
Spirit of Distraction • Date a Live x Tensura

Rimuru want to go to another world but on the way he meat the Spirit of Origin what will happen to their Encounter

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15 Chs


---Origami POV---

Origami was standing by Ryouko's side waiting for orders

Now is a very good opportunity A spirit not wearing an Astral Dress, surrounded by many members of the AST, in a less populated area, and defenseless

And then Ryouko heard a voice, mixed with various noises in her ears.

" Yes, this is the alpha latch, so the final decision is...? "Ryouko smiled satisfied after hearing something from the in-ear device

" Understood " Ryouko

Ryouko answered briefly and cut off contact.

" ...Surprised. They allowed the attack after what we did in the previous battle. "

Quite a surprise indeed. everyone on the team is also expecting another order, an order to stay put

But for Origami everything was unimportant, the only thing she noticed was the fact that Shidou was standing next to the girl who was supposed to be a spirit.

At that moment, a voice from Ryouko brought Origami back to reality

"Alright! get in the position we have the orders to attack " Ryouko

After receiving the order, Origami entered the designated location according to the plan

And She took One last look around

The AST side has surrounded all 4 sides of this area, the preparation is not too difficult except for having to encounter some devices that track a certain organization, but all of them have been destroyed by the AST but before they can be destroyed it promptly send information.

To prepare for this wave, they even brought a large Lazer and a lot of missile systems to simultaneously fire for the opening shot in the hope of killing the enemy instantly but due to the excessive deployment. It's been a while so it's the first time these things have been shown

After a moment of silence, Ryouko gave an order

"Fire" Ryouko

Simultaneously all weapons installed on 4 sides opened fire, creating a loud explosion

After all the cannons were fired, Origami stepped out of the bunker,

In front of Origami was a misty scene of rocks flying, all the shots were on target

Every member of AST is silent, waiting, and hoping that they eliminated their Enemy.

Origami thought that if that spirit died, it would be a great feat for the whole AST

But that thought of Origami didn't come true

From the smoke, a small light was emitted, and immediately all AST members knew that the Plan had failed.

" Prepare for battle " Ryouko ordered

" Roger," all of the AST members said

A vanguard group led by Origami activates the <Realizer> device and ascends slowly approaching the smoke from the sky.

From the dust, a girl with blue hair and a small body stepped out with a completely different outfit from before.

" so he summoned the waffe " Origami muttered to himself

The girl... no, the Spirit suddenly stopped when she saw one of the AST members and opened her mouth to speak.

" Oh long time no see, White-haired girl," said the spirit with a sarcastic voice

The whole team immediately knew who the Spirit was referring to, because at first appearance, Origami was the one who fought her the longest.

Seeing her unscathed body caused the morale of the team to drop, even Origami was surprised and exclaimed

" You... monster " Origami

---Rimuru POV---

Rimuru flew up until he reached the height with the others

Looking closely again it seems that the large cannons in the distance seem to be used only for preemptive purposes so they are basically useless now.

Without giving Rimuru much time to think, the 4 girls flying beside the white-haired girl used the 'Oldest' six-barreled guns and fired continuously at Rimuru, but they were all useless against the void barrier. by Rimuru

Seemingly knowing that ranged attacks are useless, the white-haired girl pulled out a 'No Pain' laser sword and charged toward Rimuru with fire support from her comrades behind.

" good coordination," Rimuru said with a smiling face

"Shut up!!!" the white-haired girl shouted and speed at Rimuru

To avoid her rushing into Rimuru's void barrier and vanishing, Rimuru ordered Ciel

<< hey Ciel, please turn off my barrier >> Rimuru

<< yes master >> Ciel

Anyway, Rimuru had promised Shidou that she wouldn't kill one of them and that if she killed someone, he would be hunted down even more, because she didn't want trouble, so Rimuru had to do this.

After turning off the barrier Rimuru also charged at the white-haired girl with 'Erebus' in hand and conveniently dodged some of the bullets headed towards Rimuru.

When both Rimuru's swords and the white-haired girl's swords collided, their speed was fast enough to create a shock wave that resulted in several members of the surrounding AST members being blown away.

At this moment Rimuru looked back at the white-haired girl in front of her and wondered how she was able to stay steady

She gradually increased her slashing speed but Rimuru parried it all

Her speed, strength, and endurance are all superior to humans

But what a pity, her opponent is Rimuru

In the night sky 2 streams of blue and white light emitted from the white-haired girl's sword and both Rimuru's swords sometimes some rays of light flew towards Rimuru but they were all lightly dodged by Rimuru.

Every once in a while, some of her teammates want to jump in to help but they're all blown away by the shockwave

After a while of fighting, another girl with brown hair also rushed in, although not as strong as the white-haired girl, it was enough to stay in the battle.

the white-haired girl slashed and bounced back and said to the girl who just joined the battle

" Captain why are you here!? " the white-haired girl asks

" I can't let my troops fight an unwinnable battle like this! "

'Oh so she's the captain but she's strong but compared to Phantom they're nothing' Rimuru thought

After exchanging techniques for a long time, Rimuru gradually got bored and the other two got tired, seeing that, Rimuru decided to make a retreat that could cut them off.

Rimuru took a hit from the white-haired girl then jumped back and said "PHANES"

Immediately, Rimuru's sword glowed with dazzling light in the night sky

Rimuru slashes a line between her and the other 2 girls

A giant line of light appeared with enough destructive power to cause a wormhole at the bottom with a blinding light.

Taking that opportunity, Rimuru flew away with such speed that the AST team completely lost track of Rimuru.

After flying for a while, Rimuru landed on the top of a small hill

Turning around to look at the area Rimuru was fighting just now... it was a scene of desolation, it was hard to imagine that place was once a park.

After a while, Ciel made an announcement

<< Report: Itsuka Shidou is approaching you >> Ciel

<< Eh...>> Rimuru

<<Master his on the ship called <Fraxinus> and it has a teleportation device >> Ciel

<< humans in this world can do that too! That's amazing >> Rimuru

After listening to Ciel's report, Rimuru turned her body towards where Ciel said.

From a small corner, Shidou slowly stepped out with an indescribable expression on his face

Seeing Shidou's face, Rimuru thought that it seemed like Shidou was panicking, confused, or something, so he acted like that.

Looks like Shidou will come back to say or scold Rimuru about something, that's what Rimuru thought

Shidou slowly walked over and stopped right in front of Rimuru

He put both hands on Rimuru's shoulders

Rimuru thought he was trying to put pressure or something but what Shidou did next was beyond Rimuru's expectations.

---Shido POV---

After Rimuru ascended and fought the AST group, Shidou was ordered to return to Fraxinus for safety.

Shidou hesitated for a moment but had to return to <Fraxinus> through the Teleportation device

After being teleported onto the ship, Shidou immediately ran to the control room

Arriving at the place Shidou saw Kotori sitting on the commander's seat with a serious face

Noticing that Shido had come to Kotori to tell Shido

" You're here? The plan this time was destroyed by the AST and now that Rimuru girl is fighting them, now she's in battle mode, Brother It's too dangerous for you to stop her now. " Kotori

Shidou also understood the situation so he didn't say anything but looked up at the screen

It was an extremely terrifying battle going on, many people were holding guns and shooting continuously at Rimuru

but Rimuru didn't care but just gently dodged and focused on Origami who was fighting Rimuru at close range

Although he knew that Rimuru was very strong, Shidou was also worried that those things might hit Rimuru at any moment.

After a while, the sky darkened, some of the AST men had run out of ammunition, and some were injured by the violent shockwaves.

Rimuru stood looking at the two tired girls in front of her, it seems that Rimuru was also bored

Rimuru slashed down a line of light and almost split the whole hill in front of everyone in the control room and then disappeared at lightning speed.

" Has she disappeared? Everyone please immediately search for her spiritual power " Kotori ordered.

Everyone in the control room immediately worked as fast as they could, and Shidou was still amazed after the battle.

With the power of Rimuru, Rimuru could choose to wipe out the entire AST team in one hit but chose not to do so and instead 'played around with them,

If Rimuru's situation was like Tohka's and was pushed to the end, it could be a real disaster for the world.

But the voice of the Fraxinus crew resounded, interrupting Shidou's train of thought

" Commander we found her location " kannazuki

" Okay let's keep watching her " Kotori

The main screen on the ship showed Rimuru standing on another hill and looking at the spot where she was fighting just now.

Looking at her face, it was an emotionless face that could bring fear to others, a completely different impression from before.

Suddenly Shidou remembered the other Spirits like Tohka and Yoshino, both of whom were once considered a threat, a monster nothing more, nothing less and were constantly being chased to annihilate.

All of them can destroy humanity if they want to, but they don't… they are simply being misunderstood, they don't want to cause harm to them. everyone is constantly being chased, they don't have a chance to explain they can only run away or stand up for themselves

More than anything right now, Shidou just wanted to save the Spirit displayed on the screen even though it was dangerous.

At this time, Shidou spoke up

" hey, Kotori... " Shido

" hm? what is it? " Kotori turned around and asked Shidou

" Teleport me there. I need to seal her " Shido

Hearing Shidou say that Kotori grimaced in displeasure

" Don't be stupid, her mood bar is only 70% if it's possible, the 'PATH' won't be stable, and with the AST around, it's very dangerous " Kotori speak up with an Angry voice

" I know but just for a moment, okay? I can't leave her like this " Shido

" What if she doesn't accept you, she might start attacking you too " Kotori

" I know it is... but at that time! she was... smiling at me... without showing any defense " Shidou said and recalled Rimuru's face at that time.

" Not everyone who smiles at you will like you " Kotori

While the two were tense, Reine spoke up

" Let him try, commander, if it doesn't work we will immediately teleport him to the ship and retreat," Reine said with a sleepy face as usual.

Hearing Reine's support for Shidou, Kotori sighed

" Haizz...okay I'll let you. Everyone prepare for the worst " Kotori ordered.

"Clear!" all the crew members in the control room spoke at once

After a while, Shidou went to the teleporter and was teleported to a small alley

He slowly walked out and came face to face with Rimuru's expressionless face standing under the full moon of the night making Rimuru's white robes stand out above anything at this moment.

The golden eyes that seemed to shine in the middle of the night were staring at Shidou

Even though Shidou was a little shaken by this strange pressure, he still approached Rimuru and stopped

Everyone on the <Fraxinus> ship, along with Shidou, are extremely nervous

< Rimuru, please....please accept me > Shidou thought deeply while gathering his courage to approach Rimuru

Shidou placed both hands on Rimuru's small shoulders and silently looked down at that expressionless face once more and quickly...

Bring his face closer and kiss Rimuru's lips

This caused Rimuru's eyes to widen and make a confused face that didn't understand what was going on.

At this moment everyone on the <Fraxinus> was silently observing both of them and…








Alright don't blame me on this one but you guys ask for it