
Spirit of Distraction • Date a Live x Tensura

Rimuru want to go to another world but on the way he meat the Spirit of Origin what will happen to their Encounter

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15 Chs


~Rimuru POV~

In the Nation Tempest, the capital of Rimuru, many years after the Great Tenma war, everything returned to normal.

It's been more than a thousand years since the Great Tenma war Rimuru sat in his office sighing.

"Haizz... it's finally done" Rimuru lamented looking at the piles of papers piled up in the room

Suddenly remembering something Rimuru asked Ciel

<<Hey Ciel, how far has my nihilistic energy stored? is it enough to open the dimensional portal?>>Rimuru

<<Report: already qualified to open the dimensional portal but...>> Ciel didn't finish his sentence when Rimuru cut him off.

<< that's great, let's go!!!>> Rimuru said excitedly

<<No master, with your current energy level you won't have enough energy to fight against the forces of the other world when attacked>> Ciel

<< c'mon! Why are you always so careful, last time I went, it's okay, just let me go out for a while, I've done all my work>> Rimuru begged Ciel

<< fine then I will choose a world with low energy level and similar in shape to your old world>> Ciel

<<yeah!!! Thank you, Miss Ciel, you are the best >> Rimuru

<<haizz>> Ciel sighed, his voice sounded tired but also happy

While Rimuru was talking with Ciel, Rimuru didn't use the thought accelerator, so to others Rimuru was looking into space and thinking, seeing that Shuna was beside him, arranging a bunch of papers.

"What's wrong, Rimuru-sama? You seem to be thinking about something" Shuna

Hearing Shuna Rimuru's voice was startled

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about a few things, by the way, I'm going to be away for a while, so please inform the rest of us." Rimuru

"Where are you going? You're not going to avoid going out anymore are you" Shuna said with a gentle smile on her face but there was a tremendous pressure that made the rimuru panic

"D...hey... no, t... I'm just going to work, I've finished all my work, with every time I come back from another world I bring back new knowledge" Rimuru

"You're right, so I'll let you know." Shuna

"By the way, don't let Veldora and Diablo follow me, okay?" Rimuru

"Yes" Shuna

After Shuna left the room Rimuru turned to ask Ciel

<<hey Ciel, where's the preparation progress>> Rimuru

<<Report: finished can open the spacetime portal now>> Ciel

<<then let's go!!!>> said Rimuru and walked in front of the space gate But when standing in front of it, Rimuru didn't come in but said to Ciel

<< Hey Ciel! Before I go, remember not to analyze everything, this time I'm just hanging out so there's no need to analyze that world, it'll be more interesting to explore it slowly >> Rimuru

<<Yes Master>> Ciel answered succinctly

Rimuru felt somewhat surprised that Ciel would obediently obey such orders this time

But at least I got a confirmation from Ciel

After thinking about it, a space portal appeared in front of rimuru, Rimuru stepped inside

Inside is a space-time tunnel between the worlds that Ciel built to connect the two worlds, it will give Ciel more time to analyze as well as make sure that the world they both come to will be.

Safe And as always it is a tunnel with only one black color, in which even light from other dimensions can't enter completely, only strong enough entities can survive and keep sober in this place

After floating in the space-time tunnel for a while, Ciel gave a warning

<< Warning: detected an unidentified entity, conducting analysis >> Ciel

After Ciel's report, Rimuru realized that a humanoid entity appeared in front of him

The entity has a distorted body, its form is difficult to distinguish, and its gender, shape, and even facial expressions are unrecognizable.

==Go to Wattpad to see the Pic==

Rimuru immediately raised his guard and summoned his god-class sword and said to the person in front of him

"The first time I met and hid my identity like this, wasn't it very impolite?"

After Rimuru's opening sentence, a strange, indistinguishable voice rang out, gender unknown and tone unknown.

" Ara Ara, don't be so nervous. It's not polite to point your sword at someone when you first meet them, " said the man in front of Rimuru.

Both of them kept their distance and just stared at each other, neither of them knew each other's strength, so no one dared to actively attack each other.

<< Ciel! What is that name? >> Rimuru

<< Report: The one in front of you is a primordial spirit >> Ciel


<< Yes, However, this spirit is not the same as the spirit of our world, the energy that the individual is radiating has never been encountered. Please buy me more time so I can analyze that person >> Ciel

<< Okay! Thanks to you all >> Rimuruu

After talking with Ciel, Rimuru continued to look at the person in front of him

Thought the two would look at each other longer but then the person in front of Rimuru let out a light laugh and said

" The two of us won't actively talk if it stays like this. Let me introduce myself as <Phantom>, a spirit and you are-- " The

person in front of Rimuru introduced himself and extended his hand. as if to signal Rimuru to introduce himself

In order to buy more time, Rimuru also followed Phantom's words and introduced himself

"I am Rimuru, but you call yourself a 'spirit', right?"Rimuru

Hearing Rimuru's question, Phantom just smiled lightly and replied

" That's right, what's wrong? " Phantom

" I see you're not just an ordinary spirit. " Rimuru

Rimuru's words made Phantom somewhat surprised, but then continued to speak

" Fufu, I don't know how you know, but someone like you wants to come into my world... " Phantom stopped mid-sentence.

Upon seeing Phantom stop, Rimuru immediately raised his guard and prepared for what was to come

" Ain Soph Aur Cathedral <Ain Soph Aur>!"

Phantom said those words and then immediately repeated

A huge flower appeared in the air. And from the center, the figure of a young girl seemed to be praying there with her hands clasped together. An extremely majestic and magnificent scene.

==Go to Wattpad to see the Pic==

(Phantom is still using disturbances to hide his identity so this is just for visualization)

Although he couldn't see the Phantom's expression clearly, Rimuru felt like the phantom was smiling brightly

"BREAK OUT!" The phantom gave the command and soon after, rays of light came from the flower and the rimuru sensed the danger coming from those rays.

Rimuru quickly used thought acceleration and dodged all those deadly rays

Even with the thought of acceleration, the light was still traveling very fast, even Rimuru had difficulty dodging

However, the light from the flower gradually spread and reached Rimuru but---



Nothing happened

But Rimuru still didn't show panic and calmly handled the situation because Rimuru hadn't launched an attack yet, and moreover, Ciel was currently analyzing the name in front of him and coming up with a strategy soon. give Rimuru quick

Seeing that Rimuru was unharmed from those lights Phantom just stared at Rimuru

Although he couldn't see Phantom's face, Rimuru could tell that she was surprised

Taking advantage of the Phantom's surprise, Rimuru charged at the fastest speed possible and when he was close enough, Rimuru unleashed a slash at Phantom's body.

Phantom noticed that Rimuru was coming toward him so he reacted and stepped back to dodge Rimuru's slash

But Rimuru's slash was still fast enough to be able to reach Phatom's noise layer, causing part of the noise layer to be cut off to reveal a torn white shirt inside and some flesh.

Phantom looked at the spot where he was attacked and was surprised

" Fufu, I didn't expect you to be able to hurt my Astral Dress, Looks like I've looked down on you," said Phantom, looking warier of Rimuru.

Phantom bounces back to keep his distance from Rimuru After that, Phantom neutralized his jamming layer and revealed his true form

The figure of a young girl appeared from that layer of noise. That girl has a circle on her back and wears a dress with the beauty of an angel.

==Go to Wattpad to see the Pic==

Rimuru clearly showed his surprise at the figure of the person who had been fighting with him until now Realizing his thoughts, Rimuru shook his head trying to regain his composure, and firmly grasped the god-class sword

Phantom seeing Rimuru's expression just smiled lightly and raised his left hand upwards

Knowing that his enemy was about to do something, Rimuru prepared his stance so that he could charge and continue his attack.

But before Rimuru could do anything, suddenly the space in the spacetime tunnel changed (Phantom caused a spacequake in the spacetime tunnel).

The space-time tunnel has been bent and gradually collapsed

Rimuru clearly felt the instability of things around him, the surrounding space was shaking violently, and the next moment---

The spacetime tunnel could no longer be maintained and teleported both Phantom and Rimuru to the nearest space.

When Rimuru noticed, the place where he was standing was different

Both Rimuru and Mio were standing on the same large island floating in the middle of nowhere, and around both of them, there was strange energy like the one emanating from Phantom's body.

When he looked over at Phantom, Rimuru noticed that Phantom's face was still holding the same smile, it looked like she knew where this was.

" This is... " Rimuru

" This is the neighborhood, a world that exists next to the real world, where the Spirits live, " said Phantom, his face still smiling.

" Neighborhood ….? " Rimuru said in surprise

But then the Phantom in front of Rimuru just looked at Rimuru and opened his mouth to say

" Shouldn't we just end it here too? " Phantom said and raised his hands in the air

Rimuru continued to take a ready stance, preparing for what the person in front of him was about to offer

" Beautiful Reincarnation <Ain Soph>"

Phantom said those words and then

A huge tower appeared.

The tower was surrounded by flowers and branches, its top seemed to pierce the sky. In an instant, the whole surroundings were only black and white, and the scene was made up of cubes

But at the same time, Rimuru felt that something in his body was changing, although it was not clear what but Rimuru could only guess it was Ciel's doing, Rimuru secretly rejoiced thinking that Ciel was doing something to help Rimuru

But then Rimuru still opened his mouth and said

" Hmm... after all, what is this? " said Rimuru as he saw that his surroundings had changed

Without saying anything else, Phantom suddenly disappeared in front of Rimuru and appeared right behind Rimuru.

Immediately realizing that Phantom had teleported behind his back, Rimuru quickly turned around and brought his sword back to attack.

But then Phantom was no longer behind Rimuru but about 5 meters away from Rimuru.

Before Rimuru could fix everything, the next moment, a beam of light rose up from the ground

Rimuru quickly dodged and slashed the beams of light

The streaks of light continuously rising from the ground made Rimuru not have time to rest

Knowing that the surrounding space was in the opponent's control and if the situation remained the same then Rimuru would be at a disadvantage, Rimuru immediately contacted Ciel.

<<Ciel! How's the analysis progress>> Rimuru

But unlike Rimuru's expectations, there was no response from Ciel

<<Tch! there must be something wrong>> Rimuru mumbled while continuing to dodge the rays of light that continued to attack Rimuru incessantly.

Unable to let the enemy continue to take the initiative forever, Rimuru decided to manipulate space himself to fight the enemy.

Rimuru extended his right hand towards Phantom's direction to change the space around her.

But---- For some reason, Rimuru can't manipulate space, even skills can't be used...

Rimuru made a surprised expression while continuously avoiding the bands of light.

"You really are strong," said Phantom in an almost sarcastic voice

"Shut up!" Rimuru said while dodging all the light perfectly

"Fufu" Phantom let out a small laugh and then the beams of light stopped attacking Rimuru

Rimuru turned his line of sight to Phantom

Phantom was currently standing opposite Rimuru. in her hand, a sharp sword is slowly taking shape

The "Anaph" Phantom spoke the sword's name and charged toward Rimuru

Rimuru raised his sword and parried Phantom's attack

The two constantly exchange extremely dangerous attacks

Rimuru and Phantom have been fighting each other for a while and Rimuru is slowly feeling... TIRED?

Slime shouldn't feel physically tired but why did Rimuru feel tired?

Rimuru's body moved slowly and Rimuru could notice a smile on Phantom's face

Rimuru's movement slowed down and couldn't keep up with Phantom's speed. But when the phantom was about to slash at Rimuru, at that moment---

Rimuru realized that he would be cut in two if he didn't dodge, but Rimuru couldn't do anything because his body suddenly slowed down.

But somehow, As Rimuru swung his sword in an attempt to parry Phantom's attack, a familiar energy suddenly radiated out---

Turn null (Turn null)

Noticing that source of Rimuru's energy, Phantom jumped back quickly

Rimuru's slash radiated the energy of destruction of nothingness and charged toward the Phantom

But then suddenly that slash stopped in midair

Rimuru forgot that this dimension is currently under Phantom's control

Rimuru's body suddenly felt tired and collapsed

Although he didn't understand why he felt tired, Rimuru still tried to raise his face and look at Phantom

Phantom is currently observing the energy of the vandalism of nothingness being condensed in midair

The look on her face seemed to be surprised that someone like Rimuru possessed it

Phantom raised his hand to touch the nihilistic destructive energy

Rimuru thought that Phantom would get hurt by touching it but---

Contrary to Rimuru's thoughts, Phantom was safely holding that power in his hand

What happened next made Rimuru even more surprised

The energy in Phantom's hand suddenly condensed and turned into... a crystal

That crystal had no color at all, it was completely transparent, so transparent that without the bending of light Rimuru wouldn't be able to see it.

But even more surprising was that the face of Phantom who created the Crystal also had a surprised expression

She holds the crystal in her hand and looks at the circle behind her with a confused expression

But then, she turned to look at Rimuru

Hesitating for a moment, she took the crystal and approached Rimuru

Noticing her approaching, Rimuru tried to lift himself up

"Calm down, I won't do anything to you," Phantom said with a slight smile on his face

The way she called Rimuru 'child' made Rimuru feel flustered

"What do you mean?" Rimuru

In response to Rimuru's words, Phantom just knelt down on one knee and placed a hand on Rimuru's head, and lightly stroked Rimuru's hair.

Rimuru was completely confused by the change in the attitude of the person in front of him

Phantom showed a gentle smile and then, brought her hand holding the crystal to Rimuru's hand and used her free hand to control Rimuru's hand holding the crystal.

Since Rimuru's current strength is for some reason too weak to resist

"Ciel----!" Rimuru tried to say those words in the hope that Ciel would somehow help Rimuru But still no response

At this moment, Rimuru's hand reached the Crystal and---

the crystal that was incorporated into Rimuru

Rimuru can sense strange energy similar to Phantom's radiating through his body

After the crystal merged into Rimuru's body, Phantom looked at Rimuru with a gentle expression and said

"Sleep well girl, we'll see each other again soon," Phantom said with a gentle smile and placed his hand on Rimuru's head once more to Rimuru's bewilderment.

This time Rimuru could perceive something similar to mental attack magic being deployed but at that moment a voice in Rimuru's head resounded.

<<Spirit attack detected. Successful containment>> Ciel

That voice of Ciel made Rimuru feel lighter

But then Rimuru's vision suddenly blurred....and then Rimuru couldn't see anymore and for some reason, Rimuru couldn't use universal perception.

Rimuru's consciousness gradually darkened and Rimuru collapsed

Phantom gently supported Rimuru's back and gently placed Rimuru on the ground and stood up

Phantom looked at Rimuru lying motionless on the ground and said to himself

"Although there might be trouble later on..... But if it's for you, I'll gladly accept it" said Phantom and then disappeared from the vicinity.
