

A girl who thought she knew how her life would play out; get the sports scholarship from the International Volleyball Capital, go to college/ med school, and then become an anesthesiologist. Simple, right? Well, after realizing she was much too over her head to handle the now fatal IVC, she has to uncover her mother's past, try to erase the undeniable feelings for Miya Atsumu, and keep her team of all all-boys Karasuno Crows safe. And her reputation as the only girl on Karasuno's team, but that's not the most important thing right now.

Thedeadre · Cómic
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7 Chs

004※ Surprise.

Er, I may have forgotten to say this in the author thing, but Y/n has some predetermined traits in this story. It won't really clash i hope, but i just wanted to make sure yall knew!!

I hate cereal so much.


With the slightly crumpled white packet in her sports bag, she faced out the window of her car while her mother drove her home. It was silent. An uncomfortable scene to watch since Y/n and her mother weren't that close.

Of course, you can't get closer than a mother-daughter relationship, but she was so work-obsessed it felt like her mother was more of a busy roommate with a loud boyfriend that was over all the time.

Her father, F/n, was of African descent but born in America. Her mother, on the other hand, wouldn't tell her exactly where, but she said she was from a country around east Asia. Y/n's best guess was the Philippines since she made Pancit and beef lumpia for dinner often.

It was a secret only her and y/n's father know. Though, she did say that it was beautiful where she lived since she grew up on the seaside.

" So, " Her mother began seriously, still staring at the road, " when were you going to tell me about your IVC offer?"

Y/n's head turned so quick her neck strained. It was only twenty minutes ago she and the coach were discussing it, so how did her mom know already??

She glanced at her surprised daughter once before returning to the street signs. " I got an email yesterday addressed from some organization called the International Volleyball Capital saying they wanted to recruit you."

She didn't sound angry or sad, yet her voice was laced with a hint of worry.

" Uh, I just got the news today, so I was gonna tell you at home. I'm not doing it though, so it doesn't really matter."

Y/n's mood dropped as her mother stayed silent. She was secretly hoping her mother would understand the opportunity and generously agree, but instead she just kept driving. She turned her head back to the car window, the white street lights illuminating every yard.

As the car finally pulled into the long driveway leading up to the house, her mother gave a heavy sigh. She quietly glanced at her, hoping that maybe this was the turning point.

But no.

She climbed out of the car and unlocked the door to the house, letting her daughter inside before her.


Y/n's eyes shifted to the clock that read 9:37 Pm. Seven minutes ago, she had finished her night routine and climbed into bed, trying to fall asleep, but there was something she just couldn't get off her mind—minus the arguing from her parent's room.

Throughout her life, there were many instances where she got her hopes up and was heavily let down by her parents, so it was only natural that she learned not to get her hopes up anymore.

The problem was that even still, with all the learning she'd done, her mind couldn't stop imagining things like ' what if in the morning they surprise you and say you can go?'. It didn't even make sense why she was imagining scenarios like this.

She was the one who said she liked a challenge as in getting an academic versus a sports scholarship, so why did she hope things would change in the morning? Well, her only answer was that she wanted to travel.

Maybe she really was a travel kind of person. She never thought she was, but maybe.

As her gaze scanned the clock again, it read 9:40 Pm and she turned on her side. What if she did go? In the packet, she was supposed to fill out some personal information and then request which country she wanted to be stationed at.

She couldn't remember them all, but Canada sounded cool. She'd heard everyone there, as a stereotype, was extremely nice and thoughtful. Of course, she'd be required to attend school, but she was good at making friends as long as they weren't mean.

In the case that they were, she was good at demoralizing mean people to a point of no return.


She gulped down the last bit of her cereal and huffed her heavy backpack onto her shoulders. Her name was called out before she could exit the front door.

She turned to her mother who had her arms crossed and an intimidating aura. This pose of hers only showed when Y/n was in trouble, but she didn't know what she did wrong this time. It was also possible that her mother was frustrated with her job as a Professor.

" Yes?" She asked kindly as to not piss off her mother further.

" You're forgetting this. Don't do it again."

Y/n's eyes enlarged at the filled-out paper that read TRAVEL FORM DUE FRIDAY, 3:45 PM being held out with her mother's bony hand. Every line and question was filled out in her mother's professional handwriting. Including her perfectly drawn signature.

In the corner, there stood her father holding a thumbs up as if he had something to do with her mom's compliance.

She hesitantly grabbed the paper from her, giving a confused look.

" After your father explained it to me, we decided that this would best aid you in your medical major." She said with a hard tone.

Not wanting to show how happy she was, she simply nodded her head and turned around. She grabbed the doorknob but was quickly turned around and engulfed with a warm hug, a familiar jasmine scent filling her nose.

"I signed you up for Japan. Don't do anything dangerous while you're gone, or I'll personally fly out and hit you with my chancla. I'm serious." She muttered into her hair softly.

Although this kind of affection wasn't common between Y/n and her, it was still enjoyable. She hugged back and laughed at her mother's joke, which almost wasn't a joke since she could very well fly to Japan and do that.

" We don't leave until next week, but yeah, I promise."

From the side, she gave her father a thumbs up and a grin that screamed 'thank you'.


Thanks for reading, beans???