


A gigantic Minotaur roared as it uses its remaining power to strengthen itself. A man can be seen not far from the Minotaur holding a sword while being completely naked, as clothes in hell can't survive from the burning temperature.

This is Hell far worse than Tartarus, as demons such as Lucifer reside and rule the whole of the Realm of Hell.

The Minotaur smashed directly towards the man, but the man dodge it by floating fast enough to cut the Minotaur's right arm as the smash made the ground shake. looking at the field you can see a stream of boiling red blood making a small pond where the Minotaur and the man are fighting.

After an hour of battle, the man barely won as the bones from his left arm are broken. His whole body is covered in blood as it's full of scratches. The man approaches the dead Minotaur laying down while mumbling some words until he sat down at the side of the Minotaur's body.

Moments later the Minotaur's body almost become a skeleton as its blood and muscle were drained by the man. The man didn't suck or ate the Minotaur's body just simply absorbing the Minotaur's strength and power.

The man is now completely healed from the injuries that he took while fighting the Minotaur. His broken bones are not only healed but become stronger. His body full of blood and scratches is now gone.


My name is Cereus, a God born with no mother nor father. I came from Chaos same as my sisters and brothers, but I doubt that they still remember me there youngest brother. Though before I become a God I was just a normal human living on modern Earth but died due to Covid19.

I was given a chance to live so I took it and now I'm here in Hell surviving. I've been living here for about 50 years now, I do not age nor die. My power is to absorb the power of my opponents when I kill them.

Maybe that is why I was thrown here, to begin with, I was probably a fragile-looking baby not as strong nor good-looking as my brothers. Though now I can call myself a good-looking man, for powerful that's gonna take years for me to achieve.

Day and Night for the last 50 years I spent battling with monsters and devils stronger than me, but I need to go to the higher realm of hell in order for me to become more powerful and stronger.

Though in order to go into the higher realm I need to pass a gate and that gate is guarded by the most powerful demon currently in this realm which is the lowest realm. I decided to go to the highest realm and be friends with Lucifer.