
Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic!

[FL/ML + BL] Everyone who knows of her nature, is hooked on lady Danbury as she spins her masterful web of clever yet mostly well meant manipulation, making matches and changes here and there directly and indirectly and shaping society of London at her will. Although, her strong persona doesn't stop her from being a good friend as She is the loyal best friend of Violet Bridgerton, but Lady Danbury is also a friend of none other than her Majesty's Queen Charlotte. Which is why perhaps Lady Danbury is in shock as she finds out the queen has made a new secret friend whom she has been meeting with regularly, A new hidden persona that seems to interest Charlotte the most as of recent. After defying the request made by the queen in a letter she sent to Danbury, Agatha finally discovered the identity of the secret friend that turns out to be A spinster Lady in hiding from society. And although her fortune is outstanding, this lady's name is unknown despite that it has been years since she moved and settled in England. Apparently she hasn't attended any social event not even a ball, never married, and is the only surviving member of her family, She isn't a famous figure in the Tons as she came all the way from a different country and remained hidden, perhaps that's why Her name is unfamiliar to Agatha who knows almost every lord and lady there is to know. This Young Lady has been regularly visiting the queen when Lady Danbury is away busy working, but for reasons that only The new Lady and the queen might understand, Queen Charlotte started to favor the time she spends with this Mystical Lady rather than Lady Danbury herself. All of this intrigued Lady Danbury but perhaps the most striking fact about this secret friend is that other than her interest in being of assistance to the queen, she indulges in an unusual yet platonic relationship with her own manservant and Another mystery Lord, which is uncommon for a 30 years old spinster, especially one living willingly in seclusion from the rest of society. But the surprise doesn't end there as once her new friend is on her way back home, Queen Charlotte secretly Asks Lady Danbury to help her with a favor. She wishes for her young lady friend to find love, and she believes Lady Danbury can grant her that wish. So accepting the request, Agatha sets on a mission to bring romance to the life of the queen's new favorite spinster. But Lady Danbury has no idea yet who she is truly against, As this new woman with the help of her two gentlemen friends, is not an easy target to take down. Will Lady Agatha Danbury be able to complete her mission? And what's the story of the two gentlemen friends of the mystery woman she's meant to help her find love? [Fair Warning: Strong language, sexual themes, Traumatic experiences, offensive jokes and This is an LGBT inclusive story, so Happy pride month!] Note: While this is a Bridgerton fanfiction, It will mostly focus on original characters storyline, Actual Bridergton character will be used, but The main focus is not necessarily on them.] Btw, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, wish me luck dear readers!

QW_JiHi · TV
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66 Chs

The best relationships usually begin unexpectedly.

Enjoying another dinner meal together, "Safa said she hired you an assistant...she said you asked her to grant a mate of yours a job." Wolfgang spoke-up.

James smirked, "Are you jealous?" He asked.

Safa and Clara laughed as Wolfgang's face turned beat red and he shouted, "JAMES!"

"Funny enough, I asked him the same question." Safa said.

"Did you also tell him that my assistant has a girl?" James asked.

"I did." Safa replied, "I'm not jealous, why do you keep saying that!" Wolfgang protested.

Smiling, "If it helps you feel better, I find it rather endearing that you were jealous for my sake Wolf." James replied.

"I'm not jealous...ugh, nevermind." Wolfgang said frowning.

"Anyways, with this new hire...this makes it the second time James has hired someone since he became the next lord Teaton." Clara spoke-up.

"The first time was that Gardner I believe, right? How come I never heard anything about this gardener?" Safa said earning a nod from Clara.

"I don't know much about him other than what the maids told me they Heard about him, like how he used to work as an assistant to the actual Gardener of the Struats." Clara replied.

Skeptical, "You never spoke with the Gardner? Don't you see him everyday?" Wolfgang asked.

As he asked that, Safa noticed a strange shift in James's demeanor, he seemed suddenly nervous.

"That Gardner doesn't even greet me back when I tell him good morning...I don't know why he's like that, it could be because he was traumatized by the late Lord Struat's relentless bullying, I heard the poor young man started avoiding women that he might develop feeling for as best as he could, although I did find him having a chat with Margret few times.

But I guess Margret is just a nice and really old lady, maybe he talked to her because he knew he wouldn't be interested in her and she wouldn't be interested in him." Clara replied.

"Huh, how interesting..." Safa said.

"You know Clara I noticed something!" Wolfgang spoke-up.


"You're a very anxious person by nature, I am like that too in a way...but I find myself keeping a distance from most people, yet you gravitate towards the crowd.

Even though you get even more nervous than. Usual around others, you still want to be surrounded by people, you even enjoy it!

How are you like this?" He asked.

Safa smiled at Wolfgang's question and James who was confused, took her smile as a sign that she knew why he asked such a question.

As for Clara, she chuckled and said, "I just ignore that feeling... whenever I get nervous around other people, I just do my best to act as normal and comfortable around them as possible, until I actually start feeling comfortable and my anxiety would lessen."

Astonished, "So you just Fake it Until you make it?" Wolfgang said, "I guess, That's it in short words." Clara replied.

Nodding, "I see...well thank you for answering my question." He said.

"By the way." Safa spoke-up, "James...have you officially given up women?" She asked.

"Uh, what now?" James was confused by her question.

With wide eyes, "Do not tell me you are still bedding women while you are doing whatever you are doing with Wolfgang?!" She asked.

Both Wolfgang and Clara glanced anxiously at James awaiting his answer.

"Obviously not! I haven't seen a woman since the day you rejected my marriage proposal! Who do you think I am?! A heartless whore?!" James replied making the others laugh at him.

"Seriously..." James rolled his eyes at them.

"Well I personally believe it is a good thing to be able to admit bad things about one's self like being...a whore." Safa said teasingly.

"At least I am experimental with my life, you are the scientist here and you're afraid of Intimacy." James teased her back.

"Your experimental behavior, is the whole reason you were almost bankrupt, James!

and on top of that you begged for that reason to be hired." Safa replied.

Sighing, "Oh come on!" James frowned again.

"Wait, what does the new hire has to do with James's financial situation?" Clara asked.

"He chose some boy named Joey to be his assistant, apparently this Joey was the one to encourage James into that failed business deal he did months ago." Wolfgang explained.

Surprised, "What?! Wouldn't this Joey be a bad choice?! Why did you hire him?" Clara asked James.

"He is a good hearted fella, Joey just needs guidance." James replied.

With a sly smirk, "With all due respect James, you need guidance as well." Safa joked.

"Do you hate me?!" James asked, "If I did you would not be dinning at my table." Safa replied.

"Joey...this name reminds me of someone...I used to know a Joey, well his name was actually Joseph although I don't know his full name...but we all called him Joey anyways, he used to live my neighborhood back in Southwark.

He was a troublemaker but he did have a good heart." Clara said smiling at the memory.

Once again, Safa noticed something was wrong with James, the moment he heard Clara's words, he was looking more tense than before.

"James, I remember you said that Your Joey is from Southwark, is he not?" Safa asked.

"Oh, yes!...he is." James replied.

"Wow! It would be a lovely coincidence if the new assistant was the same Joey as the one I grew up with." Clara said.

"Yes...that would be nice." James replied smiling at Clara.

...An hour later...

Once James said goodbye to Clara and Safa, he went downstairs with Wolfgang and before the manservant decide to open the door to let James out, "You're really leaving in this late hour?" He asked.

Chuckling, "Heh, sounds to me like you want me to stay." James replied smirking.

"And what if I do."

"I too wish to stay wolf, but I need to be home tomorrow..."

Suddenly, "I wish Safa would marry you, Then this place would also be your home." Wolfgang's words made James blush.

"Ah...I see what you mean..." James said.

"I know we started whatever this is just few days ago...I know it's early to say things like this or even hope for this unusual relationship to continue to grow...but I can't help but feel...like there is actually something special between us." Wolfgang said before he took James's hands in his.


"James...I really hope you're in love with me...but even if you're not, I want you to know that I really appreciate you asking me to help you with your experiment.

I don't and I will never hold it against you if my heart ends up broken at the end of this, because this is also my choice." Wolfgang said before he pulled James in for a quick kiss.

When he pulled away, Wolfgang released

James's hands slowly, their fingertips touched for a split second before he said, "Goodnight James."

A deeply blushing James whose heart was about to leap off his chest, watched Wolfgang open the door for him with a gentle smile.

"Good... night." James barely managed to utter those words before he found himself rushing to leave.

A carriage was already waiting for him outside, and he climbed in as soon as he could.

Inside the carriage, James clutched his chest, "Why am I only like this now... I've known him for Three years goddamn it...why is it now that I'm realizing that there is something going on?!" He asked himself.

...Early next morning...

"I wish I can come see the queen with you!" Clara whined as she helped Safa take off her nightgown.

"Believe me, I wish I could take you with me as well!...I am not looking forward to meeting the Queen this time, especially now that lady Danbury has inserted herself in my relationship with her majesty.

I am afraid this meeting is going to be a tedious one." Safa replied.

Suddenly, Clara started looking at Safa's naked body

The older woman instantly frowned, "Why are you eyeing me like I am merchandise?!"

Sighing, "God really has favorites...I didn't want to say this before, because I wasn't sure whether you consider this a good thing or not, but I can only imagine how Lucky a man would feel...hugging you." Clara said.

Confused, "What are you blabbering about?!" Safa asked.

"Safa you have one hell of a pair of...Jugs, I'm jealous!"

"Jugs?...JUGS?! Are you talking about my breasts?!" Safa was glaring like crazy, she grabbed a cushion near her and threw it at Clara.

Laughing, Clara ran out of the way dodging the soft attack, "Haha! Alright I have one more thing to say before you kill me...You would look absolutely ravishing in the gown that madam Delacroix will make for you." Clara said hoping to avoid another attack with cushions, only to get hit straight in the face this time.

....Some hours later...

The Queen put on her best surprised face as Safa came into the room, the woman who was being pushed into the room in her wheelchair, could see the Queen was only pretending to be surprised to see Safa in her wheelchair, so Safa decided to play along.

"Your majesty, I apologize that you have to see me in such conditions."

"Safa what happened to you?" Charlotte asked.

"The doctor's orders, I suffered a tiny setback in my health, now I have to use the wheelchair for few weeks." Safa replied.

Charlotte was intrigued why Safa didn't mention the reason she ended-up in the chair again, but she didn't ask about it, she just smiled sympathetically and said "Oh you poor thing, you shouldn't have traveled all the way to here then! You should take better care of your health."

"I cannot do that to you your majesty, I know how much you enjoy our meetings."

"Yes, but one's health should be a priority.".

"I agree, but would it be alright if I skipped few of our meetings?" Safa asked.

"Absolutely, Safa dear." Charlotte replied, "But for now, since you're here, we can have a little chat, I was told you brought a gift." She added.

"I told you I would bring you something." Safa said smiling.


"Young master." Gertrude spoke-up.

She has been sitting there, watching Fabian work in the carpentry workshop today as well, he seemed very peaceful as he carved at the piece of wood in his hands, and this time he was sitting.

"Yes Gertie."

"What did you speak with mister Bridgerton about yesterday? You never told me." Gertrude asked.

"Nothing of great importance..." Fabian blushed when he remembered his dreams, "And by the way, Colin says he did not reach out to lady Danbury for help yet.

So I was right to put my whole trust in him." He added with a smile.

"Hmm...really...It is hard to believe he hasn't spoke with lady Danbury yet.

I asked around, apparently she's a good, no...A great friend of his family, she is almost always at Their house every chance she could.

It is hard to believe they didn't meet yet." Gertrude replied.

"Colin did say she was close with his mother...and I know what you are trying to insinuate Gertie, but I doubt Colin would lie to me about not meeting lady Danbury." Fabian said.

"Maybe he has a good reason to lie...such as..."

"As what?"

"Well I don't know...he is your friend not mine.

Only you can figure out why would Mister Bridgerton lie in this situation...if he did lie." Gertrude said before she stood from her seat.

"Where you going?"

"I have duties remember?"



Fabian watched her leave, but once he was alone, his smile faded quickly.

He didn't want to, but now thanks to Gertrude, he's doubting Colin a little.

Fun fact: Contrary to popular belief, Breasts are not just made up of fat, although fat determines their size.

They are made of a combination of fat and fibrous tissue, which give them their shape, as well as glands and ducts that make breastmilk.

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