
Spirit : The Sage of the Iris

Kazuki, who has always lived alone with his master, will have to face multiple tragedies that will turn his life upside down in this world filled with magic, martial arts, corruption and lies. During his adventure he will have a series of encounters and separations, guiding him until he discovers who he really is.

DrDrackoAlasdair · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Hypnotizing flames

Kazuki spent the morning outside after this morning's lesson with his master. There was nothing much to do until his master told him to, so he went into the garden. Despite the cold air and the sky covered by the gray cloud, this bland setting is not able to drain the young boy's energy into its glacial embrace. The trees lost almost all their leaves and now show their wooden skeletons to the child. Kazuki approaches one of them and touches it with his hands, like he is trying to reassure it. He looks at the branches and follows the line of the trunk until the roots. There, surrounding the root, green grass persists against the chill environment. Kazuki observes it, fascinated. He crouches and leans over to watch it closer. 

Soon after crouching, he hears a small "splash" coming from the pond which sits in the middle of the garden, surrounded by rocks. He rushes among the rocks to see what made this sound. He looks in the water but the only thing he sees are his Master's Fishes. Then, one of them jumps out of the water and falls back in, making this small "splash" and sending water on Kazuki. The young boy looks at the pond with stars in his eyes, but the only thing which meets his eyes is the reflection of himself in the water. He looks at his own image for a short moment and starts to make grimaces. He quickly grew bored of this. He wonders why the only thing he sees now is his reflection. 

 Master Yi's voice calling him impatiently from the temple puts a quick end to his thoughts and, without hesitating, he hurries to join his master. He quickly get in the temps, run accross the living room and joins the old man in the kitchen. Once he gets there, the contrast between the calm and cold outside is almost overwhelming. The fire is burning brightly in the chimney, making both the master and the student sweat. Master Yi even took off his kimono, which he left in the living room. A kettle sits on the fire, noisily whistling, and diffuses the scent of brewing tea into the heating water, filling the atmosphere with the scent of plants and flowers, at once soft, sweet and powerful. The old man turns to Kazuki and expresses his displeasure in a reproachful tone.

"Ah, there you are, boy! Come here, I need you. I'm making lunch. Can you take care of setting the table while I finish?"

Kazuki listens attentively to his master and nods. But before taking the plate, his gaze turns on his master cooking, following every movement. He watches as the old man places the fish on the work board,spreading it gracefully on the wood, and cuts almost professionally the pink flesh into generous slices. Such skills amaze the kid, especially because he seeks to become like his master. The Master then hangs the fish on hooks in the fireplace, above the flames. A good smell reminiscent of the sea mixes with that of the plants in the infusion boiling in the kettle. The smell evokes the nature he has observed around the estate, in the most pure and brutal state, but also pushes his imagination beyond. 

Kazuki then imagines a forest, with large trees, and, not far away, a cliff overlooking the sea which then mixes the scents of the forest with its powerful iodines. The flames dance wearily in the chimney and lick the fish hanging above them, like a fox jumping trying to catch a small bird. Kazuki finds himself hypnotized by this spectacle. The fiery tongues licking the pink flesh reflect themselves in his innocent eyes. There is something that, deeply, is familiar to him without being sure of what it is. The forest he imagines then begins to burn. He observes this image with fear and admiration, something he seems to have felt long ago. There is a sense of danger in this beautiful vision but he can't tell if it's from the flames consuming the trees or if it's from something else. His Master places his hand on the young man's shoulder, and the image of the burning forest slowly fades away to let place to the flames of the fireplace. Surprised, Kazuki turns his head towards his master. The old man does not look directly at the young man, but he observes the flames with him. The old master then opens his mouth:

"What do you have in mind, boy? Does the process of cooking fish intrigue you?"

He had asked this question without any real target to answer, but it was clearly addressed to Kazuki more than a self question. The boy seemed to think about this question for a while, looking intensively at the flames, but no logical answer came to him. He only answers what comes to mind.

"The flames... They dance... They.. They seem to want to catch the fish. Why are they doing that?"

The old man looks at his student with one eye and brings his other hand to his goatee after hearing his response. He wonders about his student's question, whether this is simple curiosity about the flames or whether his curiosity extends to more than that, knowing the deep imagination of the young boy. He finds it even more interesting that Kazuki has picked interest for the flames in particular. After a moment of thinking, he shifts his hand from the boy's head to his shoulder and says:

"You see, my boy, everything has a use. The knife is used to cut food. Water is used to wash and drink, which is important for living. And fire is used to heat, enlighten and consume."

While the old man talks, the curiosity of the young boy takes over and he brings his hand closer to the fire. The old man stops him by grabbing his hand. Kazuki looks at him questioningly.

"I'm not allowed to touch it, master?

-No, Kazuki.

- But why ? It is warm and it looks very good. I'm sure I can take it in my hands! 

- Because this fire, which helps us so much, can also harm us. If you put your hand in it, your hand will cook like this fish and you will be hurt. You will be burned. Do you understand, my boy? It's not like a forest animal roaming in our garden. 

- Yes I understand.

- Good! Now, set the table please. I'm finishing preparing the food. I'll bring it to the table once it's ready."

While the old man returns to cook food, the young boy takes two plates and sets the table for two. He adds two wooden glasses and takes everything into the dining room. He places everything on the small table which sits in the center of the room. As usual, he puts his place opposite to the place of his master so they face each other. Once the table is set, he sits on his knees, on the floor, in front of his plate, patiently waiting for his master to bring the food or come ask for his help.

Finally the old man brings the dishes and the kettle to the table. The smoked fish gives off a thick cloud of steam and the tea fills the room with its delicious smell of plants and flowers. Master Yi sits in front of Kazuki and begins to serve the fish to the boy and to himself.

The young boy smiles at the old man

"- Thank you, Master. Bon appetit!

 - Eat your fill, Kazuki. Enjoy your food."

Hungry, Kazuki eats quickly under the surprised gaze of the old master, who can't help but smile while sipping hot tea. However it doesn't mean he won't scold him for not being careful. 

"- Don't eat too quickly, my boy. It's bad for your digestion and you'll be sick.

 - Yes Master ! I'm careful!"

The young boy smiled at his old master, nodding, before going back to eating quickly. But when his master clears his throat at his attention, Kazuki gives him an annoyed and ashamed smile. 

"Sorry, Master…"

Kazuki slows down his rhythm. The master and student enjoy their lunch together, biting into the tender white flesh and drinking to the point that the kettle is empty while discussing the various chores they'll have to take care of during the afternoon. 

"As you know, Kazuki, it started to get cold. We're missing some wood, so we'll have to cut some trees. I think you're coming to an age where you can wield an axe to help me chop some trees instead of just bringing it home. It will help getting faster for the years to come. And also we'll have to get some water from the river for the fishes and the remaining plants."

Kazuki had nothing to say against it. So, after finishing their meals they both prepare their coats and go outside to take the stuff they need. Once equipped, they head to the exit of the domain, which is a giant wooden door, and leave to venture into the forest and find a good spot in order to cut some trees.