
Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic!

[FL/ML + BL] Everyone who knows of her nature, is hooked on lady Danbury as she spins her masterful web of clever yet mostly well meant manipulation, making matches and changes here and there directly and indirectly and shaping society of London at her will. Although, her strong persona doesn't stop her from being a good friend as She is the loyal best friend of Violet Bridgerton, but Lady Danbury is also a friend of none other than her Majesty's Queen Charlotte. Which is why perhaps Lady Danbury is in shock as she finds out the queen has made a new secret friend whom she has been meeting with regularly, A new hidden persona that seems to interest Charlotte the most as of recent. After defying the request made by the queen in a letter she sent to Danbury, Agatha finally discovered the identity of the secret friend that turns out to be A spinster Lady in hiding from society. And although her fortune is outstanding, this lady's name is unknown despite that it has been years since she moved and settled in England. Apparently she hasn't attended any social event not even a ball, never married, and is the only surviving member of her family, She isn't a famous figure in the Tons as she came all the way from a different country and remained hidden, perhaps that's why Her name is unfamiliar to Agatha who knows almost every lord and lady there is to know. This Young Lady has been regularly visiting the queen when Lady Danbury is away busy working, but for reasons that only The new Lady and the queen might understand, Queen Charlotte started to favor the time she spends with this Mystical Lady rather than Lady Danbury herself. All of this intrigued Lady Danbury but perhaps the most striking fact about this secret friend is that other than her interest in being of assistance to the queen, she indulges in an unusual yet platonic relationship with her own manservant and Another mystery Lord, which is uncommon for a 30 years old spinster, especially one living willingly in seclusion from the rest of society. But the surprise doesn't end there as once her new friend is on her way back home, Queen Charlotte secretly Asks Lady Danbury to help her with a favor. She wishes for her young lady friend to find love, and she believes Lady Danbury can grant her that wish. So accepting the request, Agatha sets on a mission to bring romance to the life of the queen's new favorite spinster. But Lady Danbury has no idea yet who she is truly against, As this new woman with the help of her two gentlemen friends, is not an easy target to take down. Will Lady Agatha Danbury be able to complete her mission? And what's the story of the two gentlemen friends of the mystery woman she's meant to help her find love? [Fair Warning: Strong language, sexual themes, Traumatic experiences, offensive jokes and This is an LGBT inclusive story, so Happy pride month!] Note: While this is a Bridgerton fanfiction, It will mostly focus on original characters storyline, Actual Bridergton character will be used, but The main focus is not necessarily on them.] Btw, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, wish me luck dear readers!

QW_JiHi · TV
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66 Chs

Let the rain wash away yesterday's troubles.

"I knew it! You lied!"

"Fabian, calm down."

"You want me to calm down?! You lied to me Colin!"

"I was just panicked at the moment...it was never my intention I swear!"

Just as he promised lady Danbury, Colin went the next day to tell Fabian the truth, that Agatha knew everything about his silly temporary infatuation with Safa, Even the dreams.

An embarrassed and mortified Fabian was losing his mind, understandably.

And Gertrude who has just returned from church to resume her duties, as she usually does every Sunday.

Expected to find Fabian still asleep and late for breakfast, it was a habit of his by now, so she headed straight to his room to wake him up, only to find him already up and arguing with Colin.

"Well hello to you Mister Bridgerton, I was wondering what trouble you might bring for us on your next visit!" She said with a sarcastic smile.

"Gertie you were right! He already met with Lady Danbury and told her that I have FEELINGS for Safa!" Fabian immediately snitched.

"Fai, please! It's not like this is a huge problem! Lady Danbury is more than willing to help you!" Colin said.

"But I do not want her to set me with Safa!" Fabian replied.

Sighing, "Does lady Danbury intend on persuading lady Vega as well?" Gertrude asked.

"Well, she thinks we should cross Safa off the list first before we can try other women, she says it's important that Fabian's heart is free before he tries other options." Colin said.

"I hate this, I am going to find me a drink!" Fabian replied and hurried to leave the room.

"But you said you were going to quit drinking! FAI!" Colin said but Fabian didn't care and left, "Let him be, he can't cut off all the alcohol immediately or he would lose his mind.

No one can just give-up on an addiction easily, you always start slow And It takes time and motivation, but definitely not a friend to stab you in the back." Gertrude said.

"I know you dislike me, but can you at least be on my side when it comes to Fabian?! Am I truly the only one here that cares about his happiness?!

I know you think he and Safa could work as a pair so why are you not helping me?!" Colin questioned.

"I already told you, unless Safa herself is open to the idea, I won't help you." Gertrude replied.

"But what if I can change her mind?"

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"The best chance we have is to make them meet more often.

Safa has yet to visit again that is if she visits again, and I doubt Fabian would visit her on his own without a strong reason, so i plan to create an occasion where the two can meet again." Colin replied.

Skeptical, "And what do you exactly want from me?" Gertrude asked, "You don't have to do or say anything to Safa, just please focus on Fabian, he needs someone to push him forward.

Miss Gertrude, you cared about his aunt, you know that she wanted for Fabian to be happy, help her please! She cannot be here for him, so at least you do that." He replied.

Sighing, "As long as you promise me, no more unnecessary lies and deceit.

From here on out, you promise that You will be more careful with Young master's heart, he really love you as a friend." Gertrude said.

Colin smiled joyfully, "Yes! Absolutely!"

"And the same goes with Safa, you have to be decent with her.

if these two should be untied, it should happen as natural as possible." Gertrude said.

"Worry not! I want these two to have a nice romance, but before that they need to meet more often and get to know each other.

I am sure if you encourage Fabian, he will listen to you, he seems to value your opinion compared to mine because of how close you were to his aunt."

"I see, so then...this occasion you plan on creating? What is it exactly?"

"Oh yes! Let me tell you about it later, but first we need to find and stop Fabian from drinking." Colin replied.


"Is she still not eating anything?" Safa asked.

With Denver on her lap, a depressed looking Safa sat in the drawing room waiting for nothing in particular.

Ever since their return the day before, Clara has boarded herself in the room next to Safa, she refused to open the door or talk with anyone.

She didn't eat dinner, and now she is refusing to come for breakfast.

"Yes...give her some time, she'll eventually come out of there." Wolfgang replied.

"Today is raining again...how ironic for a Sunday." Safa said, "Look at the bright side, Denver is comfortable in your lap." Wolfgang said with a smile.

"Wolfgang, Do not attempt to comfort me..."


"You knew something was going on."

"I had an idea but James never told me everything, I swear."

"If he had told you, would you have kept it a secret?"

"Do you want the truth?" Wolfgang said, "I would have kept it a secret yes, because when I tried to get him to tell me, I had given James my word that I wouldn't tell his secret."

Sighing, "Goodness...how cruel.

Of all the things I imagined James to do, To enjoy all that wealth he inherited and even blow it on a stupid deal, while watching his own flesh and blood struggle everyday to make a living?!

And on top of that he tried to use my money to further hide the truth." Safa replied.

"It's not an easy thing to tell someone, that they're an illegitimate child Safa...especially not a noble's illegitimate child.

It wasn't like the family would publicly welcome her as their own, James's own mother left the house just so she doesn't have to look at Clara.

Not to mention that if the other nobles heard of Clara, they would've ridiculed her and the entire Teaton family." Wolfgang said.

"That does not change the fact that she had a right to know! Everyone is this stupid Ton, only care about Their damn reputation.

While poor Clara met the man who was her father and watched him die for a year, not knowing that the man on his death bed was the reason she was alive?!

She believed he was just some kind and generous man, who took pity on her and taught her how to read and write! A man who allowed her to slack off in her job just to go read in his library.

And what about James?! Did she not deserve to know her own brother? The man who always smiled at her face, and called her Dear?!"

"She deserved to know, and I had told him that whomever he's hiding and whatever he's hiding from them, they deserved to know.

But let's be honest here, it isn't easy to make such confession, Safa.

So Can you at least consider giving him another chance?"

"I just...I do not know anymore... just how many chances do I have to give him Wolfgang?! James keeps on surprising me in the worst ways possible." Safa said.

Wolfgang went to Safa and sat besides her, "Just one more...I beg of you Safa.

James means well, he always does, you know that!

So Please don't cut him off, at least think of me." He replied with hopeful eyes.

"You usually be the first to scold James on his irrationality? Are you letting your feelings for him cloud your judgement?" Safa questioned.

"He may be my lover, but I'm not that blind to not see that his actions were wrong." Wolfgang replied.

Surprised, "Lover?...Did he say he loves you?" Safa asked.

Blushing, "Yes...he did...but that's not the most important thing now." Wolfgang replied.

"Are you kidding me?! He brainwashed you with a false confession to get him another chance from me?!"

"It wasn't a false confession I swear!"

"Oh really?!"

"Yes! James meant it! I could tell!"

Safa questioned the manservant with her eyes, "I swear, he isn't using me...the truth is I volunteered to help him." Wolfgang said.

"And why did you?" Safa asked.

"Because before we went to his house yesterday, Clara had said that she wanted our four people friendship to last forever.

She was happy because we were together, but with the secret out I'm afraid she Will never be happy again, and I really care about her.

You care about her too, you liked having her as a friend? Did you not?

Safa, i want things to get back to normal as soon as possible, so I will help James earn her forgiveness and yours, because I also care about him too." Wolfgang replied, "So please, give him another chance to prove his good intentions." He added.

Grunting loudly, "UGH... seriously...only if yesterday did not happen I would have been enjoying all the teasing I could have done to you now that You and James are officially together." Safa said, "Fine, I will not cut him off from my side, but this is the last chance ever! Understood."

"Yes! Absolutely!" A smiling Wolfgang replied.

"However Clara is still off limits Until she herself decides to grants him another chance.

And James is still not allowed in here, so make sure to tell him that." Safa said.

"Understood! Tomorrow once the other servants are back, I can leave to go see him and I will let him know of everything you told me." Wolfgang replied.

"And while you are at it, you might as well ask him for that Joey boy's address, and go see the boy yourself." Safa said.

Confused, "Joey? Why?" Wolfgang asked.

"I want you to bring him with you, I wish to hire him myself this Time, so I need to have a conversation with him." Safa replied.

"Why do you want to hire him?"

"He may have a bubble for a head but Joey has shown himself to be an honest and kindhearted man, his refusal for the assistant job offer shows he has a Sense of justice that cannot be bought with money.

I would like to have him by my side, and if he does not want a job from me, I still wish to reward him so make sure to take a gift with you for when you do go see him."

"As you wish then." Wolfgang replied.



"Yes your majesty?"

"It seems, that our Safa may have found someone of interest."

"A man I assume?"

"Well, she was awfully vague about the person, she called them her friend and asked for an advice on a marriage situation that they're going through at the moment.

but I assume it might be a man, of a prestigious family.

Possibly a member of the Ton as well." Charlotte said.

"I see, well I shall look into it, he might be the man I have in mind." Agatha replied.

Curious, "You know what friend she might be talking about?" Charlotte asked.

"I do, however I had promised to a little secrecy on the matter to a friend of that very same Man.

So Until I can confirm that Safa have or does not have an interest in the gentleman, I hope you understand why I am being vague with you.

This will greatly help with my quest." Agatha replied.

"Well, as long as this does help Safa's marriage situation, I can handle a little vagueness." Charlotte said, "Thank you for understanding your majesty."

"Now, let me tell you about the gift she brought yesterday, it is truly wonderful!

my skin has never ever felt like this before and I have only used it for one day so far!"

"What gift?"

"A face cream or so she calls it that way."

Fun fact: In the African nation of Botswana, the currency is the Botswanan pula. The word “pula,” though, also means “rain,” and its use as the name of the primary currency demonstrates just how rare and precious rain is in this sub-Saharan country.

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