
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

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9 Chs

Waking Up

"Ok, you can do this" I tried to psych myself up. My legs were shaking and my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest.

I looked down and saw the busy streets of New York sprawled out below me. I was standing on top of the Empire State Building getting ready to do the stupidest thing imaginable, jumping off.

I couldn't help but, take a deep breath and think back to how the hell I got myself into this mess.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Two weeks ago I was sitting in a hospital with a terminal illness. And next thing I know I'm waking up in the body of Peter Parker.

At first I had a splitting headache as a flood of memories flooded into me.

I saw myself growing up with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, playing with Mary Jane who lived next door, and Getting bullied by Flash Thompson in Middle School. Then finally I saw myself getting bit by a spider and collapsing on my bed later that day from a heart attack.

At first I panicked a little not knowing what to do but, I quickly realized that wasn't helping.

Maybe it was because I was stuck in a hospital not know if I would see tomorrow for most of my last life, but once I got past my initial shock I realized that I was actually surprisingly calm.

Once I was calm my mind started racing at a million miles per hour. Thinking of everything I would need to do from now on.

I remember reading in a comic that Peter Parker's IQ was around 270 but, this was just ridiculous. In less than 30 seconds I already created my perfect plan to become Spiderman.

From the spider bite in my memories I knew that I already had my spider powers but, I needed to make sure.

For a moment I thought about jumping to see if it was higher than normal but, quickly threw that thought away because I didn't want to put a hole in the ceiling.

So I got down on my stomach and started doing push ups. Normally an average teenager especially a nerdy one like Peter would be able to do around 20 or so push ups. And here I was easily blowing past 100 push ups without even breaking a sweat.

I jump back to my feet excited from confirming I had super powers. It was strange as I was I could probably lift of ten tons but, aside from my body feeling extremely light like how you feel after putting down a heavy weight after carrying it for a long time. Nothing else felt weird.

I shook my head there would be plenty of time to test my powers later. Looking at my clock it was around 7:30 in the morning and the school bus would be getting here any moment.

After eating a quick breakfast that Aunt May left in fridge for me before going to work. I was out in front of my house which just happened to be where the bus stop was.

This specific bus stop was a little weird I was actually the only one who used it.

All of the other students at Midtown High were either closer to another bus stop, got a ride from someone else, or had their own car.

Looking at the deserted street in front of me I couldn't help getting a little frustrated. Which confused me a little.

I sighed to myself it looks like I inherited more than just the original Peter's memories. The reason I was upset was because I didn't used to be the only one to use this bus stop.

"Morning Peter" an upbeat voice came from behind me.

I put on a fake smile before turning around "morning MJ."

When I turned and saw the pleasant smile the redhead was giving me I had the urge to vomit.

Peter and MJ had known each other for their entire lives and for most of it they had been best friends. That all changed though on the first day of freshman year.

Growing up Mary Jane was always a bit on the heavy side and was constantly being bullied for it. Peter was pretty much her only friend for her entire life and they were nearly inseparable.

Every thing was perfect until the summer before high school. All of the fat seemed to slide off her in less than a month letting her become the bombshell she was today.

After she got skinny it was like she became a completely different person. Before she was a shy bookworm kind of like Peter. Now she was filled with confidence and even worked up the courage to ask Peter on a date which went surprisingly well.

But, then the first day of school came and me and MJ walked into clasd. Flash went over like usual to give me my first beating of the year and stopped cold the second he saw MJ.

"Whoa, who are you" he shouted drawing the attention of the entire class.

I could hear everyone murmuring about how hot the new girl was.

"What don't you recognize me Flash" MJ sneered?

"Mary Jane" Flash shouted in shock stunning everyone!

After that she was surrounded by the entire classroom who couldn't stop fawning over her.

I could see a strange light in her eyes and could tell she was enjoying all the attention.

Not long after that the bell rang signaling the start of homeroom and MJ went to take her usual seat next to me when Flash stopped her.

"Hey MJ how bout you come sit with me and my friend today."

And that was the end of it. From then on she completely ignored me during school. Even when her newfound 'friends' were bullying me she didn't say a word.

To make things even worse she started dating Harry Osborn my ex-best friend.

Now wait at the bus stop and looking at the girl in front of me I couldn't understand how she could actually stand in front of me and pretend we were still friends.

"How are you doing today Peter you seemed kind of sick when you went home from the field trip at Oscorp yesterday" she asked?

I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes "if you really cared you would have went with me to see if I was okay. Maybe if you did the the real Peter wouldn't have died in his sleep."

"Don't worry about it I'm fine now I was just feeling a bit nauseous."

"That's good."

"So is Harry picking you up again" I asked trying to end the conversation as soon as possible?

"Yeah he"

"Honk" a car horn blared from down the street.

"Speak of the devil" she giggled.

"Morning babe" Harry smiled as he pulled up in his red Lamborghini.

"Hi everyone" MJ waved at the car.

I only gave the car a side long glance seeing as it was full of some of my least favorite people.

"Hi MJ" Liz waved back.

"Hey Red" Flash greeted her while eyeing me with an ominous glint in his eye.

"Alright bye bye Tiger" MJ didn't even look back at me while jumping into the car.

Completely over everything that was happening right now I turned around and began walking over to the spot where I'd sit and wait for the bus.

Flash seeing me turn my back stood up and readied to throw the half empty cup of coffee he was holding in his hand.

Even though everyone else in the car saw this no one tried to stop him. Not even Mary Jane though she'd did look conflicted for a moment.

As I was walking I felt a strange tingling in my head. It only took a moment for me to realize that it was my spider sense.

"Damn it Flash" I cursed in my mind knowing it was definitely him who threw something at me.

I quickly bent down pretending to tie my shoe while the coffee sailed over my head.

"Tch, lucky Parker" Flash complained while Harry laughed and started driving off.

I didn't even turn to look at the as they drove off. I just kneeled there on the ground for a moment trying to understand the tears that were falling from my eyes.

"Weird" I whispered out loud while wiping the tears. It looks like the original Peter's emotions had more sway over me than I thought.

I also realized that while everything was happening a moment ago I treated all the memories of Mary Jane as if they were my own.

I guess instead of saying that I took over Peter's body, it would probably be more accurate to say that the little bit of him that was left combined with me to create a completely new person.