
Spirit of Distraction • Date a Live x Tensura

Rimuru want to go to another world but on the way he meat the Spirit of Origin what will happen to their Encounter

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15 Chs


T/N: This is A Raw Translation I didn't edit this or fix any Mistake so please bear with it


--- Rimuru POV---

Currently, Rimuru was standing opposite Kurumi along with Ciel who currently had an expressionless face with <Chaos> in hand and was standing next to Rimuru in a protective posture


<< Report: analysis completed >> Ciel took the information from Rimuru the moment Rimuru touched Kurumi's corpse and analyzed it

<< Good job Ciel, can you explain to me why there are two Kurumi here >> Rimuru

<< According to god's analysis, both Kurumi in front of you are clones of her from different time lines in the past >> Ciel

<< A clone from the past!? doesn't that mean there will be a lot of clones!?... looks like this is going to be a tough fight >> Rimuru

Rimuru would have been able to defeat her easily if he could control half of his spiritual energy, but right now, Rimuru had only 7% of his strength and couldn't even use magic-related moves so this match would be difficult. It's a tough battle

" Kihihihi..., Even though I just barely ate, but... this looks delicious isn't it " Kurumi said and licked her lips with a crazy smile

<< Ciel, I need you to come back inside me now >> Rimuru

After hearing Rimuru's orders, Ciel turned into black smoke again and merged into Rimuru

" Sorry, it looks delicious, but it's not easy to eat, be careful you get hurt " Rimuru said with a smile and a challenging voice and summoned the <Chaos> Sword along with the magic dress.

But when summoning the astral dress, Rimuru realized it was strange. The Astral Dress instead of a complete transformation, it combined with the school uniform that

Rimuru was wearing to create a new outfit.

Rimuru's uniform combined with the Raizen school uniform has made it now have a white cape behind Rimuru, in addition, the rest of the details are almost unchanged from his school uniform.

<< ...What is this, Ciel? >> Rimuru

<< Yes master, this is the <Limited Astral Dress> , a form of Astral Dress that spirits can summon after being sealed but it's weaker than normal Astral Dress >> Ciel

<< Is that so... >> Rimuru

This match is already tough but now it's even lower in defense

After everything was ready, Rimuru took the <Chaos> and took a stance

" kihihihi... well, then, let me see what you can do. come here < Zafkiel >!!!" Kurumi

Immediately, behind Kurumi, a giant clock slowly appeared with large roman numerals

"One-shot < Aleph >" Kurumi

Then a black shadow from the number I on the clock gradually appeared and entered the pistol in Kurumi's hand

Then Kurumi pointed the gun to her chin and…pulled the trigger

Immediately afterwards, Kurumi moved at lightning speed towards Rimuru, but Rimuru quickly blocked with his sword and counterattacked Kurumi's arm before retreating.

Noticing a small wound on her arm, Kurumi paused and said

" Kihihi... that's right... really... Ah~~ really... that's interesting! RIMURU -SAN" Kurumi said laughing like a madman

" Are you really crazy? " Rimuru took a defensive stance and said sarcastic words to Kurumi

" Hihihi, that's true, but Rimuru-san is also powerful, as I would expect from a Spirit with an Angel. I'm very interested. Then... " Kurumi was saying. stop halfway

Kurumi charged towards Rimuru with the same speed as before, but Rimuru dodged like last time

But then, Kurumi jumped up and said

"< Zafkiel >!!! Seven Bullets < Zayin >" Kurumi

The darkness from the number VII on the dial was sucked into Kurumi's gun.

She then pointed the barrel at Rimuru and fired

Rimuru is currently accelerating his mind so he can see and react to Kurumi's movements, Rimuru was about to use <Chaos> to block the incoming bullet when he heard Ciel's voice.

<< Warning: that bullet is enhanced by her spiritual power along with her angelic power, please be careful >> Ciel

<< Angel power..., Ciel let's put the bullet into the virtual space of <The Void God Azathoth > and analyze her skill >> Rimuru

<< Yes sir >> Ciel

Saying that, Rimuru used <Chaos> to block the incoming bullet. When the bullet was about to hit <Chaos> , Rimuru immediately used <God of Void Azathoth > to send the bullet into the virtual space and asked Ciel to analyze it.

Just then Rimuru turned around and focused his attention on Kurumi

Kurumi's face showed surprise right now, Rimuru didn't know why, but right after that, Rimuru received a notice from Ciel.

<< Report of successful analysis of Seven Bullets < Zayin > . The bullet carries a time-stop effect on the target hit. Defending or blocking it has no effect, the moment the bullet hits the target, time will be stopped >> Ciel

<< Stop time.... well done, I thank Miss Ciel >> said Rimuru then turned to look at Kurumi, now Rimuru can understand why Kurumi has such a surprised expression

" Why are you unaffected ?" Kurumi said with a surprised expression and her voice also lost its sarcasm.

" Huh, your time-stopping games, I'm simply sending it into another dimension " Rimuru replied with a half-truth.

" Afternoon...space...different " Kurumi said with a serious face

Rimuru thought he had the advantage, suddenly Kurumi's body collapsed and then stood up again with a crazy face like before.

" Kihihihi... Interesting!, Interesting! Come on, let's continue our fight to see how many bullets you can teleport " Kurumi said as the shadow from her feet widened. , numerous arms emerged from below, each holding a muskets and firing bullets at Rimuru's direction.

Quickly, Rimuru jumped up and used the <Chaos> Sword to slash all the incoming bullets and asked Ciel to find the bullets containing the Angel's effect to absorb and analyze.

A thick wave of bullets rushed towards Rimuru, but Rimuru also blocked them all. Considering Rimuru's speed with bullets, there's no way Rimuru could be faster than them. But in terms of sword skills, Rimuru can block most incoming bullets and some, Rimuru has to move his body to dodge.

The battle took place at such a fast pace that Rimuru's eyes could not keep up and Rimuru would have received a lot of bullets if it weren't for his omniscient perception and thought acceleration.

Unable to let himself stay in this passive position forever, Rimuru quickly landed on the ground with a low body and rotated in a circle, cutting off all the arms protruding from the shadow within a radius of 1m. Rimuru then activated the void barrier to block the incoming bullets

Then, Rimuru looked straight at Kurumi who was standing in the middle of the alley and dashed forward to cut off every arm in the way.

After approaching Kurumi, Rimuru quickly turned off the void barrier and unleashed a slash so fast that even Kurumi could not see Rimuru's sword path even in the state of time acceleration.

" Rimuru " _

After Rimuru's words, Kurumi's arms broke off and fell from her body

Kurumi suddenly fell backwards due to having no arms to support

Then Kurumi's shadow also retracted and the arms also disappeared

Knowing that this was just a clone of Kurumi, Rimuru was able to act so bluntly

At this time, Ciel spoke up again

<< Warning: Detected instance of Mana heading in this direction >> Ciel

<< Is that so... thank you >> Rimuru

Rimuru then turned to Kurumi and said

" That's it for today, see you tomorrow " Rimuru said and teleported back to his room, leaving Kurumi in the alley.

But instead of getting scared, Kurumi stood up and said

" Ara, Ara Rimuru-san is so gentle that she won't kill me, Kihihihi, our next meeting will definitely be INTERESTING , Kihihihi " Kurumi said, licking her lips and slowly sinking into the darkness. under her feet and gradually disappeared

--- Takamiya Mana POV ---

After defeating 'That Spirit' again

Mana was flying back with the AST group to the base when suddenly but Mana had a bad premonition so she stopped and told the team

" Sorry everyone, but I need to do some checking, please go ahead " Mana

After hearing Mana's words, the entire AST team stopped, captain Ryouko put his hand on his chin thinking for a moment, then spoke again.

" Okay, I'll let you. But if something happens, call and report to headquarters immediately ." Ryouko

" Yes! Captain " Mana

After listening to the conversation, Origami also spoke up

" Then I'll also... " Origami was saying, but was interrupted by Ryouko

" No! you have to go back to base with us now " Ryouko

" But... " Origami was about to say something but was interrupted by Ryouko

" This is an order, lieutenant Tobiichi " Ryouko

After thinking for a while, Origami spoke up

" Sure! " Origami

After the AST team left, Mana flew in the opposite direction back to the alley where Mana had just finished off Kurumi earlier.

When they arrived, it was still the same bloody scene with a corpse of Kurumi as before, but the wall was now riddled with bullet holes and two more arms lying on the puddles of blood.

Mana landed and looked inside that alley and said

" In the end... what happened in the end... " Mana

--- Rimuru POV---

After teleporting back to his room, Rimuru sat down on the bed and retrieved the <Chaos> along with recovering the Astral Dress which revealed a uniform torn in several places due to the bullet wounds.

" It's true that the limited Astral Dress is much weaker than the normal Magic Dress " Rimuru said as he slowly changed his clothes to reveal some scratches from the bullets.

No matter how superior Rimuru's Sword Skill was, with this human body even slightly enhanced with Reiryoku, it would still be difficult to completely block those bullets.

So with thought acceleration, Rimuru has selected the bullets that will fly into dangerous places and block them all, and the ones that don't need to be cared for, if not necessary Rimuru will let them fly by.

Rimuru, after contemplating the battle just now, finished changing his clothes. Rimuru had changed to a simple outfit inside but had put on a white coat over it to cover up his injuries.

The reason why Rimuru can't heal on his own is also because someone has been watching Rimuru from the moment he appeared until now and a 'normal person' wouldn't be able to heal all wounds within a few seconds.

But anyway Rimuru asked Ciel to make Rimuru unable to feel pain so this shouldn't be a problem at all.

"It's all over... now that there's nothing to do, I'm sure Tohka and Yoshino have already finished playing at Shido's house... let's go over there and play for a bit," said Rimuru, then leisurely walked past the house. Shido

When going to Shidou's house

" Yo! hello Shid... " Rimuru was about to open the door to say hello when he was interrupted

" Shido, tell me! " Kotori

" Sister and adoptive brother, which side do you choose " Mana

...Shido was troubled but because he heard Rimuru's voice, he looked over, causing everyone in the room to follow

" ...Looks like everyone's having a bit of a problem so that's it... let's go! " Rimuru said with the brightest smile he could and slowly turned his face out the door.

Even though I haven't heard the entire conversation, just hearing the first sentence is enough for Rimuru to not get involved in this conversation.

" Wait Rimuru! Wait! " Shido called out Rimuru's name as the only thing that saved him from this war !

Being called out, Rimuru had no choice but to turn around and enter the room

" Who is this? Shidou? " Mana

" Ah, this is Rimuru, my classmate. And Rimuru, this is Mana....my real sister " Shido

When Rimuru heard the name 'Mana' Rimuru immediately noticed the girl in front of him, and just as Rimuru thought, that girl was the one who finished off Kurumi's clone in the alleyway.

But while Rimuru was still thinking, a word entered Rimuru's ears and it was 'sister'.

" What are you doing Shido!!! While I was busy dealing with the outside, you went out and took more sisters home!!! " Rimuru

" No...! It's not what you think Rimuru " Shidou

Then Shidou slowly recounted the whole process of meeting Mana again (this scene can be seen in the anime season 1 episode 7)

After Shido's explanation, Rimuru also went to the side to play with Tohka and Yoshino

After Shidou finished explaining to Rimuru, he went back to talking to Mana

" That's right! Mana, where are you living right now? " Shido

" huh... " Mana made a face that seemed surprised by this question

" Those who take care of her, I think I should go see them " Shido

" This is a bit... " Mana's gaze wandered around as if trying to avoid something

" Is it a place that can't be revealed? " Kotori

" That... " Mana became more and more confused

But then instead of answering Shidou and Kotori's question. Mana walked out the door again and said

" I'll come back another day " Mana said and left, leaving Shidou with a surprised face

Rimuru also didn't want to care too much about the Shido family's affairs, so he didn't interfere. Rimuru, along with Tohka and Yoshino, stayed at Shido's house until evening and then went home to sleep.

---End Chapter 12---