
Spirit of Distraction • Date a Live x Tensura

Rimuru want to go to another world but on the way he meat the Spirit of Origin what will happen to their Encounter

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15 Chs


The plot now begins after Shidou finished sealing Tohka and Yoshino 's spiritual energy

~Rimuru POV~

Rimuru opened his eyes with the feeling of waking up after sleeping for a long time

A gentle breeze brushed against Rimuru's face causing Rimuru's hair to sway in the wind and a view of the city appeared, surrounded by the faint sound of sirens.

Rimuru looked around Right now, Rimuru is in a city that he doesn't even know And Rimuru is in the center of a big hole… it seems like it was the aftermath of the big explosion

Not understanding why he was here, Rimuru looked around once more to try to figure out the reason

But then when Rimuru's gaze fell on himself, Rimuru realized something----

The outfit that Rimuru is wearing now looks majestic and holy

It's an outfit with the main colors of white and black, surrounded by other small items

==Rimuru PIC HERE==

Rimuru realized that, in addition to the strange outfit, Rimuru himself was emitting an energy similar to Phantom's.

While thinking about that energy, Rimuru suddenly remembered something and immediately said

" Ciel! "

Rimuru said in a panic and after Rimuru's words, a familiar voice resounded in Rimuru's head

<< I'm here master >>

Hearing Ciel's voice, Rimuru felt much lighter

<< hah..... don't worry me. Why were you so silent when I was fighting the Phantom >>

<<At that time I was analyzing and modifying your body to suit the situation, master>>

<< Body modification.... so what do you do?>>

<<I was....>>

Ciel said with a somewhat unusual voice

Realizing that Ciel's voice had changed, Rimuru showed doubt and asked Ciel one more time

<<Ciel... is something wrong?>>

However, when Ciel answered, instead of answering Rimuru's question, Ciel gave a report

<<Report: Exploring 14 individuals are approaching your place, all 14 individuals have killing intent>>

Ciel's announcement surprised Rimuru and started using omniscient perception

And Rimuru realized that there were indeed people approaching Rimuru and their surroundings were surrounded by something that looked quite similar to Phantom's Ain Soph area.

Soon after, those people appeared in front of Rimuru

They were all wearing armor and carrying various machines and were flying above Rimuru

<<Hey Ciel, who are they>> Rimuru

<<Master, they are the anti-spirit squad < AST> master>> Ciel

Just as Ciel finished explaining, someone who seemed to be the captain of that group spoke up

" Target identified. Everyone, start attacking "


After the captain's command, all the others responded in unison.

Bullets fired from various weapons were mounted all over their bodies

Despite being warned by Ciel that this group of people had killing intent, Rimuru was still surprised that they attacked Rimuru in such a hurry.

Rimuru could easily dodge it but suddenly Rimuru unconsciously reached out his hand and said a name


{A/N:Erebus was one of the primordial God in Greek mythology and he Govern overs the Void}

Rimuru said and then particles of light started appearing from the air and gathered in front of Rimuru's hand into the shape of---- a katana

Surprised by his own actions, Rimuru took up his katana and blocked all attacks directed at him and flew up into the air until he was at the same height as the crowd.

They and Rimuru simply looked at each other

no one actively attacked, it seems like they are waiting for something or just buying time

Meanwhile, Rimuru activated the thought acceleration and turned to ask Ciel

<<Ciel! What is this..... why do I know how to use this>>

Rimuru asked Ciel in confusion while still looking at the sword in his hand

<<Master, according to my analysis, this is called an angel, is the power that you get when you come into contact with the crystal of the other Phantom and the energy you are feeling is spiritual energy> > Ciel

<<Wait, what does that mean!?>> Rimuru

<<You are currently a spirit master>> Ciel


Rimuru made a surprised expression

Currently Rimuru is facing the anti-spirit team and Rimuru is...a spirit

<Looks like it will be troublesome> Rimuru sighed

As Rimuru thought about what had happened... The crystal.... the spirit of origin---

Rimuru was able to guess that the crystal turned Rimuru or rather Rimuru's physical body into a spirit.

But while he was about to ask Ciel about the next few things, Rimuru noticed that one of the party members who was attacking Rimuru was slowly moving.

Rimuru noticed the girl with white hair rushing towards Rimuru

There's magic on her body----- that's not true, not only her but all the members of that group are emitting magic power.

Looking at the clothes they were wearing, Rimuru felt a bit amused so he stopped his mental acceleration and turned to fight them, leaving unanswered questions for next time.

The white haired girl in front of Rimuru took out a lightsaber from one of her legs and charged towards Rimuru with an abnormally fast speed.

Rimuru was quick after that, raising his katana and parrying the white haired girl's attack.

The people accompanying the white-haired girl also tried to use all kinds of weapons to support her when given the opportunity.

But the fight between Rimuru and the white haired girl was so fast that they had to be very careful to avoid hitting their comrades.

While fighting the people in front of him, Rimuru was still able to take the time to observe their equipment and learn about his own strength.

Once the crystal was incorporated into Rimuru, Rimuru possessed the power of spirits and the knowledge of how to use this new ability.

Although I don't understand why Phantom gave Rimuru this power, according to Ciel's analysis, this thing is completely harmless to Rimuru.

Rimuru highly doubted the power given to him by Phantom. But at the same time Rimuru thought that he should try using it himself

Returning to the present, Rimuru was still fighting the white haired girl in front of her

Quickly, Rimuru blocked the white haired girl's attack then jumped back to keep her distance and opened her mouth to speak while continuously dodging the series of paragraphs.

" Hey! What's it like to meet you for the first time and greet you like that? What have I done to you? "

Rimuru said while still moving and avoiding the bullets of the group in front of him

"Shut up! You're destroying an entire area like that and you're saying nothing"

The white haired girl in front of her spoke angrily to Rimuru and continued to attack Rimuru

Rimuru parried the attack of the person in front of him and used omniscient perception to observe his surroundings

The place where Rimuru woke up was a big hole but Rimuru didn't make that hole, maybe it was because of some misinterpretation.

But while Rimuru was still thinking, Ciel spoke up

<<Report: That hole was caused by your spacequake, master>> Ciel


Rimuru was confused as he didn't understand what a space quake is and Rimuru didn't even do anything to create it

<<When a spirit comes to this world, there will be spatial fluctuations that cause space earthquakes>> Ciel

<<So that hole is mine...>> Rimuru

<<Yes that's right Master>> Ciel

Rimuru's space quake doesn't look like it's trivial, it flattened a corner of the city.... such a big incident would surely have killed a lot of people---

<<Report: No one was killed in your spacequake>> Ciel

<< Really? Ciel?>>Rimuru was surprised to hear Ciel's words

<<It's true master>>

<<Ha---- that's lucky.....>> Rimuru let out a sigh of relief

After making sure he didn't accidentally kill anyone, Rimuru returned to reality and looked at the crowd in front of him.

Seeing them all filled with murderous intent and pointing their weapons at Rimuru made Rimuru feel disgusted.

<Haiz..... even though I didn't kill anyone. But it's strange to not be chased after causing such great damage....>

Rimuru looked boredly at his bouncing hole and then at the people in front of him

After thinking for a long time, Rimuru had to leave the unanswered questions for another time.

Rimuru stopped using the thought accelerometer and went back to fighting the people in front of him.

They used all kinds of bullets to attack Rimuru but none of them got close to Rimuru

Knowing that it was impossible to negotiate with them, Rimuru had to fight and gather information at the same time.

While fighting them, Rimuru had an idea to test out the new skills of this spirit power.

The girl in front of Rimuru continued to rush towards Rimuru frantically. Rimuru moved backwards to dodge her slash and then raised his hand.


After saying a name that Rimuru had never heard of but for some reason it was in Rimuru's subconscious mind.

After Rimuru's words, a blinding light immediately surrounded Rimuru. The people around Rimuru, seeing this, dispersed and became wary.

The light that Rimuru emitted was so bright that it could temporarily blind others for a while, but Rimuru was unaffected by it.

After a while, the light from Rimuru's body gathered on the katana and the katana Rimuru was holding also emitted a soft golden light.

Rimuru tried swinging the sword and it created a beam of light energy that could repel everything in its path, its light dashed everywhere leaving a completely destroyed area behind.

Wherever the light goes, it leads to total destruction, it seems that nothing can stop that light streak, it flies straight until it flies out of the planet's atmosphere and weakens. then slowly disappear

Rimuru perceived this energy to be similar to the energy emanating from the other phantom's body. But there's one thing...

It is extremely unstable, this energy is extremely difficult to control as if it has been doped with something.

Returning to the present, Before Rimuru's attack, the people in front of them quickly closed their eyes and dodged away from that deadly light as quickly as possible.

Since Rimuru didn't originally intend to aim at anyone, after that attack, absolutely no one was killed.

Only the unfortunate members of that team were knocked down by the violent shockwaves and lay unconscious on the ground.

The people who attacked Rimuru earlier are now unconscious, some are still stunned from the blow just now

There's only one person that attracts Rimuru's attention the most, it's the white haired girl

Her face is now even more angry than before after seeing the injured team members

She tried to get herself up and rushed towards Rimuru once more and shouted


That white haired girl shouted and continued to rush towards Rimuru

Rimuru was quite surprised to see that the girl still had enough ability to continue attacking Rimuru, while the rest of her party members were still stunned from the attack just now.

Rimuru hadn't intended to unleash such a devastating attack but this spirit power was too difficult to control, it was too chaotic and unstable.

However, having destroyed an entire city like this, Rimuru is not sure how to explain it

Rimuru still has one more skill to test

Rimuru didn't want to stay here long to avoid having more people like this come to reinforce

Since it was discovered that there were many devices monitoring Rimuru's battle and there was also a large ship that was invisible, the longer it stayed, the more troublesome things would become.

Rimuru sighed and raised his voice again


Just as Rimuru finished speaking, the spiritual energy surrounding Rimuru suddenly turned jet black---

No---- it wasn't black but Rimuru's spiritual power absorbed all the light that hit it

And then that dark energy gradually accumulated into Rimuru's katana, turning the blade into a terrifying jet black.

The white haired girl who was rushing over saw Rimuru's mirror change color and stopped rushing and kept her guard against Rimuru

Feel the chaotic energy condensing on the blade Rimuru hesitated whether to launch an attack But then Rimuru made a decision

Rimuru quickly slashed a horizontal slash

From Rimuru's blade, a large black streak was released and became larger

That streak of energy cut through the sky, sending even the air particles in the atmosphere to nothing

This attack once again did not actively target anyone but only created chaos to give Rimuru a chance to escape the pursuit of these people.

When that energy streak was released, at the same time Rimuru immediately told Ciel

<<Ciel! teleport me to a less populated place>> Rimuru

<<Yes Master>> Ciel

After Ciel's words, Rimuru appeared in an empty alley

Actually, the whole city is empty right now, everyone has evacuated to the bunker

Rimuru was walking in the dark alley when he suddenly felt his heart beat very fast after the battle just now

Rimuru smiled to himself and put his hand on his chest and reassured himself

But then Rimuru realized something was wrong----

Slime do have heart!?

Rimuru knew the culprit very quickly and immediately questioned Ciel

<<Ciel! how did you modify my body!?>> Rimuru

<<I have changed your body to be as human as possible master>> Ciel

<< Why dis you do that!? I was fighting that Phantom at that time wait now that I think about it Why did you say that My Nihilistic energy is decreasing but I had a clone on the void to Keep absorbing Nihilistic Energy so there's no way that my energy will be low>> Rimuru

<<Further more I feel like my strength Had weekend after we Enter that Portal Ciel Care to Explain?>>

<<....I did Seal masters Power So that we can both Enjoy this new world and as For your body I did this to prevent Phantom from knowing that you are not human, Master>> Ciel

<< Deceiving the enemy.... that's fine but at least Tell me if your going to seal my strength how much did you seal Ciel?>> Rimuru

<< I sealed 90% of Masters Power Along with some of your Nihilistic Energy>>

<<Well I guess that's fine so that I can enjoy this world More.....>>

Suddenly, realizing that Ciel said 'as human as possible' just now, Rimuru quickly checked himself.





<<Ciel! Why did you turn me into a girl !?!?>>

<<...>> Ciel didn't answer Rimuru but kept silent

<<CIEL!!!>> Rimuru

While suffering from being made a girl by Ciel, Rimuru sensed someone approaching her and---

There's radiation on that person's body----

Spirit Power

Rimuru firmly held the katana in her hand to prepare to receive that person

{A/N:Change to His/Him to Her/She since you know}

"Ah... um... hey---!"

Before that person finished his sentence, the tip of Rimuru's sword was already pointed at the person's neck

It's a blue haired boy who looks like a high school student in his clothes Right now he's completely immobile due to fear of Rimuru's blade He panicked trying to explain.

"Wait--- I don't mean ill.... please calm down...."

There was a small amount of spiritual energy emanating from his body, but it was still enough to attack and reveal Rimuru's current location.

"Who are you, what are you here for?" Rimuru

Rimuru spoke to the point while keeping the tip of her sword in front of him

"I-My name is itsuka Shido, I came here just to help you and didn't mean anything wrong" said Shidou with a scared face.

<<Report: didn't sense hostile intent from Itsuka Shido personally>> Ciel reconfirmed his intentions in front of Rimuru

However, Rimuru noticed another point

That's how Shidou called Rimuru by 'Miss'

Rimuru really wanted to protest against the way Shidou called Rimuru but with her current body...

Raising her spirits, Rimuru lowered the tip of her sword and opened his mouth to say

"Okay I believe you. But what about those devices. What about the headset, the drone, and the giant ship on it" Rimuru

After Rimuru's words, Shidou's face became more tense Rimuru seemed to be able to see sweat pouring from his face After a while, he opened his mouth to say.

"These are from <Ratatoskr> organization " Shido

"<Ratatoskr>?" Rimuru

"The <Ratatoskr> organization is an organization established for the purpose of saving spirits" Shido

Shidou said and looked at Rimuru with eyes expecting a response

"'Save'?" Rimuru

Rimuru asked and Shidou just nodded and continued speaking

"That's right, we save the spirits by sealing their spiritual energy and giving them a normal life" Shidou

'Living normally?'

Rimuru doesn't need that right now

What Rimuru needs right now is to find a way to defeat Phantom using her limited strength and to also have fun With such a thought, Rimuru just looked at Shidou and said.

"I don't need to be save" Rimuru

Rimuru's words seemed to surprise Shidou and said

"Why?" Shido

"Because I have more important things to do" Rimuru

"Is it more important? than being chased by the AST?" Shido

"That's right" Rimuru

In response to Shidou's words, Rimuru only replied coldly heard Rimuru's reply Shidou looked surprised and asked again.

"What is that----" Shidou

However, just as Shidou finished his sentence, Rimuru suddenly heard Ciel's voice announcing

<<Report: The group of people from earlier are now approaching your master>> Ciel

After Ciel's announcement, Shidou also spoke up

"Hey, it's dangerous here, or---" Shidou

However, before Shidou finished speaking, Rimuru interrupted Shidou's words

"No need, I'll take care of everything and you get out of here" Rimuru

Hearing Rimuru's words, Shidou just continued speaking

"No way! it's not---" Shidou

Once again, before Shidou finished his sentence, Rimuru interrupted again

"You're so stubborn."

Rimuru sighed and said to Ciel

<<Hey Ciel, teleport that guy to a safe place for me>> Rimuru

<<Yes Master>> Ciel

After Ciel's words, Shidou disappeared from Rimuru's sight Just at that moment, the white haired girl who fought with Rimuru earlier also arrived and was flying above Rimuru along with another person who seemed to be the captain.

The white-haired girl now has a mini rocket launcher in her hand

"Oh we met again" Rimuru

"Tch! Die you monster" said the white haired girl and launched a volley of rockets towards Rimuru

But just as he was about to dodge that volley of rockets, Rimuru's surroundings suddenly shook and---

By the time Rimuru realized it, he had already returned to the vicinity

But for some reason... Rimuru couldn't move

Or rather, Rimuru's body is unconscious and Rimuru can only observe his surroundings with universal perception

<<Ciel! what is this?>> Rimuru

But before getting Ciel's answer, Rimuru noticed someone else's presence


Phantom stepped forward and looked at Rimuru with a look that seemed a bit skeptical and hesitant But after a while she also left.

<<Hey Ciel, It's your fault when I fought Phantom and couldn't use any skills right?>> Rimuru

<<Yes Master>> Ciel

<< Why? if I had enough strength then I could have defeated her>> Rimuru

<<Report: By my calculation, the chance of you defeating her will be very low when a certain amount of nihilistic destruction is spent on movement>> Ciel

<<..is that true... >> Rimuru

<<Yes Master but If you use Your full power You will not only Defeat her you will also distroyed this world You don't want that to happen right since it will ruin our fun >> Ciel

saying that, Ciel and Rimuru fell into silence again




<<Is there anything to do here Ciel>> said Rimuru when he was tired of waiting

<<Not for now, Master>> Ciel

Rimuru once again thought

In this neighborhood, according to Ciel, Rimuru shouldn't be conscious here to avoid the phantom thinking that Rimuru is not human.

But without moving, Rimuru couldn't help but wait for Ciel---

<<Can you put me to sleep for a while, when you analyze something good please wake me up>> Rimuru

<<Yes Master>> Ciel

After Ciel's words, Rimuru's consciousness began to fade and fell asleep

------Shido POV------

While in class with his friends, suddenly Shidou heard the alarm bells for an impending space quake.

The whole class moved to the dungeon together and Shidou had to follow, everyone in the class even including him seemed to be the one who panicked the most was Tama-sensei.

After going down to the bunker, there were some students in the next class who became panicked, Shidou knew that it was the staff of <Ratatoskr> who were distracting everyone to let him leave.

He quickly took advantage of the chaos and told Tohka to take shelter with the class, while I was going to look into the space quake.

Immediately after out; out of the bunker, Shidou took the the communication device and attached it to his ear. Right after that, Kotori contacted him

<< Can you hear that, Shido -san >> Kotori

Kotori's voice came out clearly right next to Shidou's ears

" Sure! " Shido

<< okay then go to the designated location, but be careful this time the signal is a bit out of the ordinary it could be a new Spirit so be careful >> Kotori

" I see, I'm going " Shidou

<< okay good luck >> kotori

After a while, he approached the designated location The scene in front of Shidou was now a huge hole.

The buildings and roads that used to be there have disappeared without a trace

Everything on the battlefield is completely gone.

Looking at the center of the space quake

Shidou could see a girl with blue hair and white clothes looking very majestic and magnificent.

Today is a less sunny and cloudy day, the surrounding scenery also becomes darker than usual.

In the middle of that dark space, the spirit girl standing in the middle of the place where the space quake happened slowly opened her eyes.

The eyes shone with a clear golden color even if Shidou was watching from afar

==Rimuru PIC Here==

Knowing that he needed to approach the girl, Shidou slowly moved closer to avoid provoking her.

But while he was carefully approaching, he heard Kotori's voice from the earphone

<<Shido quickly get out of there, we're late, the AST team is coming>> Kotori

"But...." Shidou wanted to protest but was cut off by kotori

<<We are currently lacking information about that spirit, we won't know how the battle between her and the AST will unfold so let's leave quickly>> Kotori gave an explanation that Shidou did not undeniable

Shidou stood from afar and looked back at the spirit with hesitation but he had to leave

When he went far enough, he looked at the place just not that spirit girl is still there

She is holding a katana in her hand and is looking at AST's group

Shidou saw her holding her sword, acting as if she didn't want to fight them

But then he noticed Origami rushed over and started the fight

A battle that Shidou's eyes also had trouble seeing The spirit girl easily dodged all the attacks from the AST side and fought Origami directly

The sound of explosions reached all the way to Shidou's place

But then Shidou saw her stop

Her mouth mumbled something---

And then her whole body glowed

That light gradually softened and gathered the sword she was holding in her hand

After a while she swung her sword in a vertical line and


A loud explosion occurred, and with it a blinding flash of light Even though Shidou didn't look directly at the light, the light and explosion caused him to be temporarily deaf and blind

He took a few steps back and fell back and fell to the ground because he lost his balance

His vision was covered with a white light for a while due to being blinded by light

And in his ears right now, there was always a loud, annoying sound

When Shidou's hearing and vision gradually returned That white light gradually softened and disappeared

he slowly opened his eyes and-----

In front of him right now was a scene of desolation

The neighborhood that once existed disappeared in an instant in a long straight line

When Shidou's ears were able to hear a little bit more, he heard Kotori's voice

<<Shido! Quickly get out of there now! Did you hear that Shidou!>> Kotori

"A---Listen, I'll leave immediately" Shidou

Saying that, Shidou stood up unsteadily

But before he left, he turned around to look at the place where the fight was taking place

His limbs are still shaking

That spirit girl remained in the same spot while all the AST members were defeated

He looked at the scene in front of him with fear

He didn't know if he would be able to recover if he was hit by such a devastating attack

He turned his back and ran away not daring to look back to that side of the war

While he was running, he heard another loud bang but he didn't dare to look back

But then he heard Kotori's voice through the earphone

<<She disappeared!? Quickly search to see if she's gone>> Kotori

Shidou who heard that immediately stopped and turned his head to look at the area of ​​the battle just now

He could see some figures of AST staggered to his feet Looking at people suffering just to walk made Shidou think about that spirit

<< Found her! Looks like she's hiding. Alright Shidou go back to the ship, we'll try to convince her after we have more information>> Kotori

But instead of following Kotori's orders, Shidou spoke up

"Send me her location, I'll go there and talk to her" Shidou said with determination.

He remembers seeing the surviving members of AST before

With that power, if she wanted to, she could easily destroy the entire AST team but she chose not to.

And that was the only reason why Shidou still believed in the spirit just now

<< No, that's too dangerous. didn't you see that attack of hers what if she accidentally hit you with them?>> Kotori

"But don't you see that she didn't kill anyone?" Shido

Hearing Shidou's words, Kotori was silent for a while and then asked Reine

<<Reine how many people died from those two attacks>> Kotori

<<No one, not even AST members, died>> Reine

After Reine's report, Kotori was silent for a while and then spoke

<<All right, we'll lead the way.....remember not to do anything foolish>> Kotori

"Thank you" Shidou

After that, Kotori told the location of that spirit girl and the shortest route

When he got there, he saw the figure of that spirit girl

Her blue hair goes all the way down to her back and looks like she's trying to reassure herself

"Ah... um... hey---!" Shido

But before she could say anything more, she disappeared and appeared in front of Shidou with the tip of her sword close to Shidou's face

Her long blue hair covered part of her face

But Shidou could still feel the killing intent radiating from it

Her golden eyes now look like those of a predator

Sharp and alert

<<Shido!>> Kotori also seemed to panic at this action of the spirit in front of her

After Kotori's panicked screams came Reine's voice

<<Spirits that appear will be very alert to their surroundings so you should explain it to her, Shin>> Reine said in her usual calm voice.

Hearing Reine's words, Shidou quickly knew what to do

"Wait--- I don't mean bad.... please calm down...." Shido

Even if he knew what to do, having his sword pointed at him still scared him

"Who are you, what have you come here for?"

The spirit girl kept a cold voice and spoke

"I-My name is itsuka Shido, I came here just to help you and didn't mean anything wrong" said Shidou with a scared face.

Hearing Shidou's explanation, the spirit girl in front of her suddenly had a complicated expression

Then she looked at Shidou again as if to judge him

She finally lowered the blade from Shidou's face

"Yes, I believe you. But what about those devices. What about the headset, the drone, and the giant ship on it?"

The spirit girl in front of her said something that shocked both him and the entire Fraxinus crew.

<<We were too uninformed when we approached her, this is definitely not okay>>

Kotori said with an annoyed expression.

<<Shido please explain to her about us>> Kotori

After being ordered by Kotori, Shidou slowly opened his mouth to say

"These are from the <Ratatoskr> organization organization " Shido

"<Ratatoskr>?" The spirit girl repeated Shidou's words with a puzzled look

"The <Ratatoskr> organization is an organization established for the purpose of saving spirits" Shidou tried to explain as concisely as possible.

Shidou said and looked at the spirit girl with eyes expecting a response


She asked and Shidou just nodded and continued talking

"That's right, we save the spirits by sealing their spiritual energy and giving them a normal life" Shidou

However, contrary to Shidou's thoughts that the girl in front of him would nod and follow him, she spoke up.

"I don't need it" Her words surprised Shidou

"Why?" Shido

"Because I have more important things to do."

"Is it more important? than being chased by the AST?" Shido

"That's right" She said another sentence that surprised him

<Another reason--- more important> Shidou

"What is that----" Shidou

However, just as Shidou finished his sentence, he heard Kotori's voice

<<Shido, the AST group is approaching, please lead her out of there>> Kotori

After Kotori's announcement, Shidou spoke up

"Hey, it's dangerous here, or---" Shidou

However, before Shidou finished speaking, she interrupted Shidou's words

"No need, I'll take care of everything and you get out of here" Rimuru

Shidou was surprised that the spirit girl in front of him seemed to have discovered the AST group as well

"No way! it's not---" Shidou

Once again, before Shidou finished his sentence, he heard a voice coming from Rimuru

"You're so stubborn."

After that sentence

Suddenly the place where he stood right now was not a small alley anymore

Which is----

In the control room of Fraxinus every crew member present looked at him in surprise

Even Kotori is like that....

All eyes on the train were looking at Shidou with surprise
