

A girl who thought she knew how her life would play out; get the sports scholarship from the International Volleyball Capital, go to college/ med school, and then become an anesthesiologist. Simple, right? Well, after realizing she was much too over her head to handle the now fatal IVC, she has to uncover her mother's past, try to erase the undeniable feelings for Miya Atsumu, and keep her team of all all-boys Karasuno Crows safe. And her reputation as the only girl on Karasuno's team, but that's not the most important thing right now.

Thedeadre · Cómic
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7 Chs

005※ A Jealous Streak.

As Y/n rode the school bus to her high school, she couldn't stop thinking about the adventures that might await her. She did wish that she was allowed to bring a friend with her.

Rin, one of her three best friends, is deathly obsessed with anime and manga so it would've been the coolest birthday present to tell him that he could go to Japan with her. Sadly, it wasn't permitted.

It was next Wednesday. In ten minutes or so she would be turning in her travel form and next Wednesday she would be flying out to Japan to train however the IVC wanted her to.

On the paper, it said there would be a chauffeur waiting for her, and they would drive her to her housing area.

She was also going to be assigned a school to attend that would take the upcoming weekend to enroll her into based on which country she would choose.

As the bus came to a stop in front of the school, she reminisced to any games where there was a odd, or maybe to-normal, looking person in the stands constantly on their phone or writing on a clipboard to take notes.

Now that she thinks about it, around her first official game there was man there who was decked out in a bucket hat and sweat pants despite it being 93℉ outside. ( ~ 33.8℃)

Then again, it could've been over TV since they won the Nationals. Yeah, that seems more believable.

She hopped off the bus stairs and walked to the coach's office to hand in the papers. On the way there, she could hear her name being said in a conversation, Mia and Alicia's voices recognizable in the conversation.

She continued her walk, lightly smiling at everything she heard passing them by. It was things like ' It should've been me' or her personal favorite ' I'm way better at spiking'. In terms of height, yes, Alicia was the better fit standing at 5'11.

But, because she had such height she never required as much leg strength as Y/n did to jump high so it's only natural that she's stronger than Alicia. It's like an idiot having to work twice as hard a genius to understand the basics of math.

She opened the door after being permitted to. " Uh, I have the form to turn in."

Coach's eyes slightly gleamed as she took the paper from the ace and immediately began packaging it in a yellow envelope, ready to be mailed.

" Sit down, Y/n." She said nicely. She complied and sat in the chair, confused as to why she now needed to stay longer than wanted.

" Since I'm technically your volleyball guardian, I'm supposed to make sure you completely understand everything that's going to happen starting next Wednesday."

Y/n began chewing the inside of her bottom lip. " I'm just practicing in Japan and then coming back home, right?" That was it, right? She didn't think it was anymore complicated than that.

" Not exactly. Well yes, but you're going to be staying there for the rest of your high school years including the rest of your freshman years."

Her jaw dropped. This whole time she thought she was going to be there for a couple months at max, but for three and half years? That's crazy. And the idea that her mother was actually okay with it was even crazier.

" By the looks of it, it seems you didn't know. It's not as bad as you're thinking it is, Y/n. Japan is actually really famous for it's volleyball teams like the MSBY Black Jackals, the Schweiden Adlers, and more ran worldwide, so you're in for a treat if they notice."

You were about to remind her that you just wanted the scholarship, but she continued talking.

" Now, there are some guidelines however." She read off a long list, " You are required to join a volleyball team while in Japan and you must attend all ICC meetings according to the itinerary they'll send you tomorrow morning."

Before she could continue, Y/n interrupted her. " Wait, what's the ICC? Did you mean, like, the IVC?"

Coach pursed her lips at the tan girl. " For someone so good at volleyball, you sure are oblivious. The IVC is just a little organization under the entire ICC, or the International Competition Capital. Under the ICC are other popular sports like Basketball, IBC, Football, IFC, and Hockey, IHC. Volleyball is just another sport among 30 others."

" Oh." She had no idea the IVC was actually just a little part of something much bigger. " So, then how exactly does it work then?"

Coach face palmed. It felt like they were back at square one.

" Alright, basically there are IVC corporations in every country where volleyball ranks in the top 15 most popular sports. Same goes for the other sports. In Japan, it ranks number 4 so it's huge there, and you're housing will probably be placed somewhere near the headquarters for these 'meetings'. I don't know what these meetings are about since the ICC is very mysterious about their organization, but it's very good to put on a resume, so don't mess it up."

Y/n listened intently to the Coach's explanation, loving the mysterious aspect of it.


Thanks for reading beans???