Kazuki being aware of what it is. The master takes them back into the bedroom, lifted by the hand. He is really cautious about Kazuki. He feels Kazuki slightly shaking against him and is worried about him. 

Once they reach the window, the old man carefully enters the room. He carefully puts Kazuki in his bed and closes the window. He observes no sign of effraction or any failure on the door. There is one last explanation about it, but then he sees Kazuki slightly moving which pulls him out of his thoughts. He approaches the young boy and puts a calming hand on his head. 

"Are you okay, Kazuki ?" 

The young boy starts sobbing. Now that he is back in a secured place, he finally expresses himself. 

"Sorry Master.. I just.. I just wanted to catch the stars.." 

The old man isn't mad about his student's behavior. He is still young and it's normal for them to have dreams.. Which mean they might also want to make them reality. 

"- Kazuki… It's okay now. You are here and nothing can happen to you there. But I was so scared... Don't go to the window like that again, please.

- I will be careful, master... I will be careful, I promise!

- Very well then. It's time for you to go to sleep. Good night, Kazuki."

The old man places an affectionate kiss on the child's forehead before turning and leaving the room at the words of his student. 

"Good night, master…"

Kazuki, exhausted, falls asleep in his bed. Nor his body or his mind are capable of supporting so much stress. The security which provides his master is enough for him to feel safe enough to sleep. A soft thought envelopes him as his calm breathing indicates a deep sleep. His subconscious sends him a feeling of warmth to keep himself safe mentally, searching for more comfort to forget about it.